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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, August 10, 2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman James Juliano, Vice Chairman Sandra Motyka, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows, Karen Pierce. ABSENT: Kathleen Madzula.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, four members of public.

Public Participation. Ed Pitochelli,  owner of Ace Hardware, would like the Board of Managers to open an account at Ace Hardware. Ace offers volume discounts. They would deliver to the Edmond Town Hall. The Board agreed to open an account.    

Kristin Peterson, Conveyor Moderator of Housatonic Valley Election Unit for the Northwest Ambulance Association, spoke tonight concerning the Newtown Ambulance Association which is looking for a location for training sessions once a month for about fifteen to thirty people. Mrs. Pierce met with Ms. Peterson and another representative of the Ambulance Association and toured spaces in the Edmond Town Hall.
Newtown Ambulance Association would also like to rent space on the second Wednesday of each month for a meeting. Space for Monday and Wednesday CPR classes is also needed  for six months of the year.

Bruce Herring, Newtown Ambulance Association, said that the Association plans to add onto the Ambulance Garage and continue to use that building.

Ms. Peterson said that storage space for items for the classes will also be needed for fourteen bins, mannequins, two file cabinets and two racks. The Old Court Room and the old Registrar’s Office will be considered.

Acceptance of Minutes Upon motion of  Mrs. Fellows, the minutes of the regular meeting of July 13, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney said that the summer movies are doing very well. “Stray Cats” would like the Lower Meeting Room, five hours on Friday nights and they asked for a discount because they are a non-profit. Mrs. Motyka said that we need a rate card that is equitable for everyone. Ms. Hurley cancelled the cooking classes. Mrs. Fellows said that someone else is looking for space for cooking classes. OSHA said that the inspection that was done for asbestos and lead was incomplete. A proposal of $2,600 was given to Mr. Mahoney for completion of the entire building that is mandatory within thirty days. Mr. Juliano said that there is a roof hatch which leads to piping that has a small amount of asbestos that could be encapsulated. The back of the boiler room also needs to be encapsulated. Mrs. Motyka moved to authorize the expenditure of $2,600 for a complete report from EMCO. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mahoney will be on vacation at the time of the next meeting.

Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan is out sick. Mr. Juliano reviewed the work schedule with Mr. Kathan and he noted that Mr. Kathan, Chris and Glen have been doing an excellent job.

Chairman’s Report. Borough Attorney Don Mitchell wrote an opinion that renting space to a union official is not in compliance with the Borough zoning regulations (Attachment A to original minutes). Mr. Juliano will discuss this matter with Borough Warden Jim Gaston. Mrs. Pierce asked if the Board of Managers should retain an attorney for such matters. Mr. Juliano would like a committee formed to review the Borough laws.

Mr. Juliano submitted the Annual Report to the Town Clerk.

Report from Mary Hawley Society. No report.

Correspondence.  Mrs. Motyka distributed a reply to the Land Use Agency concerning the update to the Plan of Conservation and Development which the Board concurred with (Attachment B to original minutes).

Mrs. Pierce reported that the Borough is ready to move into the former Town Clerk’s office when the carpet is installed. Mr. Mahoney will coordinate these items. He said that door is needed between the two sections also.  

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Smith moved to approve payment of building bills totaling $17,323.94 and theater bills totaling $18,801.86,  for a total of $36,125.80 when funds are available. Second by Mrs. Motyka and unanimously carried. The bills paid for the Lathrop studio will be kept in a separate account.

Unfinished Business.

Capital Improvement Project (CIP) list and Standing Committee Review. Mrs. Motyka distributed the old CIP list dated September 1, 2009.  

Status of Lathrop project. The sub flooring is in. The floor will be coated beginning tomorrow. Mr. Juliano is waiting for quotes for the door. He is having a suspended ceiling installed.  

Removal of lead paint has been completed.

Grants. Mrs. Motyka will file a pre-application for a grant for a full energy audit for the building.

Discount for first time users of the Alexandria Room. A rate card needs to be established. A subcommittee of Mrs. Motyka, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Mahoney will present suggestions for a rate card at the September meeting.

The Borough will amend their regulations in order to approve the directory sign.

Mrs. Fellows  said that the credit card company will come to the Manager’s office to set up the equipment.

New Business. None noted.

Comments around the Table. None noted.

Possible Executive Session. Mrs. Motyka moved to enter executive session at 9:20 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk