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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. ~Vice-Chairman Sandra Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Vice Chairman Sandra Motyka, James Juliano,  Mary Fellows, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce and Kathy Madzula. ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan, one member of the public.

Public Participation. Kate Katcher  represents Stray Cats Theater Company, a non-profit theater which would like to schedule performances in the Alexandria Room. Nine Friday evening performances would be scheduled for this year beginning in September or October and running through next summer. Storage would not be needed. She said that she did not consider Little Theater because her schedule would conflict with their schedule for part of the year and also that theater is not winterized. She would like to see the gym become a black box theater space in the future and would like to see the building become an arts center. Mrs. Motyka suggested that the gym be taken off the table for the present. She also suggested that Ms. Katcher consider the smaller spaces in the building. She asked that Ms. Katcher discuss scheduling with Mr. Mahoney and keep the Board of Managers in the loop. Mr. Mahoney asked what the rate would be. This will be determined in the near future.  

Acceptance of Minutes Upon motion of Mrs. Pierce the minutes of June 8, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented. Upon motion of Mrs. Smith, the minutes of June 28, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented. It is noted that the meeting for the CIP fund review with Bob Tait is rescheduled for July 15 at 1:00 and Mr. Juliano and Mrs. Smith will attend.

Building Administrator’s Report. Mr. Mahoney reported that David Merrill placed the names of Mr. Borst and Mrs. Llodra on the mural and requested $100 out of the mural fund which Mr. Mahoney paid to him. On July 22 Mrs. Hurley will hold her first cooking class. Mr. Juliano noted that having 100 people in the room for the class may tax the cooling system. Mr. Mahoney noted that one group that recently used the room complained about the heat. A fan will be added to the room for events during the summer.

The carpet has been installed next door. Mrs. Pierce said that the Borough would like a more open space for their offices than the former Selectman’s office. She will call Warden Gaston and advise him that the Board needs a decision on what space the Borough would like as soon as possible. She said that the Borough asked if they will have their own entrance into the vault area; they will.

Mr. Kathan said that he is waiting for approval  from the State for his staff to remove the lead paint.

Mr. Mahoney reported that the Postal Union is happy with the room upstairs at a rate of $250. Borough Zoning Officer St. Jean said that this will be discussed at the Borough meeting tomorrow night which Mrs. Pierce will attend. Mrs. Fellows thought that these rooms were going to be used in conjunction with use of the Alexandria Room. Mrs. Motyka said that this was never accepted as part of the plan for this room.

Mr. Mahoney presented forms to be signed for the bank which will be completed after the meeting tonight.

Building Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Kathan received the third quote for the roof leaks over the Probate Office. Mr. Juliano recommends going with the lowest guaranteed price of $2,300 and scheduling the work after the Lathrop work is done. The Board concurred.

Mrs. Motyka noted that the issue of the fire escape stairs which is on the CIP was never brought to the Board as a safety issue. Mr. Kathan said that this was scheduled to be done last fall but was delayed because of the weather. This will be moved up on the list of priorities.

Mathison Floors wanted $5,000 for a pre-finished floor for the old Bowling Alley. The company also said that $1,000 per year should be spent to refinish the Alexandria Room floors but he did not mention this when he repaired the floor. Mr. Mathison will be invited to the next Board meeting to discuss the Alexandria Room floor.  

Mrs. Madzula questioned the fact that the $2,300 for the repair of the roof leak does not include the retrofit drain kit of $1,500. Mr. Kathan said that the price includes replacing the whole drain and flashing but the other contractors would not replace the entire drain and flashing.

Mr. Kathan said there was a problem with the air conditioning in the Alexandria Room. He replaced a belt and Edgerton subsequently discovered that one compressor was down and they repaired it.  

Chairman’s Report. No report.

Report from Mary Hawley Society. No report.

Correspondence. Mrs. Motyka will write up some bullet points for the update of the Plan of Conservation and Development for review at the next meeting.

Mrs. Motyka sent a sympathy card to Mr. Gill.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Smith moved to approve payment of Building bills totaling $7,873.55  and Theater bills totaling $9,499.46  for a total of $17,373.01 when funds are available. Mrs. Smith noted that Marcy told her that when a Board member asks Marcy for a check she gives the check to that Board member. Mrs. Motyka noted that there should be an invoice that is presented to the Board for each such check.  Motion to pay the bills as presented was seconded by Mr. Juliano and unanimously carried. The Kesco bill will not be paid until it is researched further.

Unfinished Business.

Standing Committee Review. Employee reviews need to be scheduled.

Follow up report on abatement and estimate/bids from contractors. Mr. Juliano reported that the lowest price was $3,350 from Elvis. Mr. Juliano gave the company a check for $350 to begin the project.

Follow up report on status of Lathrop project. Mr. Juliano said sheet rocking is being done today, windows are on order. The lowest flooring price is from Kent for $3,245. Mr. Juliano moved to award the project to Kent at a cost of $3,245. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried. Mr. Juliano noted that the Public Works Director said there are asbestos dots on the ceiling tiles that were acquired from the Fairfield Hills buildings. Mr. Juliano said that this was not his understanding. The Clerk of Works Bill Knight will review this with Maria DeMarco.

Signs. Mrs. Fellows reported that the Borough will discuss this tomorrow night and they feel that the sign that the Board of Managers presented will not be a problem.

New Business.

Grants. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Motyka met with First Selectman Llodra concerning grants for the Edmond Town Hall. Mrs. Motyka  said that there are planning grants available.

Election of Chairman. Mrs. Smith nominated Mr. Juliano as Chairman. Second by Mrs. Pierce. Mr. Juliano accepted the nomination. There were no other nominations. Mr. Juliano was elected Chairman by unanimous vote.  

The Board thanks Mrs. Motyka for her efforts as Vice Chairman and Acting Chairman of the Board of Managers.

Comments around the Table.

Mrs. Fellows presented credit card information from Newtown Savings Bank. Credit cards could be used in the box office and in the Manager’s Office for events. She will bring further information to the next meeting. Credit cards would be considered for events and rentals at first, perhaps later for use in the box office.

Mrs. Smith asked that the Board consider a first time discount for users of the Alexandria Room. This will be discussed at next month’s meeting.

Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk