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The Board of Managers held a special meeting on Monday, June 28, 2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. ~

Vice-Chairman Sandra Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Vice Chairman Sandra Motyka, James Juliano, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, and Kathleen Madzula.  Absent:  Mary Fellows.  Also Present: ~Building Administrator Tom Mahoney and Building Superintendent Clark Kathan

Public Participation – There was no public participation.

Mrs. Motyka said that Mrs. Fellows cannot attend but send a report.

Mrs. Madzula read a request from Rosemary Rau from the Newtown Woman's Club requesting space to be used for a market place being held in tandem with an art show fundraiser.  The art show, scheduled to be held in the Alexandria room, is a fundraiser to benefit breast cancer research.  The market place will be held on the last day of the art show, Sunday, October 24, 2010 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, where sponsors for the art show will sell their wares and donate proceeds to charity.  The Board thought the Town Clerk's office is the best space, depending upon the number of tables.  Mr. Mahoney will work with Ms. Rau on the appropriate space to use for the market place.  

The Board wished to extend sympathy on the loss of Ms. Pierce’s father-in-law.

Building Administrator’s Report

Mr. Mahoney stated that the carpet will be delivered on Thursday for installation.  The board discussed the Borough moving into the Town Clerk's office and that they will use the vault for additional storage space.  He also discussed a concern regarding extreme heat in the kitchen during a party that was given in the Alexandria Room.  It was noted that the ovens were being used at the time and that the heat was overwhelming.  Mr. Juliano said he would have to look at the kitchen to see what would be needed for cooling, but suggested looking at installing insulation in the attic first in order to cut the roof heat down.  He will look into the cost.  

Mr. Mahoney received a call from Anthony Gentile from the Postal Workers Union looking for a small office they can use on a regular basis.  He will run this by Jean St. Jean to make sure it’s okay with zoning.  The Board thought the dormer room on the west side would be the best space for them and noted the rate would be $250 per month.  The Board discussed the Ambulance Corp and Visiting Nurse Association renting the Tax Collector and Tax Assessor’s office space.  They also discussed Lorraine Hurley’s request to rent the kitchen to conduct cooking classes that will begin in August.

The board discussed the follow up on the 5,400 revenue, which included $1 to keep the kitchen fund open, $5,000 for the new drapes, and a previous transfer of approximately $298.00.  This will be followed up on.  Mr. Mahoney discussed the painting of the fire escape and said he spoke with the Finance Director, Bob Tait.  One quote came in a $20,000.00.  Mr. Tait said it needs to be put out for bid.  Ms. Motyka said the Board has not considered taking this responsibility on at this point.  Mr. Juliano will get some more quotes and then ask Mr. Tait about the funding.  The Board also discussed the Borough moving into the First Selectman’s office.  They will use the vault for their filing cabinets and safe.
Building Superintendent’s Report

Mr. Kathan discussed the plans for the carpeting to be installed.  The Board discussed problems with the flooring in the Alexandria Room.  Mrs. Motyka praised Mr. Kathan stating that the painted doors and planted pots outside look very nice and makes the place feel more welcoming.  

Chairman’s Report

Mrs. Motyka asked if someone would be able to attend a meeting at 9:30 am on July 9th with the First Selectman regarding the CIP since she will be out of town.  Mrs. Smith and Mr. Juliano will attend.  Mrs. Motyka will e-mail them for confirmation.  She also asked the Board to consider electing a Chairman at the next meeting.

Mrs. Motyka asked the Board to consider Standing Committees and distributed a list to review.  Mrs. Smith motioned to accept the Stand Committees.  Mrs. Madzula seconded the motion.  Motion was carried unanimously.

Report from Mary Hawley Society – On hold.

Correspondence - Mrs. Motyka received a request from the Land Use Agency asking for an update on the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD).  She spoke with George Benson over concerns of missing a deadline date.  Mr. Benson was not concerned and suggested the Board think about adding a list of improvements.  Mrs. Motyka discussed the building as an Art Center but would discussed also hosting small business meetings for businesses and corporations, which would require media equipment.  She asked for the Board for input on ideas to put it into the POCD.  The Board also discussed the possible integration of a nature walk from the back of the property.  Ms. Pierce will look into this.  

Ms. Motyka discussed correspondence from Bob Tait regarding the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).  CIP projects need to be sent to the Board of Selectmen by August 1st.  The Board will need to meet on July 13th as regularly scheduled.  She also discussed the cost of the signs and noted that any signage purchased in the future needs to be approved by the Borough prior to it being ordered.  The board agreed that the payment for the sign will be made when the sign is delivered.

Bills for Payment - Mrs. Smith stated that the bills are not ready.  The Board will wait for the July statement.  

Roof Leaks:  Mr. Kathan is waiting for two more quotes.  This will be followed up at the next meeting

Capital Improvement Project List:  This item will be discussed during the July 13th meeting.

Follow-up Report on Abatement and Estimate/Bids from Contractors:  Mr. Juliano discussed quotes for the Abatement from contractors, which ranged from $32,000 to $41,000 and covers three areas identified in the report.  Quotes for the dance studio include $3,684 and $6,000 (negotiable), additional quotes are expected.  The demolition for the Lathrop Dance Studio should be completed by Thursday afternoon.  The cost of the dumpster was $336.00 and the cost for an inspection by a structural engineer was $1,000.00.  It was noted that the structural engineer said the wall that Lathrop wanted removed needs to stay.  Connecticut Concrete was called in to cut a hole in a nine inch brick and concrete wall in order to provide an observation window from the office into the dance studio.  Mr. Juliano will receive quotes on the electrical and expects it to be roughed in by Friday.  He also discussed three quotes for white oak hardwood flooring, which included Matheson Flooring quoting $4,960.00 for pre-finish White Oak; Comfortable Flooring in Sandy Hook quoted $3,829.00; and Kent in Danbury quoted $3,245.00.  One more quote is expected from Danbury Flooring.

The existing suspended ceiling was taken down.  They found one-foot acoustical tiles that were used in the 50’s.  It was noted that it was an excellent product at the time.  He will talk with Mrs. DeMarco to see if there are any similar tiles in the old Fairfield Hills buildings that are salvageable.  It was noted that in the abatement report, the tiles are non asbestos. Mr. Juliano discussed a quote of $750.00 to replace five windows in the dance studio with aluminum double glazed windows.  The Board discussed completing the windows on the other side during stage two.  

Comments Around the Table:  Mrs. Pierce thanked the Board for the flowers.  Mrs. Smith commended Mr. Juliano on a fantastic job.

Possible Executive Session:  none noted

Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Tammy Hazen, Clerk