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The Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday, April 13,  2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT.  ~Vice-Chairman Sandra Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Vice Chair Sandra Motyka, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows, Kathleen Madzula, Karen Pierce.  ABSENT: Jay Gill.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Building Administrator  Tom Mahoney, James Juliano, two members of the public,

Public Participation

Andy Corson addressed the board relative to use of the kitchen.

Mrs. Motyka noted the long term plans that the Board of Managers has for the building. Mr. Corson suggested an open air market in the front of the building which would have to conform with the Borough’s regulations. Mrs. Motyka said that we need to have space for caterers in the kitchen including corporate and business meetings.  A list of preferred vendors was suggested by the Board. Mr. Corson knows of another person interested in renting space  for about twelve hours per week if his proposal goes forward.  The Board suggested that he discuss his proposal with the Borough zoning officer, Jean St. Jean. Mrs. Fellows suggested a cooperative kitchen for businesses in the area that may be better suited for Fairfield Hills. She is concerned about conflicts in scheduling. Mr. Corson’s  proposal is for twenty-five hours per week. He said that the Health District approved his plans. He has lockable storage containers. He will supply equipment and work tables. As far as zoning, this would not be an established retail location. He would bake items here. Mrs. Madzula suggested that Mr. Corson contact Jean St. Jean before he proceeds further. The Board agreed. The Board is not sure that Fridays would be available because of other activities that are held here. Mr. Corson would like to begin by the week of May 10.

Kristin Peterson, Conveyor Moderator of Housatonic Valley Election Unit, spoke as a member of Newtown Ambulance and inquired whether there is space in Edmond Town Hall for the unit to meet twice monthly on Wednesday evenings (average twelve people). She presented a letter concerning this request (Attachment A).

Marie DeMarco will be invited to a special meeting on Thursday, April 15 at 5:30 p.m.

A gift will be presented to former clerk Cayenne Spremullo and contributions by the Board will be made as donations to the Mary Hawley Society.

Acceptance of Minutes from March 9, 2010. The minutes will be amended to note that the Mural Fund will be automatically renewed at Newtown Savings Bank. Upon motion of Mrs. Smith,  the minutes of March 9, 2010 were unanimously accepted as amended.

Building Administrator’s/Superintendent’s Report.
Mr. Mahoney addressed the Board regarding the following;

Painting has begun in the former office of the First Selectman. Mrs. Fellows moved that the space the Borough shall move into will be the old First Selectman’s private office and that the Borough will share the front room with The Board of Managers as a shared conference space and that the Town Hall Board of Managers will take the former Economic Development office and the Secretary and Building Administrator will move into the other two offices. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mahoney would like to hire a coordinator to oversee the project  of painting and asbestos removal. We have not yet received a report from OSHA concerning the asbestos. Mr. Juliano suggested hiring the contractor who worked on the new Town Hall after a coordinator is hired.

Scaffolding is being set to repoint the brick.

The roof drain over the old Probate Office is leaking according to Mr. Kathan. Mr. Mahoney suggested that Mr. Kathan attend the next meeting to address the roof leaks. Mrs. Motyka requested that Mr. Kathan obtain three quotes before the next meeting.

VNA would like to put a sign outside. Instead, the VNA will be on the directory sign which will have hanging boards for each entity.

Mrs. Motyka would like to have the signs removed from the front doors as soon as possible. Mrs. Pierce will be the point person.

Mr. Kathan will rebuild the marquee.

The Town took the phone line out of the elevator. AT&T will give us a new number that the Town will pay for.

“Avatar” will be the spring break movie.

Concert on May 7 will be a group from New Milford doing Pink Floyd “The Wall.”

Chairman’s Report.  This will be handled under “Unfinished Business.”

Report from Mary Hawley Society. Catering events will be planned for September. Wireless connection will be requested for the room.

Correspondence. Mrs. Pierce and a friend of hers are willing to plant the pots in the front of the building. Boxwoods will be priced.

Bills for Payment. Mrs. Smith moved to approve the Building Bills totaling $8,191.77 and Theater Bills totaling $13,632.50 of which petty cash is $24.46 for a total of $21,824.27. Second by Mrs. Madzula. The Constellation bill has not been paid; Mrs. Fellows will research.

Mr. Mahoney will revisit the Newtown Hardware bills to see why they are as much as they are and the question of the door will be revisited; the contractor should be called back if the door is not working. The Fire Marshal will be contacted for his advice on locking the doors. Also the window on the Court Room needs a lock. There is a wire exposed in the Men’s Room downstairs.

Motion unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business
Review all current contracts.  Mr. Mahoney provided Mrs. Motyka with a list.

Request from Lathrop. Mrs. Fellows and Mr. Mahoney will work on a payment schedule with a stepped rate for Lathrop and yoga to use the Bowling Alley. An update will be presented next month with the goal of having a formalized agreement with Lathrop by June.

Request from VNA  This item was tabled last month until further information is received.

Procedure for renting Kitchen & Alexandria Room. Concerning Andy Corson’s proposal, the Board will wait until he has talked to the Borough Zoning Enforcement Official. However, Fridays and weekends are a concern. Mr. Mahoney will review the usage on these days for May through November, which would be Mr. Corson’s season. Also, after each use, the areas are checked for condition of the rooms, cleaned up and locked up.

Request from Web Master re: ETH website. This item has been taken care of.

Ad Hoc Committee – Mission & Objective. Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Motyka discussed their notes from the special meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee (Attachments B and C). Mrs. Motyka said that yesterday First Selectman Llodra told her that the Board of Managers decides what this committee is going to be. Discussion followed about whether the Committee would be ad hoc, or a task force or steering committee. The Board feels that we need persons who are outside specialists to help with specific tasks. After discussion, the Board decided that this would be an Advisory Committee.

Mrs. Madzula moved to accept the report from the special meeting to be voted on at the next monthly meeting. Second by Mrs. Fellows and unanimously accepted.

New Business. None noted.

Comments around the Table. None noted.

Possible Executive Session. Mrs. Smith moved to enter executive session at 9:35 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. Second by Mrs. Pierce and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk