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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday March 9, 2010 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street, Newtown. CT. 06470.  Chairman Jay Gill called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Jay Gill, Vice Chair Sandy Motyka, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows, Kathy Madzulla, Karen Pierce.

ALSO PRESENT:  Building Administrator – Tom Mahoney, Miss Diane of the Lathrop School of Dance, Jim Juliano, First Selectwoman Pat Llodra, Borough Commission representatives Jim Gaston, Jean St. Jean and George Benson from the Zoning Department.

Miss Diane addressed the Board regarding a possible space for Lathrop to use for Dance classes.
Miss Diane expressed the need not only for a Dance studio but also an office and storage space.
Ms. Fellows stated that she had recently received two quotes for the lower meeting room renovations to turn into a dance studio which would work out because the room is adjoining to the prior Finance Offices.   While the space could be primarily used by the Dance studio, it could also be used by other groups such as yoga and/ or karate.
The Board of Managers took into consideration Miss Diane’s request for space.

First Selectwoman Pat Llodra addressed the Ad Hoc Committee meetings and stated that she had hoped that the group would be in a better position for moving forward at this point.
Ms. Motyka stated that Maria DeMarco was a great help in helping to guide a long term plan for the Town Hall.

Mr. Gaston stated that every group involved needs to be focused on moving forward adding that it seems as though the Board of Managers wants special privileges (as far as zoning rights).

Ms. Fellows added that this is the first time the building has been empty and in the worst shape ever and being matched by the poor economy.

Ms. Llodra stated that she would like some clarity on what the purpose or vision of the building is to be so she can help by being a voice in support of the matter.

Ms. Pierce added that the project should be broken down into manageable chunks of form, function and financial means to accomplish the entire project.

Ms. Motyka stated that after the last two Ad Hoc meetings, she was left feeling overwhelmed and the ideas presented were not going to work together.


Ms. Motyka requested from the Borough Commission that the Zoning regulations be made readily available and outlined in plain English for the Board of Managers to understand exactly what they have to work with.

Ms. St. Jean stated that the Zoning regulations are on the Town website and the regulations apply equally to everyone.

Ms. Llodra stated that she hoped that the Board of Managers would re-think the fees for room rental as compared to other local opportunities as the Edmond Town Hall rental fees are higher making the other options more appealing.

Mr. Juliano stated that the building is “sick” indicating problems with the water and heating systems.

Mr. Gaston added that he did not see where or how it’d be possible for the Edmond Town Hall to be self sufficient.
Ms. Fellows stated that there is no reason why it can’t be, the building is and always will be a Town building and will thus be receiving funds and part of the Town budget.

Ms. Motyka stated that the Ad Hoc Committee Meetings turned into a meeting where people voiced their ideas and wants for their group but with no financial plan on how to accomplish the ideas.

Ms. Llodra stated that perhaps the Board could assign the Ad Hoc work and tasks to an outside party to handle and then report back to the Board on a monthly basis.

Mr. Gill stated that the Edmond Town Hall has always been a building with a Theatre, ballroom and gym and that is how the building would be best used.

Ms. Llodra stated that it may also be helpful to make appointments to the Ad Hoc Committee so as to bring about some formality and accountability.
The Board appreciated First Selectwoman Pat Llodra coming in to voice her encouragement and guidance.  

Ms. Smith moved to accept the minutes as submitted from February 9, 2010.
Ms. Motyka seconded. All were in favor.

Mr. Mahoney addressed the Board regarding the following;
- The Asbestos report is expected back in 2-3 weeks.  
- The Board has received a letter from Newtown Savings Bank stating that their fund is to automatically renew March 29, 2010.


- The Lion’s Club has also approached the Board proposing a Pumpkin Race October 30, 2010 that would be held in the back parking lot of Edmond Town Hall.
- There is a problem with the lights in the Theatre, under the balcony.  Mr. Mahoney is waiting for a call back to make the repair.
- The Board has received Thank You notes from Miss Diane of Lathrop’s and from the family of Fred Petrella.
- No word from OSHA at this point.
- Parts of the Alexandria Room newly finished flooring is already in need of repair.  Mathison Flooring has been called.

Mr. Gill stated that there have been no solicitations received or any correspondence.
The Mary Hawley Wine Tasting was spectacular and the room presented beautifully.
The Mary Hawley Society made $4000.00

Ms. Smith presented and moved the bills for payment totaling $18,360.29 for the Building and Theatre be accepted as presented. Ms. Motyka seconded motion. All were in favor.

Review all current contracts.
Ms. Motyka stated that Ms. Maria DeMarco suggested that the Board put a list together of all contractual services.

Mr. Juliano’s role with the Board.
The Board of Managers appointed Mr. Juiano as their Building Technical Director.

Request from Lathrop;
See Public Participation.

Request from VNA.
Ms. Motyka stated that the VNA would like a larger space however the item will be tabled until further information is received.

Process for renting Kitchen and Alexandria Room.
Ms. Motyka indicated that there has been some confusion on the forms and permits required when renting the space.
Mr. Mahoney clarified that at the time the room is rented a packet and checklist is given specifying what needs to be done (including if a permit is needed in the case it is a public event or fund raiser).


Request from webmaster.
Ms. Motyka stated that the request had been made that any revenue received from soliciations on the website be split 60/40.  Ms. Motyka suggested a split of 50/50.

Ad Hoc Committee.
Statement tabled until further discussion.

Ms. Smith moved to vote Mr. Jay Gill to remain chairman and Sandy Motyka to remain Vice Chair.  Ms. Pierce seconded motion. All were in favor.

The Board will meet Sunday March 21, 2010 2:00p.m. regarding the Ad Hoc Committee  at Edmond Town Hall.

Ms. Motyka suggested that Ms. Maria DeMarco be invited to the next meeting, April 13, 2010.
Ms. Smith moved to invite Ms. DeMarco to the next meeting.   All were in favor.

Having no further business, Ms. Smith moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Board of Managers at 9:35p.m.   All were in favor.

                                                Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk