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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday February 9, 2010 at 7:00p.m. in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Jay Gill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Jay Gill, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce, Mary Fellows, Kathy Madzulla
ALSO PRESENT: Building Administrator – Tom Mahoney
ABSENT: Sandy Motyka

Public Participation:
None Noted

Acceptance of Minutes:
Ms. Smith moved to accept the minutes of January 12, 2010 as presented.  Ms. Madzulla seconded motion. All were in favor.

Building Superintendents Report:
Mr. Mahoney reported on behalf of Mr. Clark Kathan.
The gym doors are fixed and the building passed the annual inspection by the Fire Marshall.
Mr. Mahoney presented the proposal for Asbestos and Lead remediation by ENCO.
Their proposal includes a survey to be done first then the remediation at a total cost of $1775.00.
After discussion, the Board agreed on a motion to move forward with the proposal.
Ms. Smith moved that the Board will go ahead with ENCO for the survey and remediation of Asbestos and Lead.  Ms. Fellows seconded motion. All were in favor.
In other updates, Mr. Mahoney continued, some outdoor lights are currently not working in front of the Edmond Town Hall – the problem has been investigated and appears to be with the underground wiring, the work is to be done in the Spring.

Building Administrators Report:
Mr. Mahoney stated that Town Hall employee, Sam, is planning on retiring April/May 2010 but wishes to remain on part-time status.
The Mid-winter (school) break is coming up, the movies will be; Disney’s The Princess and the Frog and New Moon.
Mr. Mahoney stated that Sabrina’s Encore Productions recently finished 4 plays from which the Town Hall took in $3000.00 for concessions. This Summer, Sabrina’s Encore Productions are considering doing a production of Beauty and the Beast.
The Flagpole Radio Café went okay – the Town Hall took in $108.00 in concessions.
The lease for the Chamber of Commerce is drafted.
And radio station WPKN will be holding a concert at the Edmond Town Hall March 11th.


Chairman’s Report:
Mr. Gill stated that the event scheduled for February 20th in the Alexandria Room needs support and a presence by the Board of Managers is important.
Also, the Board is to be in contact with Maria DeMarco.
The Ad Hoc meetings are on hold until further notice.

Mary Hawley Society:
No update

Ms. Fellows addressed the Board regarding Constellation Energy.  Ms. Fellows stated that the Board should no longer have an account with Constellation Energy per her discussions with Fred Hurley.
Ms. Fellows is to verify with Mr. Hurley that the Edmond Town Hall and the Board of Managers have not been grouped into the same account as the Board of Education (as that is what has been heard by other Board members).
Ms. Fellows stated that she will be sending a certified letter to CL&P indicating that their (prior) account will no longer be honored nor will the Board continue to pay on it as it should have been terminated as of December 31, 2009.

Mr. Gill stated that he is interested in having a spokesperson from Positive Energy come in and talk to the Board for the March meeting.

Bills for Payment:  
Ms. Smith reviewed that bills for payment and stated that the bill for Staples was so high ($486) because it included a replacement Time Clock and the bill for Kesco Electric was $230 but not all work was included on bill.
Ms. Smith stated that the bills for the Town Hall totaled $9855.16 (this amount does include the December invoice for Constellation Energy), while the bills for the Theatre totaled $7183.51 for a grand total of $17,038.67 paid.
Ms. Madzulla moved to accept the bills for payment as presented.  Ms. Pierce seconded motion. All were in favor.

Unfinished Business:
Space review for the Borough Offices and for Town Historian:
Based on discussion by the Board, the Borough Offices are possibly going to be held in the Selectman’s Quarters while the Town Historian is possibly to be held in the Clerks Office.

Review Of Ad Hoc Committee:
Ad Hoc Meetings are currently on hold.


Request from Web master on Town Hall website:

Comments Around the Table:
Ms. Madzulla moved that the Borough Offices go into the former First Selectman’s quarters with adjacent offices to be occupied by the Board of Managers.  The two will share the combined meeting space the office area provides.   Ms. Pierce seconded motion. All were in favor.

Karen –
Has spoken with Lisa and can move forward on good faith.  Karen is looking into sponsorship to get a digital projector to replace the current 35 mm. the Edmond Town Hall Theatre uses now.

Marie –
Annual reports from JP Morgan have been received and to be filed in the Managers Office.

Executive Session:
Ms. Pierce moved that the Board go into Executive Session at 8:00pm.

                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk