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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday January 12, 2010 at 7:00p.m. in the Mary Hawley room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Jay Gill called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Jay Gill, Sandy Motyka, Mary Fellows, Marie Smith, Karen Pierce.
ALSO PRESENT: Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Ed Marks with JP Morgan for Mary Hawley Trust, Marsha Moskowitz of Newtown and Peter of Newtown.
ABSENT: Kathy Madzula, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan.

Public Participation:
Mr. Ed Marks presented the Board with a packet for the Mary Hawley Trust Fund detailing investments and possible growth for the future.
Mr. Marks stated that there has been positive growth with the account with asset allocation providing growth and reducing risk.
Mr. Marks stated that it can be reviewed again in April.
Ms. Marsha Moskowitz and Mr. Peter addressed the Board regarding dedicating the Theatre to Ginny Lathrop and naming it after her. The Board stated that their decision on the matter has been that they’d rather not name the Theater after someone to have to be possibly taken away in the future.  The Board would like to do something to honor the time and devotion to the Edmond Town Hall and the Dance Academy she and her Husband, Mac, started so many years ago. The Board would like to name the dressing rooms after Mac and Ginny and decorate accordingly – possibly with memorabilia of Mac & Ginny dancing or something of the many Star Dust Review dance recitals held in the Town Hall.  
Mr. stated that the Dance School is an institution in the Town just as Ginny herself was. Both Mr. and Ms. Moskowitz stated that they’d like to participate anyway possible to have the dedication come together.

Acceptance of Minutes:
Ms. Motyka moved to accept the minutes of December 8, 2009 as submitted.  Ms. Smith seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Building Administrators Report and Building Superintendents Report as given by Mr. Mahoney:
Mr. Mahoney first addressed the issues of the Building Superintendent, Clark Kathan.  Mr. Mahoney stated that the repointing bids for the South Wall of the building are in and Financial Director Bob Tait would like a decision on the issue. Mr. Mahoney stated that Mr. Kathan suggested that the Board use Bens Masonry, a local company whom the Board has used before and were pleased with the work.
Ms. Motyka moved to accept the bid submitted by Bens Masonry at $19,000for re-pointing the South wall.  Ms. Fellows seconded motion. All were in favor.
Mr. Mahoney stated that the Chamber of Commerce will be moving in to the Town Hall and the Constellation Energy cancellation was supposed to be effective 12/1/09 but there was an error and a few Town Departments had been left with service extending past the cancellation date.  Public Works Director Fred Hurley is looking into the matter.
Regarding the OSHA recommendations, Mr. Mahoney stated that he has contacted a few survey companies for the Asbestos and Lead issues and quotes are expected to be coming in.
Mr. Mahoney addressed the Board regarding his Building Administrators Report.
The paperwork is in for the second installment of the grant money and should be filled out as soon as possible.
Also, the Mary Hawley Trust fund money has been refunded from Bank of America.
During the week of Christmas the Theatre took in $15,000 and the Board has received Thank You notes for the recent donations made.
Mr. Mahoney stated that the Cultural Arts Commission has a function February 6, 2010 and Sabrina’s Encore Presentations has January 26-31st.
Additionally, Ms. Diane has requested the old Finance Offices as a Dance Studio and Costume Storage.
Ms. Fellows added that the Finance Offices would be an ideal space for them because the connection of rooms and in the future if they decide to move it wouldn’t be a big deal to take down any mirrors and bars that needed to be installed.
In other updates, Mr. Mahoney stated that the PTA and Cultural Arts Commission presented the Synergy Brass Quartet to the Board for a possible show May 15, 2010.  The Concert would be of no cost to the Board, The PTA would assume all costs associated they just ask that the Town Hall space be given free of charge and any revenues brought in through ticket sales and concessions the Board of Managers may keep as profit.
Ms. Smith moved to accept the Synergy Brass Quartet concert for May 15, 2010.  Ms. Motyka seconded motion. All were in favor.

Chairman’s Report:
Mr. Gill stated that he would like to make a formal apology to Board member Kathy Madzula.
Also, Mr. Gill is to meet with Financial Director Bob Tait regarding the Budget, Ms. Pierce will accompany him on Friday January 15, 2010.
Mr. Gill stated that the Board of Managers meeting for July will be held, generally two meetings are held in June so that July is free but given the Board is busy the July meeting will still be held.
Regarding the Mary Hawley Society, the invitations are out for the open house for the renovated Alexandria Room.
Ms. Fellows suggested possibly having Wedding Shows with vendors as an on going event for the Alexandria Room and can be in conjunction with the Meeting House for ceremonies.

Bills for Payment:
Ms. Smith addressed the Board regarding the Bills for Payment.
Ms. Smith stated that the bill from McKinney Mechanical is being looked into because it seemed rather high for installing the additional sink in the Alexandria Room.
The bills for the Building totaled $15,790.71 while the Theatre bills totaled $8,266.77 for a total of $24,057.48 (this total is without the Constellation bill that is in dispute and the McKinney Mechanical bill).
Ms. Motyka moved to accept the bills for payment less the two in question.  Ms. Pierce seconded motion. All were in favor.

Unfinished Business:
Ms. Motyka moved to have Mr. Jim Juliano be accepted as the Board’s Consultant.  Ms. Smith seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Gill stated that the CIP has been submitted to the Board of Selectmen for a few into administrations now and will be submitted to Mr. Bob Tait again.
The funds have apparently been available right along but the Board was unaware.

Ms. Maria DeMarco and Mr. Scott Sharlow will be invited to February’s meeting.

The Gym doors are not yet fixed but the parts required are now ordered.

Old Business:  
The Board reviewed items discussed at the recent Ad Hoc Committee meeting regarding the future of the Edmond Town Hall.

Another possibility for the Town Hall may be to offer the Building and Theatre as an off-site meeting juncture for professionals looking for a site that can offer a large meeting or presentation area (the Theatre) where then a large group can break up into smaller groups and work together.

Ms. Pierce stated that Connecticut is down 46% in grant money.  Newtown should separate and differentiate the Town Hall from other similar facilities in surrounding areas.  

Ms. Fellows stated that Town Historian, Mr. Dan Cruson and the Historical Society should have space in the Town Hall, if at all space that includes a vault.

The Board moved into Executive Session at 9:00 p.m.  

                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk