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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting December 8, 2009 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.
Chairman Jay Gill called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

PRESENT: Chairman Jay Gill, Sandy Motyka, Marie Smith, Kathy Madzula, Karen Pierce.
ALSO PRESENT: Building Administrator – Tom Mahoney
ABSENT: Mary Fellows, Clark Kathan

Public Participation:
Jean St. Jean, Joan Crick and Jim Gaston with the Borough Commission addressed the Board of Managers regarding the future use of Edmond Town Hall.
Mr. Gaston stated that the recommendation from the Borough Commission is that the Edmond Town Hall be preserved at any cost and if there was not some type of government agency in the building, the trust may be in jeopardy.
The Edmond Town Hall should be a Cultural Arts center and compliment the town with such events as Art shows or exhibits and wine tasting.
Mr. Gaston stated that the building is not going to be abandoned and needs to have more funding.
Ms. St. Jean stated that the building may have anything in relation to the Arts and nothing business or commercial.  Anything quassy governmental would be allowed such as The Chamber of Commerce, the Ambulance Corps., Fire Dept., or Senior Center group.
Ms. Motyka stated that she and the Board of Managers were under the impression that the building was going to have full tenancy when the Town Offices moved out.
Currently the Board has very immediate financial needs.
Mr. Gaston stated that there simply has to be more funding before the building can become a Cultural Arts Center and there is plenty of support for it.   The Board has to make a good case for itself to the Board of Selectmen during budget time.
Mr. Gaston stated that the next steps are to have an Ad Hoc Committee meeting in January 2010 to discuss the future of The Edmond Town Hall with a few members of various groups such as the Borough Commission, Board of Managers and Legislative Council.  This meeting will be held January 7, 2009 at 7:00pm.

Maureen Will, Communications Director of the Town of Newtown, addressed the Board regarding the phone system and internet in the building.
Ms. Will stated that if and when any Town agencies move in, the Town Hall is not conducive to the technology needed and suggested getting in touch with the Town Electrician to come and give an estimate on bringing the building up to code.
Ms. Will also suggested that the Board of Managers not commit to installing any phone or internet system of their own for the entire building because when tenants come in they will hook up and be responsible for their own service.
For a security system Ms. Will referred the Board of Managers to talk to Alarms by Precision or Frank Wolfeseder.
If there is any IT question or concern Maureen Will should be the contact, and for any internet question, AT&T should be contacted.


Acceptance of Minutes from November 17, 2009:
Ms. Smith stated that at the last meeting Mr. Juliano was still a member and should have been listed as absent.

Building Administrator’s Report:
Mr. Mahoney stated the donations to Friends of Music and for Ginny Lathrop have both been taken care of.
The Rotary Pancake Breakfast and House Tour went well; next year may be the last year.
At the last concert Friends of Music held afterwards there was a complaint regarding the noise made by the HVAC system, Mr. Mahoney stated the system is still under warranty and will have someone come out to look at it.
During the Holidays the movies running will be; Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs and Where the Wild things Are.
The tree in front of the Town Hall has been donated by Lexington Gardens.
Additionally, the cultural arts show has not been well attended and now they owe close to $10,000.00.  They said a check would be issued the first week of December however, no check was ever received.
The Board discussed the possibility of getting a deposit up front for a show or payment in full. Mr. Mahoney is to contact Jennifer.

Building Superintendent’s Report:
Mr. Mahoney reported on behalf of Mr. Kathan in his absence.
Mr. Mahoney stated that there was a problem with the furnace and Edgerton needed to be called.
Three companies have been contacted for asbestos abatement.
Regarding OSHA, the only asbestos needing remediation is in the boiler room which would be required to be encapsulated and there is to be no work done until the final report is received.
Mr. Kathan is also getting estimates on the unisex bathroom and the slop sink in the Alexandria Room is being installed this week.
Ms. Motyka stated that the Board needs to be sure that all personnel are working to full capacity.  
Ms. Smith stated the perhaps work orders should be filled out so that the work being done and being asked to get done is accounted for.
Mr. Mahoney assured the Board that there is no question about any work not getting done.

Chairman’s Report:
Mr. Gill stated that he has met with First Selectwoman Pat Llodra regarding the future of the Edmond Town Hall and she suggested getting in touch with Maria DeMarco.  
Ms. DeMarco will need copies of all financials, the Borough restoration and the building plan. Ms. Llodra wants a five year plan for the Town Hall.


Mr. Gill also discussed a letter received from AnnMarie Deweese on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce requesting space in the former Finance Director’s Office; they’d like to sign a long term lease and are willing to pay $300.00 monthly.
After discussion, Ms. Motyka moved to accept the Chamber of Commerce to rent the former Finance Director’s Office at $300.00 monthly with the provision that at that rate one monthly meeting will be included.  Ms. Madzula seconded. All were in favor.
Ms. Motyka then stated that based on the recommendation from the Borough Commission, the Board of Managers is now not able to entertain Mr. Robert Morey’s request for space as that would be deemed as commercial.
Ms. Pierce stated that it is her belief that an Ad Hoc group to represent the Board of Managers should consist of all members of the Board, an all or nothing approach as each member has something unique.  Additionally, there is a better chance for attendance by at lease some members if all were included.
Ms. Pierce moved that an Ad Hoc Committee will consist of the entire Board [of Managers] for the January 7, 2009 meeting at 7:00pm. Instead of 1-2 chosen members to represent the group.  Ms. Motyka seconded. All were in favor.

Bills for Payment:
Ms. Smith reviewed the bills for payment for the Theatre and the building.
Ms. Smith stated that the only bills being paid are; Big Y, United Water, Yankee Gas and CL&P because funds are so tight right now only certain bills cam be paid.
Ms. Smith also stated that there is about $17,000.00 still outstanding to the Edmond Town Hall, roughly $9000 due from the Cultural Arts Commission and roughly $7000 due from Sabrina’s Productions.
Ms. Madzula stated that the Board should consider charging interest on any unpaid bill after so many days late because the Town Hall bills are subsequently suffering.
Ms. Smith moved to approve the bills for payment totaling $14,077.51 for theatre and building.  Ms. Motyka seconded motion. All were in favor.

The Board discussed inviting Maria DeMarco and Ed Marks to the next meeting.

New Business:
Mr. Mahoney stated that the Foreign Language group is still interested in renting space.
The Board agreed that this type of group would be fine as it can be considered part of the Arts.

Ms. Motyka welcomed Karen Pierce to the Board.
Ms. Smith had an acquaintance request that the Town Hall look friendlier.

The Board of Managers moved into Executive Session at 8:45pm.
                                                Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk