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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting November 17, 2009 in the Lower Meeting Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Jay Gill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Jay Gill, Sandy Motyka, Marie Smith
ALSO PRESENT: Building Admin. – Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent – Clark Kathan.
ABSENT: Mary Fellows, Kathy Madzula

Public Participation:
Karen Pierce addressed the Board regarding her interest in joining the Board of Managers to help broaden their financial base and to help make recommendations to the Borough for improvements.

Acceptance of Minutes from October 21, 2009:
Acceptance of minutes tabled due to no quorum.

Building Administrator’s Report:
Mr. Mahoney addressed the Board regarding the League of Women Voter’s map outside of the old Clerk’s Office being requested by the Clerk’s Office to move to the new building.   The Board agreed unanimously that the map should stay in the Edmond Town Hall.
Mr. Mahoney stated that the Trust fund figure last reported was short $360.00 due to a numerical transposition.  Mr. Ed Marks is to get back to the Board regarding the amounts being changed.
Additionally, the Cultural Arts Commission still owe the Board of Managers for their past two shows in the amount of $6400.00. Mr. Mahoney is to contact them about their tardiness and the alternate show options as well.
Mr. Mahoney addressed that Board regarding correspondence received from Mr. Barbara Bernier from the Side Street Café out of Bethel who are interested in trying to be the solitary caterer for the Edmond Town Hall should a party be booked.
The Board was in agreement that other interested parties need to be heard from but she is welcome to be one of the many interested.  Also, the Board didn’t want to lock any potential room rentals to one caterer as they may have someone in mind they’d prefer to use.
Mr. Mahoney passed around a flyer from the Connecticut Historic Trust grant for historic buildings for the Board to consider.
Also, as of December 1, 2009 the Edmond Town Hall will no longer be under contract with Constellation.  CL&P has since written to the Board of Managers offering a deal to use their services.

Mr. Mahoney discussed with the Board, possible donations to the Ginny & Mac Lathrop Scholarship fund as well as to Friends of Music in the name of Fred Perrote.
The Board agreed on a donation of $50 each to be from the Board of Managers.


Lastly, Mr. Mahoney asked the Board if there are any rates for the Town Hall available space.   Ms. Motyka stated that she will give the Newtown Bee a statement for a press release explaining that the Board of Managers has been unable, not unwilling,  to move forward with the situation until the Town decides what they want for the building.

Building Superintendent:
Mr. Kathan addressed the Board regarding a official complaint the Edmond Town Hall had received thus warranting a visit from OSHA.
The complaint indicated that gym ceiling tiles falling down releasing asbestos, birthday parties scheduled after the Dog training classes as well as plaster coming down releasing asbestos.   Mr. Kathan stated that these complaints were unfounded.
The OSHA visit including the inspection of the Probate Office finding ceiling tiles that need to be replaced due to a mildew condition from a water leak, asbestos issues on the boiler room needing remediation, air samples taken through out building, and flaking samples of plaster taken in theatre as well as floor samples.
There will be a fine associated as well as an annual OSHA Employee accident report to be completed.  An Asbestos training and certification course must also be taken and certification maintained.
Mr. Kathan stated that the Board should keep in mind the potentially high remediation costs for the proposed budget.  

Bills for Payment:
Ms. Smith addressed the Board regarding Bills for Payment.
The Building totaled $9311.84; The Theatre totaled $5264.80 both in the amount of $14,576.64.

Chairman’s Report:
Mr. Gill stated that he was disappointed that there wasn’t a quorum present as attendance has been stressed in prior meetings and meetings rescheduled.
Also, the budget was an item of concern.  Mr. Gill is to get copies of forms from Bob Tait and he still has not really heard anything from the Town on what they expect for the building.

New Business:
The Board is to meet with the Borough to establish what exactly is allowed for the building.  
Also to meet with the Town IT Department, Scott Sharlow regarding internet connection for the Board of Managers as the connection has been down for some number of weeks.
The Borough and the IT Department are to be invited to the next meeting, December 8, 2009.


Mr. Kathan stated that Edgerton and two other companies have been out to estimate the work and cost of a handicap unisex bathroom.  Mr. Kathan stated that the best route would be to convert the old Selectman’s bathroom given the existing layout would yield much less demolition and construction.
Mr. Kathan is to begin priming and painting offices spaces not affected by the OSHA visit.

Ms. Motyka stated that she’d like to thank Mr. Juliano for his time and knowledge while he served on the Board of Managers.

The Board of Managers entered into Executive Session at 8:15 p.m.

                                                Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk