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The Board of Managers held a Special Meeting Monday August 17, 2009 at 7:00 in the Lower Meeting Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Vice Chair Sandy Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

PRESENT: Sandy Motyka, Jay Gill, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows
ALSO PRESENT: Building Administrator – Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent – Clark Kathan
ABSENT: Kathy Madzula, Jim Juliano

Public Participation: None Noted

Acceptance of Minutes:  Mr. Gill moved to accept the minutes from June 30, 2009 as amended and the minutes of August 11, 2009 as submitted.  Ms. Fellows seconded motion. All were in favor.

Building Administrator’s Report: Mr. Mahoney addressed the Board regarding the recent activities of the Edmond Town Hall such as;
The inventory of the building furniture is complete, Sabrina’s Encore Production of the Producers was well received, the summer is going well so far.  In employee updates, Sam has decided he will be staying but going to part time status.  Additionally, the Newtown Hook and Ladder Firehouse has plans to move from behind the Town Hall to 12 Sugar Street.
Ms. Motyka stated that the ownership of the Firehouse property will fall back on the Board of Managers as part of the Edmond Town Hall property.  
Mr. Kathan stated that it is possible for that building to be saved and restored, the truck bay would make for a great storage area that the current Town Hall is lacking in storage facilities as it is the Town Hall budget accounts for the heat and electricity used by Newtown Hook and Ladder.  Having the additional building would be an asset.

Building Superintendent’s Report:  Mr Kathan updated the Board regarding the floor in the Alexandria Room is complete along with the Chandelier restoration.  
Ms. Motyka added that both the floor and the chandelier look stunning.
Mr. Kathan went on to say the paint samples must be chosen at least by Thursday August 20, 2009 as the paint contractor is slated to begin prep-work Tuesday August 25, 2009.
Additionally, the draperies in the Alexandria Room must be chosen soon as well.
Mr. Kathan stated that he has also received a reasonable estimate for the Town Hall window restoration project (not including the Gymnasium windows) at $76,625.00.  This estimate seemed reasonable to Mr. Kathan because as he explained it came in well below the budgeted line item of $90,000.00 which included the Gymnasium windows as well. Mr. Kathan stated that he imagined the cost of the Gym windows restoration at roughly $14,000.00.
Mr. Gill is to update the total estimated cost of the window project to $105,000.00 from the original total estimate of $90,000.

Lastly, Mr. Kathan presented ceiling tile that best matched the existing tile.  As some tile have water stains that will need replacing at the cost of about $1.00 each.


Chairman’s Report:  Ms. Motyka addressed the Board regarding items discussed at the prior meeting.
Ms. Motyka stated that at the last meeting Mr. Peter Dobbrow approached the Board regarding renaming the Edmond Town Hall Theatre after Lathrop Dance Academy for all the time and dedication Ginny Lathrop put into the Dance school. Ms. Motyka asked that the Board take the suggestion into consideration.
Ms. Motyka stated that she and Mr. Juliano had met with the Legislative Council regarding the Capital Improvement Plans for the Edmond Town Hall and the Council seemed to be surprised by all that needed to be done.  The council seemed concerned about the safety of the building.  Ms. Motyka stated that the Selectmen need to have a real idea of what improvements need to be made.
Mr. Gill stated that he had met with Maria DeMarco regarding the move to Fairfield Hills and the state grants.  Ms. DeMarco stated that the Board should go for as much as possible because it is the same process to apply for $500,000.00 as it would be to apply for $1,000,000.00 grant for historic building preservation.

Ms. Motyka also stated that Trish Dardine had made a very professional presentation to the Board on the possibility of a Edmond Town Hall website. However, no one from the Board had responded regarding what should be contained in the site.

Correspondence:  Ms. Motyka stated that the approval of the change on Trustee has been made. Additionally, the Annual Town Report information must be submitted soon to the Town Clerk’s Office.
The Chamber of Commerce is looking for rental space and can budget $300 - $400 monthly.  Ms. Motyka stated that this amount would include one monthly meeting any additional meetings there after to take place in the Town Hall would be subject to an additional rental fee. The Board is to take into consideration and review later as no final decisions have been made regarding rental fees.

Bills for Payment:  Ms. Smith addressed the Board regarding the Edmond Town Hall bills for payment.
The building bills totaled $8232.71, the Theatre bills totaled $11,358.94 for a combined total of $19,591.65 (this total does not include payment to Cohen & Wolfe which is being looked into).
Mr. Gill moved to approve the building and theatre bills for payment totaling $19.591.65 for payment when funds are available.   Ms. Fellows seconded motion. All were in favor.

Unfinished Business:  Ms. Motyka addressed the Board on any unfinished business. Ms. Fellows stated that she has met with Public Works director Fred Hurley who was in


agreement that the Energy bills from Constellation are difficult to understand and tend to overlap in time frame to that of CL&P.  Mr. Hurley said to cancel the agreement must 90

days out which the Town is well within the timeframe.  Additionally, the Arts Commission was excited at the possibility to work with the Town Hall in the future.
Ms. Fellows is to continue follow-up on this item.

Mr. Mahoney stated that he and Mr. Juliano met with Maureen Will of the Communications Department regarding the phone service once the Town Offices leave the Town Hall.  Mr. Mahoney stated that the Theatre phone service will still be the responsibility of the Board of Managers however any tenant that moves into the building will thus have take care of their own phone service needs. Mr. Juliano is to continue follow-up on this item.
Ms. Motyka stated regarding Edmond Town Hall space analysis, the Borough Commission and the Arts Council are the only prospective tenants currently.

Ms. Fellows added that the current Selectmen’s Offices would be an ideal place for the Board of Managers and theatre offices.  All things Edmond Town Hall, Theatre and Board of Managers would have one central location on the main level of the building with a private entrance and a maintenance closet.
Ms. Fellows went on to say that this is a very exciting time for the Edmond Town Hall for changes and repurposing.

Ms. Motyka stated that the five year plan had been updated and the Board should make a presentation to the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting to be held Monday August 24, 2009 in the C.H. Booth Library regarding the estimated costs for the Town Hall CIP projects.

New Business: The Newtown Hook & Ladder move as previously discussed.

Comments Around the Table:
Mr. Kathan stated that the paint samples should be chosen as soon as possible.

Ms. Fellows added that a lighter color should be chosen for the walls and ceiling while below the chair rail a darker color can be chosen that can be touched up over time.
Additionally, regarding renaming the Theatre for Ginny Lathrop, Ms. Fellows stated that possibly dedicating the Theatre to Mac & Ginny Lathrop might be an idea and having each of the dressing rooms in back named Mac and one Ginny.

Mr. Gill stated the kitchen should have some reference to Sarah Mannix.
Ms. Motyka added that a plaque can be made up naming all those who helped in the Edmond Town Hall kitchen renovation project. Ms. Motyka asked that the Board send her by email any and all names that could be thought of who contributed to the renovation.

Adjournment:  Having no further business, Mr. Gill moved to adjourn the Special Meeting of the Board of Managers at 8:25p.m.  Ms. Fellows seconded motion. All were in favor.

                                                Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk