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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting Tuesday August 11, 2009 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Vice Chair Sandy Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Vice Chair Sandy Motyka, Marie Smith
ALSO PRESENT: Building Administrator – Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent – Clark Kathan, Donald and Marg Studley of the MAary Hawley Society and two members of the public – Peter Dobbrow of 12 Pole Bridge Road Sandy Hook, CT and Digital Media Architect - Trish Dardine.
ABSENT: Mary Fellows *, Kathy Madzula, James Juliano, Jay Gill
* Ms. Fellows entered the Board of Managers meeting at approximately 7:20 and announced that she’d be attending the Borough Meeting happening concurrently and left.

The Board of Managers did not have a quorum present, no action taken on any of the following discussion items, a Special Meeting is to follow to take action on such items (date to be announced).

Public Participation:  
Mr. Dobbrow addressed the Board regarding the possibility of naming the Edmond Town Hall Theatre after Ginny Lathrop for all her years of dedication she gave teaching dance classes in the Town Hall.

Ms. Motyka thanked Mr. Dobbrow for his suggestion and stated that as the Board did not have a quorum present so the members would take the suggestion into advisement until action can be taken.

Ms. Dardine addressed the Board regarding setting up a website for the Edmond Town Hall.  Ms. Dardine stated that she is a Digital Media Architect or essentially a communications manager.
Ms. Dardine expressed that she would design a website that would focus on Edmond Town Hall while marketing the movie theatre, gift certificates, the Alexandria Room (i.e. private parties), the gym as additional space rental.  The site would potentially have links to outside sources such as the Newtown Bee for headline news/ information, and the Mary Hawley Society – Gift Shop/ donations.

Ms. Motyka stated that the site may potentially have paid advertisements posted or sponsorships which in turn the site would pay for itself in a short amount of time. Ms. Motyka mentioned additionally the possibility of the site having interactive sections, downloadable gift certificates available for purchase (for movies or a Town Hall space rental), possible link to Dan Cruson and the Newtown Historical Society or the C.H. Booth Library.

Ms. Dardine stated that the site would require minimal maintenance or technical support.
The cost of the site would be less than $300.00 annually (hosting fee and domain).

Ms. Dardine directed the Board to devise a features and content “wish list” for the website that can then be broken down into main priorities for the next regular meeting.
Ms. Dardine emphasized that the content of the site will never be permanent, content can always be changed and updated, it would be an ever evolving process.

Acceptance of Minutes from June 30, 2009:
This discussion item tabled.

Ms. Motyka did indicate one change to page three where Mr. DiMartino was mis-spelled, should have been Mr. DeMarco.

Building Administrator’s Report:
Mr. Mahoney updated the Board regarding the inventory of furniture has been completed (furniture belonging to the Edmond Town Hall is marked and or labeled clearly) and the paint samples for the Alexandria Room have to be determined as the preparation work for the paint is taking place August 25, 2009.

Building Superintendent’s Report:
Mr. Kathan addressed the Board regarding the boiler repairs.
Currently the quotes received (from Edgerton and CDC – CT Water) to repair the existing boiler units are roughly $30,000.00.  However, neither company is willing to do the repairs without remediating the asbestos problem which in turn will increase the cost of repairs. Mr. Kathan stated that he has also received estimates on the cost of asbestos abatement.  

Mr. Kathan is to discuss with Edgerton the possibility of closing off one boiler unit and using one to maintain the building.

Bills for payment:
Ms. Smith has gone over the bills for payment, all bills have been paid as of August 11, 2009.  

Unfinished Business:
Ms. Motyka addressed quickly past discussion items and issues that need to be followed up on.
The renovated chandelier in the Alexandria Room looks amazing, the Air Conditioning unit is all paid for and installation is complete, Ms. Smith and Ms. Madzula are to complete the personnel reviews, Mr. Juliano is to follow up on the move, the Chamber is looking to come back to the Town Hall and a presentation needs to be made to the Board of Selectmen regarding projects to be completed.

Having no further business the Board of Managers adjourned their regular meeting, no motion to adjourn was made due to no quorum.

                                                Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk