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The Board of Town Hall Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 in the Mary Hawley Room at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Vice Chair Sandy Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.

PRESENT:  Sandy Motyka, James Juliano, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows.
ABSENT: Jay Gill, Kathleen Madzula

ALSO PRESENT:  Tom Mahoney, Edmond Town Hall Building Administrator, Clark Kathan, Town Hall Building Superintendent and One member of the press

Public Participation - None

Minutes of the March 10, 2009 meeting – Mr. Juliano motioned to approve the March 10, 2009 minutes as presented.  Ms. Fellows, seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Minutes of the March 31, 2009 workshop is tabled until the reports come in.
Building Administrators report – Mr. Mahoney reported that business is good.  Schools are out on spring break and the theater is busy.  Ms. Motyka asked how the concession stand is doing, and Tom replied that all is going well

Building Superintendent’s report – Mr. Kathan reported that they are currently in planning stages and had questions about future work to be done.  Are the floors in the Alexandria room going to be done, if so, it may be a good time to have the piano fixed.  The piano sits on the stage and that floor will not be done.  Fixing the piano could cost a minimum of $1,500 to a maximum of $25,000.  The piano is not in the plans right now.  The floors will be done.  They have a quote from Mathison floors to replace some bad areas and refinish the entire floor. They have asked for $10,000 in locip funds so the project cannot go over that.  Ms. Motyka reiterated how important it was for to stay within the appropriation.  Painting is estimated at $3,000, Wiring is $5,100 and the Floors at $5,100 that would mean that the painting would not get done at this time.  Mr. Kathan also suggested that improvements to the outside landscaping is needed. Ms. Fellows suggested contacting Dan Holmes who is a town resident and a Landscape Architect to see if he would consider doing some work in return allow him to put up a sign advertising his work.

Chairman’s report – None

Correspondence – A letter from the Friends of Music was received complaining about things that didn’t happen at a performance they had at the Town Hall.   There was no hot water, dressing rooms cold and not clean, lighting was not good.  The breaker had been turned off.  An apology has been put before them.  Ms. Motyka is concerned due to the fact that are asking for an increase in rent and therefore have to take care of the patrons that they have now.  Mary Fellows suggests that there be a point person for patrons to ensure satisfaction.

A letter from Mr. Borst was received regarding a transfer for $27,000 from contingency for the HVAC system.  The letter stated that Mr. Juliano did not follow proper purchasing regulation but the project would not be stopped.  Mr. Juliano was concerned do to the fact that he spoke with Mr. Tait and he assured him everything was all set.   Mr. Juliano left the Selectman’s meeting the night the transfer took place, with the understanding that the money was available and told the board that he would order the unit the next day.    

Bills for payment –    Ms. Smith moved to pay building bills totaling $11,827.16 and theater bills totaling $11,415.81 for a total of $23,242.97.  Mr. Juliano seconded, motion unanimously accepted.  Ms. Fellows will continue to work with the Town Attorney to sever the contract with the Town and Constellation New Energy.    

Unfinished business – Ms. Motyka reported that the work session held on March 31st was a lengthy one.  They worked with Sherry Paisley from the Meeting House and came up with a partial list of rates.  She would like each member of the board to review it and give their feedback.  They also discussed the best management practices in place at the meeting house and felt that they would also benefit Edmond Town Hall.

New business - None

Comments around the table - NONE

Having no further business, meeting was adjourned at 8:48 PM

Arlene Miles, Clerk