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Board Of Managers               Edmond Town Hall 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470
March 10, 2009

The Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday March 10, 2009 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Sandy Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m.

PRESENT: Sandy Motyka, James Juliano, Marie Smith, Kathleen Madzula
ABSENT: Chairman Jay Gill, Mary Fellows
ALSO PRESENT: Edmond Town Hall Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Edmond Town Hall Building Superintendent Clark Kathan, one member of press and one member of the public Martin Blanco.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  President of the Newtown Cultural Arts Commission, Mr. Martin Blanco addressed the Board regarding the use of the Edmond Town Hall on Saturday April 25, 2009.  The Commission is requesting the rental of the Theatre to showcase films from the Connecticut Film Festival.  Mr. Blanco stated that he was given a quote from Building Administrator Tom Mahoney for $2500.00 plus the additional cost associated with a lengthy event to total about $3200.00 for the entire day’s activities.  Mr. Blanco stated that he would like to appeal to the Board the additional costs for the day and only be charged $2500.00.
Mr. Blanco stated that there would be 3-4 viewings at which concessions could be sold.  The first viewing would be at 11:00, the second at 1:30 (matinee), the third as an anchor viewing around 5:00 with a reception to follow at the Inn at Newtown and the possibility of a final 9:00 p.m. viewing.  Mr. Blanco finished by stating that Mr. Mahoney has been very accommodating and congenial to work with.  
The Board of Managers moved on to discuss the Cultural Arts event stating that it may be necessary to get their specifics in writing.  Mr. Mahoney added that originally the event was not to last all day, also that it was made clear that no additional concessions would be allowed to be sold (only that of the Town Hall Concession booth).  Originally Mr. Mahoney quoted the Cultural Arts Commission at $3200.00 for the entire day but as long as they have the concession profit it should be fine to let it be done at the $2500.00.  Ms. Motyka stated that this time it would be okay for the $2500.00 but only because they are a first time customer and next time the rate will be whatever it is quoted at.
Ms. Madzula moved to approve the $2500.00 fee for the Newtown Cultural Arts Commission for the Film Festival activities in Saturday April 25, 2009.  It will be clear that this rate is for a first time customer and any subsequent events will result in the regular rate for rental/use.
Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.

MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 10, 2009:  The minutes of February 10, 2009 had a correction to an item under New Business discussion. $58,000 was stated as the remaining Theatre Renovation Budget, this should be $25,050.00 (as the $32,950.00 for the Plaster, demolition and installation work to be done in the theatre would be taken


from the current $58,000.00 balance).  Mr. Juliano moved to accept the minutes as corrected.  Ms. Madzula seconded.  All were in favor.

BUILDING ADMINISTRATORS REPORT:  Mr. Mahoney reported on a number of items.  
-       Trinity, a holistic living company is looking for possible office space.
-       Ms. Linda Rotante, approached Mr. Mahoney regarding the use of the Edmond Town Hall kitchen for her commercial baking needs (granola bars).
(Initially the Board thought that the kitchen was not equipped to be used for commercial needs.  She would need to provide the Board a list of ingredients that would be kept in the kitchen.  The Board would have to provide her with a letter of approval for a set amount of hours per week; however, the license would have to be obtained from the Town of Newtown Health Dept.
Ms. Motyka stated that the Board should keep a running list of those who request to use the kitchen for commercial needs.
Mr. Juliano added that the Newtown Rotary Club is planning on coming back because of the kitchen.)
-       Sabrina’s Encore Productions will be presenting Cinderella, Saturday March 14, 2009.
-       Tree House Comedy will present Gilbert Godfrey on March 21, 2009
-       Newtown Cultural Arts Commission to use Theatre on April 25, 2009 for Connecticut Film Festival.
-       Laurie McCollum contacted Mr. Mahoney regarding the Veterans Boxes in the Lobby she requires $750.00 to begin project.  Mr. Mahoney stated that the boxes would be compatible and match the existing Veterans display boxes.  The Board seemed to be in agreement that when the job was proposed, no funds were understood to have to come from the Board of Managers and that Ms. McCollum would ask for donations from local VFW Posts.  
Mr. Kathan added that it would be in the best interest of The Board to offer some money toward the project seeing as it is to represent those who fought with the Armed Forces, even if the total that is needed can’t be matched at least it’d be something.  Ms. Smith suggested that the Board possibly consider donating $250.00 toward the project.
Ms. Motyka stated that this item would not be discussed at this time, however, the Board may return to it in the future.

BUILDING SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT:  Mr. Kathan updated the Board, stating that he has been busy with estimates for the Alexandria Room.
Mathison Floors of Newtown quoted the cost at around $5000.00 which would cover sanding the existing floor, replacing boards and a polyurethane coat.  Mr. Kathan stated that this price is good for the project and additionally Mathison Floors has a good reputation for their work.  The work to the floors will extend life and durability.  Now the scheduling of the project has to work around dates booked for the Alexandria Room.


Ms. Motyka suggested setting days far enough in advance that it is a block of time reserved that no one can take when calling to schedule.
Mr. Kathan stated that the funds are available for painting and electrical work. $4400.00 is slated for Paint (including prep work and plaster), $5100.00 for five days electrical work.
Additionally, Mr. Kathan addressed the Board regarding the possibility of purchasing a Floor Scrubber in the future so as to reduce man time and power and to work more efficiently.  Mr. Kathan stated the Floor Scrubber would be able to be transported via the elevator, it would be economically sound time and labor wise. The cost of the machine (with a municipal discount of $732.00) would be roughly $5000.00.
Ms. Motyka stated that a cost/benefit analysis would definitely have to be done with a purchase of that magnitude.  She stated that this might be an avenue to explore if a reduction of personnel is going to be looked in to especially if the machine will do the required work in half the time.
Ms. Motyka stated that Mr. Kathan will need to provide the Board with what he will need for the coming year, not on a need basis because it is too difficult to be sure the funds will be available on short notice.  If the Board knows ahead of time what will be needed, financial planning will be made easier.

CHAIRMANS REPORT: In Mr. Gill’s absence, Ms. Motyka addressed the Board.  The Library is doing the final paperwork to change their trustee and going with JP Morgan.
Ms. Motyka stated that the dividends from the Mary Hawley trust do not look that bad considering the state of the economy.  
Ms. Motyka congratulated Mr. Mahoney for the funds brought in while the Walt Disney movie Bolt was running, $8896.00 and $5000.00 during Bedtime Stories.

CORRESPONDENCE:  Ms. Motyka addressed the Board regarding correspondence from Irene Maluski requesting a determination letter about the trust being reclassified as a private foundation organization.  Ms. Motyka will follow up with the Town Attorney or Judge Lavery regarding the use of principle and if it even applies to the Board.
Also in Correspondence, a letter received from First Selectman Joseph Borst offered to send a press release out on possible vacancies for tenants in the Town Hall when the offices move to Fairfield Hills.  The current prospective tenants who have expressed an interest in office space in the Town Hall are Park & Recreation, Social Services, Town Historian Dan Cruson, Trinity (Holistic) and now possibly the Borough.  Ms. Motyka requested that Marcy please get in touch with Mr. James Gaston regarding the Borough’s official interest in office space as well.

BILLS FOR PAYMENT:  Ms. Smith addressed the Board regarding bills for payment and requested clarification on the amount due for Kesco Electric totaling $2095.00.  Mr. Kathan stated this was for the replacement of lighting and retro fitting existing fixtures).
Mr. Juliano suggested to the Board that anything over $500.00 go out to bid as the costs of everything vary so much and especially with the economy the way it is.  

Projects need to be researched and the costs investigated.

Ms. Smith went on to say that the bills for payment in the month of February total $27,119.94.
Ms. Smith moved to accept bills as proposed in the amount of $27,119.94.  
Mr. Juliano seconded motion, pending the availability of funds.  All were  in favor.  

UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Mr. Juliano addressed the Board regarding the Save America’s Treasures Grant from the State.  The project and the Board qualifies for the Grant however, it would not be available until October 2009 which is much too late for the project.   The A/C and heat needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Mr. Juliano received a quote of $83,147.00 for the roof top unit to heat and cool the theatre automatically. The current system is largely inefficient.  
This cost would cover a Honeywell remote thermostat, sheet metal duct work (retro fitting existing duct), roof penetration with a bonded contractor, electrical work for air handler, gas service increased for more volume, insulate duct work, reclaim existing coolant (no evaporation), crane and rigging costs, disposal of old unit and project management.  With this new unit installation, Mr. Juliano explained that the cost reduction of heating and cooling the building would be significantly condensed.
The theatre renovation fund has $56,000.00 available, while requesting $27,000.00 from state grants.  
Mr. Juliano is on the agenda for Monday March 16, 2009 with the Board of Selectmen to propose the request of funds for the project.

COMMENTS:  Ms. Motyka asked the Board for comments around the table.
Ms. Smith, a rate card needs to be established so that costs are clear.

Ms. Madzula, thanked Mr. Juliano for the time and wealth of knowledge.

Mr. Kathan, none noted.

Mr. Juliano, the grants the Board will be requesting are possible.  

Mr. Mahoney, none noted.

Ms. Motyka added that a work session should be held.  Ms. Smith is to being working on the rate card and to contact Marcy.
Work Session to be held Tuesday March 31, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. and will cover rate card and guidelines for kitchen usage.  

AJOURNMENT:  Having no further business, the regular meeting of the Board of Managers was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.



        Mary Hawley Room
        Tuesday March 31, 2009 7:00 p.m.
-       Rate Card
-       Edmond Town Hall Kitchen Guidelines

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk