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Board of Managers               Edmond Town Hall 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470
February 10, 2009

The Board of Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday February 10, 2009 in the Mary Hawley Room of the Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.
Sandy Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

PRESENT: Sandy Motyka, James Juliano, Marie Smith, Kathleen Madzula
ABSENT: Chairman Jay Gill, Mary Fellows
ALSO PRESENT: Edmond Town Hall Building Administrator Tom Mahoney, Edmond Town Hall Building Superintendent Clark Kathan, one member of the press.


Ms. Motyka stated that the Board had a quorum with the members present, if any motions were made, action can be taken.
Ms. Motyka also wanted to be sure to make a formal thanks to the former Clerk for the Board of Managers, Ann Mazur who had recently resigned.  Ms. Motyka stated on behalf of the Board of Managers a special thanks and appreciation to Ann for her time and diligence she devoted to the Board of Managers.
Ms. Motyka also thanked Mr. Mahoney and Marcy for the presentation at Selectman’s meeting the previous week.  She went on to say that $190,000 had been approved but there are still some concerns due to the current economic climate.
Ms. Motyka addressed Ms. Madzula and Ms. Smith regarding a hiring freeze in the case an employee should retire or leave a position, the position will not be filled. Ms. Motyka stated that according to Mr. David Brown, the building is to be run with part-time staffing and that no jobs will be cut unless absolutely necessary.
Ms. Motyka addressed an issue regarding the rental of the kitchen space and parties who rent it out are to clean up upon their departure.  Ms. Motyka stated that she will request that Marcy draft a formal letter ready for potential renters indicating that their deposit will not be refunded if the space is not cleaned when they leave.  Signatures will be required upon rental agreement so that they are familiar with all expectations.  Mr. Mahoney and Mr. Kathan are to devise a check-list outlining all expectations and requirements of renting the kitchen area.

MINUTES OF JANUARY 13, 1009: Ms. Smith moved to approve the minutes of January 13, 2009 as submitted.  Mr. Juliano seconded motion.

BUILDING ADMINISTRATORS REPORT:  Mr. Mahoney reported to the Board that the Relocation Company that was occupying that space upstairs next to the Kitchen will be moving out at the end of February, no money is owed.
Mr. Mahoney updated the Board regarding the recent performance of Grease put on by Sabrina’s Encore Productions went well, all five showings were sold out.  Additionally, a production of Cinderella is also coming, as is The Producers.  Mr. Mahoney stated that the Town Hall collects proceeds from the rental of the theatre and Concessions.
For the weekend of February 14, 2009, Mr. Mahoney stated the Comedy Club – Women of the Night will be performing and has generated a good turn out in the past.  Also on that day, Mae Schmidle is having a function for Julia Wasserman from 11:00a.m. through 1:00p.m. that will be held outside in front of the Town Hall weather permitting, if not then in the Lobby and Mary Hawley Room, a Matinee is scheduled for 1:00p.m. as well.


Ms. Motyka stated that Taunton Press Publishing company had recently rented the theatre for a meeting and it had went very well, the building presented itself nicely.

BUILDING SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT:  Mr. Kathan reported to the Board that the maintenance crew has been busy with snow and ice removal this year.  The salt ordered is not being produced any more for this season.  Mr. Kathan stated that lights and rewiring is a current project. The parts for the lighting fixtures are no longer made.  Kesco Electric is doing the work.
Ms. Motyka stated that a corrected Payment Request Sheet needs to be obtained from Marcy as some figures were in question regarding Kesco Electric. Also any unexpected expenditures with in the budget, such as an electrical short, has to be monitored very carefully given the economic conditions.

CORRESPONDENCE:  Ms. Motyka addressed the Board regarding Correspondence from Parks & Recreation Director Amy Mangold requesting 1100 square footage of space for storage.  Ms. Motyka stated that the Parks & Recreation department hopes to get the (current) Selectmans and Registrars quarters as well as five allotted parking spaces.  Ms. Motyka requested that the Board of Selectman please keep the Board of Managers informed and updated on who will be requesting space in the Town Hall.  Ms. Motyka stated that she is not so sure that a windowed room should be granted for use as storage.  Additionally, what would be entailed in receiving estimates for renovating the building in terms of computer hardware and thus the server requirements.
Mr. Juliano agreed that the Board of Managers should be kept updated on who is requesting space.  Mr. Juliano stated that the progress at Fairfield Hills is moving along and believes that September 2009 will be with in reach as a completion date, regarding computer and server updates, as long as some kind of coordinated plan is in place in terms of what will be needed by each department requesting space, getting estimates would be possible and available for the next meeting.

BILLS FOR PAYMENT:  Ms. Smith discussed with the Board current utility costs to maintain the Town Hall.  A cost of $1165.18 from Edgerton for replacement of the boiler motor, $200.00 for a blower fan replacement for the projector, $915.00 for Kesco Electric, $490.50 for the Pepsi and $7657.38 for 32 days to Yankee Gas.
Ms. Smith moved to approve building bills for payment totaling $ 18,121.70 and theatre bills totaling $9492.66 for a grand total of $27,614.36.  Ms. Madzula seconded the motion.  Motion passed pending fund(s) availability.

Ms. Motyka questioned and requested clarification on the Profit/Loss statement where $9715.00 was indicated in other income.

NEW BUSINESS:  Mr. Juliano addressed the Board regarding plaster work needing to be done in the theatre in the balcony section.  Mr. Juliano stated that a company out of Danbury has quoted the work at $32,950.00 for replacement of plaster, demolition and installation of new molding.  Mr. Juliano said that after this renovation, $58,000 will remain in the Theatre Renovation budget and hoped that those funds could be used for updating the heating and AC in the theatre.  Mr. Juliano stated that Community Development Director Liz Stocker is looking into possible grants that could be used to fund the Town Hall renovation projects.  If energy savings and efficiency can be proved by making the renovations, the grants are definitely possible.


In other New Business, Ms. Smith addressed the Board regarding the possibility of starting meetings 30 minutes earlier, at 7:00p.m.  Ms. Motyka questioned the Board members present for the meeting if this change would suit them.  The Board was in agreement that a 30 minute earlier start would not be a problem.  Mr. Juliano moved to approve an amended start time for Board of Managers meetings to be 7:00p.m. as opposed to 7:30p.m.  Ms. Madzula seconded motion.  Ms. Motyka stated motion will pass providing the change in time works for Chairman Jay Gill.

Mr. Juliano complimented the Town Hall maintenance crew on the great job on snow removal this year.

Mr. Kathan thanked Mr. Juliano for his compliment and that it couldn’t have been done with out the snow blower Mr. Juilano had lent.

Ms. Madzula thanked the Board all together.

Ms. Smith commented on the new back doors near the elevator as a big improvement.

Mr. Mahoney, no comment.

Ms. Motyka requested that the Board move into Executive Session.

Upon Ms. Motyka’s motion to move into Executive Session, the Board of Managers moved into Executive Session at 8:20p.m. and returned to regular session at  8:44p.m. per motion by Ms. Smith. Motion seconded by Mr. Juliano.

The Board of Managers took no action during Executive Session.

ADJOURMENT:  Having no further business, the Board of Managers adjourned the regular meeting of February 10, 2009 at 8:45p.m.     


Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk