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The Board of Town Hall Managers held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 in the Mary Hawley Room at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT  Chairman Jay Gill called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Jay Gill, Sandy Motyka, James Juliano, Marie Smith, Mary Fellows
ABSENT:  Kathleen Madzula

ALSO PRESENT – Tom Mahoney, Edmond Town Hall Building Administrator, Amy Mangold and Debra Denzel of Park & Rec, Patrick Barczak of the Park & Rec commission, Ann Piccini of Social Services

Public Participation – Ms. Piccini is requesting the board to look into space for Social Services to occupy.  The Police Department would like to occupy the entire building at 3 Main Street which leaves Social Services, Park & Rec and the Borough looking for space elsewhere.  Ms. Mangold’s understanding is at this time, they are looking at options to see what would work best for each department.  Ms. Motyka requested both Social Services and Park & Rec to submit a request of space and needs to them.  This will allow them to look at the building as a whole and see what works best for each department.  A separate entry for Social Services would be preferably due to the elderly and the handicap they service.  Mr. Juliano also requested a desirable floor plan from each department to better help the board find space.  Park & Rec work mainly through the internet so technology is critical.   Mary Fellows articulated that the board is in a tough spot because the Edmond Town hall has consideration for the town offices but this would allow them to become self sufficient and have a stream of income.  Ms. Motyka wanted to make it very clear that if they did use space in Edmond Town Hall, it does not mean that all the areas are available for their use at no cost.  Mr. Barczak suggested that this just may be a transition period for Park & Rec should a new facility be built.  

Minutes of the December 9, 2008 meeting - Mr. Juliano motioned to approve the December 9, 2008 minutes with the correction that the charge of $500 is only for a party, not a wedding as well.  Ms. Motyka seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

Building Administrator’s report – Mr. Mahoney reported that Marcie would like to speak with the board members to know who to charge and who not to charge such as nonprofit.  Ms. Motyka would like to prepare a list of the agencies of who will not be charged and a policy needs to be set.  With the current economics situation a nominal fee may have to be charged for everyone.  Christmas week the theater did very well – they took in roughly $16,000.  

Building Superintendent’s report – in Clark Kathan’s absence, Mr. Mahoney had a letter that was sent to the employees cutting their hours of work.  There is no over time unless there is snow.  

Chairman’s Report – Nothing to report

Correspondence - None

Bills for payment – Ms. Fellows moved to pay building bills totaling $18,195.74 and theater bills totaling $8,912.43 for a total of $27,108.17.  Seconded by Ms. Smith motion unanimously accepted.

Unfinished business
Mary Hawley Trust Fund trustee – Ms. Motyka moved to take the question to change the trust off the table.  Ms. Smith seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

New Business – Ms. Motyka informed the board that the Locip funds can not be used for renovations, only new construction.  The only other option would be a historic renovation fund.  There needs a full plan for the ballroom as they did with the kitchen.  The room needs the infrastructure first.  Ms. Fellows replied that this could take three years; a fresh coat of paint wouldn’t hurt.  Mr. Juliano has been working on the air condition and heat in the theater.  He is working with Liz stocker to get a Clean Energy Grant.  He needs to prove that the improvements are needed to quality for the federal grant.  An architect is needed and Bob Mitchell agreed to do the work pro-bono.  

Adjournment – 8:58 PM

Arlene Miles, Clerk