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Minutes 10-14-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 in the Mary Hawley Room, Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Gill called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Jay Gill, Sandra Motyka, Kathleen Madzula, Mary Fellows, James Juliano, Mary Smith  ALSO PRESENT:  Building Administrator Thomas Mahoney and Building Superintendent Clark Kathan, four members of public, no members of the press

Public participation.  Laurie McCollum,  Susanne and Carl Zencey, asked the Board to allow for the installation of a showcase honoring the town’s servicemen who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.  They will accept sole responsibility for collecting data and see what other towns are doing.  The Board will discuss the request later and advise of their decision.  They extended their appreciation for the sentiment.

Pam Ahtchi of Cookie Wishes wanted to know if she could use the newly installed kitchen for her cookie baking and classes.  She is having difficulty finding a certified kitchen.  Ms. Fellows put her in touch with a few people who might be able to help.  Mr. Mahoney said that the kitchen wasn’t designed for this kind of business.   Ms. Motyka said that they would need permits and license and possibly require zoning permission.   

Minutes of September 9, 2008.  The capital improvement list requires follow-up.  Ms. Fellows noted that the Mary Hawley Society slated for October is cancelled and will be re-scheduled for February 2009 as a Mardi Gras style wine tasting event.  Ms. Motyka moved to accept the Minutes of September 8, 2008.  Seconded by Mr. Juliano.  The vote was unanimous.

Building Administrator’s Report.   So far this fall they have $8,000.  There is a show coming up at the Comedy Club with people from General Hospital.  200 tickets have been sold.  

Pastor Ernestine is now meeting in Bethel.

Building Superintendent’s Report.  Mr. Kathan noted that since installing new lights in the gym a year ago CL&P say that there has been a $277.49 saving.  The savings from the Neil Warner energy saving device should be reflected in the next bill at about $82-85.  They would appreciate a letter of appreciation for the $1,500 donation.  Ms. Smith will handle this.  They are in the process of replacing certain wiring in the building because of deterioration.  This is still an ongoing project.

Chairman’s Report.  Mr. Gill said that not a single solicitation had been received for the trust fund for kids.

Bills for Payment.  Building bills totaled $8,639.73 and theater bills $11,451.74 for a total of $20,091.47.  Ms. Motyka moved to accept.  Seconded by Mr. Juliano.  The vote was unanimous

Unfinished Business.  Ms. Fellows said that the Library did a great job regarding the Mary Hawley Trust Fund.  They had not heard from Union Trust.  With the information received from J.P. Morgan and Bank of America it was decided that until the financial climate improves things should remain status quo.

Mr. Katham updated the Board on the kitchen progress.  Everything should be complete by October 27, 2008.

Ms. Fellows said that there was no more information available regarding the Bloomenthal letter.  She is trying to get information from the Board of Education.  They are looking at 120% increase through 2009.  It was suggested that they proceed through the Town Attorney.

Mary Hawley Trust Fund Trustee.  Ms. Motyka said that $16,000 will be paid toward the kitchen.  They would keep $2,000 seed money.  They have over $3,000 from the Women’s Club.  They would like to pay the entire loan but are pledging 50% of the $35,000.

New Business  Ms. Fellows said that the upcoming fundraiser will be postponed due to lack of interest.  They will try again next year.   The Concession area was complete at $4,030.  She wanted the new cabinets off the floor so they would not be damaged.  Dusty stuffed animals that had been brought out should be removed.  Mr. Mahoney said that the staff work on a nightly rate.  Ms. Fellows wanted to ensure that the office is manned during operating hours.  She also noted that there was no toilet paper in the Ladies room.  Ms. Motyka said that there are special colors that would be good for covering the graffiti on the doors.

Mr. Gill considered the request for a place for an Honor Roll for servicemen was a good idea.  The Board will see what New Milford has done and come up with a design and optimum location that would be suitable.  Ms. Madzula moved to approve the erection of a servicemen’s honor roll.  Seconded by Ms. Motyka.  The vote was unanimous.

Ms. Motyka said that the Board should find out how to set up for credit card processing for fund raising.

Adjournment.  The meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.

Margaret Wilkin, Clerk