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ROOM 209

CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman G. Petriccione called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.
Present for the Board:  Chairman G. Petriccione, First Vice Chairman S. Young, Second Vice Chairman B. Piepho, Treasurer L. Leaden, J. Ginnetty, A. J. Murphy, A. Michener and S. Bot
Absent Members:  S. Ward, B. Woerner, R. Carley, S. Howard, and E. Racz

APPROVAL OF MINTUES:  A motion was made by First Vice Chairman S. Young, seconded by Treasurer L. Leaden, to approve the minutes from the Lake Lillinonah Regular Meeting held January 7, 2014 as written.  Motion was passed 8-2; with S. Bot and A. Michener abstaining as they were not present at last month’s meeting.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  There were no guests present at this meeting.

CORRESPONDENCE:  Chairman G. Petriccione reported receiving correspondence from a possible candidate from Newtown to fill its vacancy; Echo Bay, and First Light/DEEP regarding the RT. 133 boat ramp. Chairman G. Petriccione stated that he has been in touch with Mike Peyton about concerns about the RT. 133 boat ramp and its access.  He also stated that he will be speaking with First Light regarding debris management and the possible funding of fish stocking that was lost from draw down.  Chairman G. Petriccione stated he will try to schedule USGS to make a presentation to LLA at next month’s meeting.  He also stated that the Authority is looking to hire marine patrol officers for the 2014 boating season. Chairman G. Petriccione stated that he is responsible for answering calls directed to the Lake Lillinonah Authority’s and J. Ginnetty will be responsible for Call-Em-All.  Treasurer L. Leaden stated that she received correspondence from Liberty Mutual.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman G. Petriccione discussed his report under agenda item, Correspondence.

FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  First Vice Chairman S. Young reported that he has received the First Light Power Debris Management Report for 2013.  He also reported that he is working with Friends of the Lake to craft a formal response to FERC.   

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  No report was given by the Second Vice Chairman this month.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Treasurer L. Leaden stated that the Lake Lillinonah Authority’s audit has been completed.  She will have a copy of the final report for next month’s meeting.  She also
stated that a new bank account has been opened; with the account being fully insured.  Treasurer L.


Lake Lillinonah Authority Regular Meeting Minutes               February 11, 2014                               Page One

Leaden reported that the Chairman and the Treasurer are the only two signers on the bank account.
She also reported that she still has not received a police report from the 2013 boating accident.

Discussion of changes to the LLA Bylaws:  A Bylaws Committee has been formed to discuss changes to the Bylaws; committee members are Chairman G. Petriccione, S. Bot, and A.J. Murphy.
The committee will bring to the March Board meeting suggested  changes to the Bylaws.

Town Contributions:  Treasurer L. Leaden stated that she has received town contributions from 5 towns.
Vacancies:  Chairman G. Petriccione reported the following vacancies:  Brookfield-2, Southbury-2, and Newtown-1.

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by First Vice Chairman S. Young, seconded by A. J. Murphy, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:12pm.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Diane Cerasoli                  
                                                        Administrative Assistant-LLA