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ROOM 209

CALL TO ORDER:  Brian Boodry began the meeting at 7:32pm.
Members Present:  B. Boodry, R. Carley, L. Leaden, Greg Petriccione, J.Ginnetty, B. Piepho,
B. Woerner, S. Ward, S. Bolesta, and S. Young
Absent Members:  S. Howard and J. Simmons

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by S. Ward, seconded by L. Leaden,
to approve the September 6, 2011 Lake Lillinonah Authority Regular Meeting Minutes as written.  Motion passed unanimously.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  Jeff Tinley, Friends of the Lake

CORRESPONDENCE:  B. Boodry stated that he received an email from Frank Haight regarding water levels.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that First Light will conduct the Lake draw down on November 5 – 13, 2011, elevation 190.

FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  No report was given.

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  On J. Simmons behalf, B. Boodry stated that
J. Simmons received numerous phone calls on the LLA phone line regarding water levels.  Current information was posted on the LLA website.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  L. Leaden stated that she has worked diligently with the bookkeeper and all accounting is balanced in Quick Books.  L. Leaden was given K. Seeley’s expense report back up as requested.


1.  Water Levels:  Water Levels will be an agenda item for the November 9, 2011 Lake  
     Lillinonah Regular Meeting.

2.  Lake Advisory Committee Meeting:  There will be a Lake Advisory Committee Meeting
     on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 2:30pm in New Milford.

3.  Budget:  B. Boodry distributed a copy of the proposed budget.  He asked that all members
     review the budget and contact him with any changes. The budget will be voted on at the
     December 6, 2011 Lake Lillinonah Authority Regular Meeting.  Town contribution letters
     along with the annual report will be emailed out to First Selectman/Mayor in December 2011.
LLA Regular Meeting Minutes             October 4, 2011                                 Page 1 of 2
B. Piepho stated that he has been in contact with the Hatchery and suggested to the members to purchase Bass for the Lake.
4.  Debris:  Richard Laudent, Plant Manager of FirstLight Power Resources, Inc. sent photos to
     B. Boodry that were taken by Dave Pudlo on work that was performed on the Lake on
     September 2011.  In R. Laudent’s email he stated that the skimmer they have is the largest
     one on the market.

    S. Ward stated asked the members for approval to have a Zebra Mussel Alert sign placed at
     the Rt. 133 boat ramp.  All members were in agreement.


1.  Buoys-Repair & Installation:  review & plan for 2012:  S. Young stated that the buoys   
     will be removed from the water on October 15, 2011.  He will give the members an update at
     next month’s Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting on November 9, 2011.

2.  USGS Update:  S. Young reported on K. Seeley’s Patrol Report for the past three months.

3.  Vacancies:  B. Boodry reported the following vacancies; Bridgewater-2, Southbury-l,
      Newtown-1, New Milford-1, and Roxbury-1

OTHER ITEMS:  L. Leaden asked that the Lake Lillinonah Authority send a thank you letter to K. Seeley for all his efforts this year.

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by R. Carley, seconded by S. Young to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:20pm.