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CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Boodry called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.  Members present:
B. Boodry, B. Piepho, R. Carley, S. Ward, J. Simmons, L. Leaden, S. Young, S. Howard,
B. Woerner, J. Ginnetty, and G. Petriccione.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by B. Piepho, seconded by S. Ward, to approve the minutes of March 1, 2011 Lake Lillinonah Authority Regular Meeting as written.  Motion was approved unanimously.


Greg Bollard, FOTL gave a presentation of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena Polymorph a) as follows:
As part of the littoral zone management study, zebra Mussels were discovered in our lake, in 6 of the 16 sites tested, for a total of 33 zebra mussels.  The zebra mussels were found at Pond Brook, the Newtown ramp, and the”S” turns.  This is of grave concern because this invasive species caused damage to boats, property, and the ecobalance.  The best method to handle this is by early detection and monitoring, in conjunction with education and outreach.  A motion was approved by S. Young, seconded by J. Ginnetty, to add an additional $500.00 to the $500.00 already approved for monitoring of the zebra mussel population.  Signs will be ordered and placed at all boat launches.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Boodry stated that the Authority has received two new maps from First Light, which will be made available on our website in Google-docs.  One is of the littoral zone, and the other of invasive species.  

VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  G. Petriccione stated that the new boat will delivered by the end of April and will be operational by mid May.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  S. Bowman has resigned from the Lake Lillinonah Authority.  A new treasurer will need to be appointed.

CORRESPONDENCE:  CT Fund for the Environment has speakers available.

1.  Zebra Mussels Presentation: Status of LLA Contribution to Monitoring:  This agenda item
     was discussed in Greg Bollard’s report.

2.  Debris Management Meeting Summary/Invasive Plants Meeting Summary:
    The annual meeting of the debris management advisory committee was attended by G.
     Petriccione, B. Boodry, B. Piepho, and S. Young, who all reported on the proceedings.
    First Light is not required to file a report with FERC this year.  First Light reported a successful
     year in 2010, regarding debris removal.  They will plan to drop the operating level one foot.  
     First Light is researching other locations to deposit debris on shore after collection, as well as
     considering possible methods of anchoring large debris.  New Initiatives in 2011 include being
Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes-Tuesday, April 5, 2011                      Page Two

    more active on the shoreline and creating a schedule for the skimmer location to coordinate with
    volunteers clearing the coves.  Ponding will be de-emphasized in 2011.  First Light is seeking
    suggestions on where to focus debris removal.  S. Young will be the contact person to notify
     regarding large debris or problem areas.  Debris can legally be sent over the dam up through
     May 1, 2011, as the estuary of the Housatonic River in Long Island Sound is a breeding ground
     relying on this wood debris.  First Light is required to do debris removal 35 days, and this is the
     last year of the program.  Every six years, they must re-submit a management plan and an
     inventory of the shoreline.  There will be a one day energy audit of peak power, when LLA
     should do a documentation of debris on that day.  The invasive plants meeting concluded that
     this is not a big issue on our lake.

3.  Proposal from USGS for Water Quality Study:  A proposal was received from the USGS for a
     water quality study at a cost of $19,000 which they propose that LLA share in half of the cost of
     $9,500.  USGS proposes to test 4 sites in mid-summer to coordinate with the cycle of power
     generation, with one profile before and one after power generation.  Sampling would include
     vertical velocity, nutrient sampling, and take bottom sediment for phosphorus loading.  This
     proposal will be sent to Jen Klug for review.  More detail and clarification of procedures will be

4.  Littoral Zone Study – Shoreline Forest Inventory Proposal:  The Littoral Zone Study was
     approved by the Forest Division of the DEP.

5.  VACANCIES:  Executive Committee.  Treasurer.  A new treasurer will need to be appointed.

1.  Vacancies:  Chairman Boodry reported the following vacancies: Bridgewater, Brookfield, and

2.  Lake Patrol:  K. Seeley has submitted a patrol list for officers who will be sworn in.  A new
     policy regarding patrol hours will be developed for this year.  Patrol boats are ready for
    the season.

3.  Water Quality Efforts for 2011:  No treatments are scheduled for the 2011 season, but a
     permit application will be filed as a contingency.

Budget:  Southbury has paid the $23,000 share.  Bridgewater questioned the amount of their share.

The Still River Clean-up ID is scheduled for May 14, 2011.

The Barkwood Falls docks will go in April 16, 2011.

Buoys:  S. Young stated that he has done an inventory of buoys, only to discover that many of them are missing, due to excessive flows this winter (maximum of 66,000 cfs).  We will begin the task of replacing these buoys.

Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes-Tuesday, April 5, 2011              Page Three

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by S. Ward, seconded by R. Carley, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon Ward