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1.  CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Young began the meeting at 7:35pm.  Members Present:  
        Chairman Young, R. Carley, B. Piepho, S. Bowman, L. Leaden, J. Ginnetty, B. Boodry,
        J. Briody, S. Howard, and G. Pettricone
        Absent Members:  S. Ward, and B. Woerner
S. Young stated that he received notification from James Belden that he might attend this month’s meeting to discuss the Housatonic Transfer Station and the Pomperaug Water Shed.

2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by S. Bowman, to
        approve the minutes from the Regular Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting of October 5, 2010
        with the following amendments; page 2, #3 under New Business-add Chairman before First
        Vice Chairman; page 2, #5 under New Business-delete last sentence; and page 2, #2 under Old
        Business-after the word budget add with the following amendments-Payroll Salaries & Payroll
        Taxes budget figure shall be changed from $33,000 to $39,000 and Weapons/Training/Uniforms
        budget figure shall be changed from $7,000 to $700.00.  Motion was passed unanimously.

3.  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  G. Bollard, Friends of the Lake

    CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young stated that First Light Power had their Lake Authority  
     Committee Meeting and discussed were issues related to recreation on the lake and some
        improvements that are going to be made pertaining to canoe portages and hiking trails signage.  
      Minutes from this meeting will be available next month.  All buoys have been removed and the
        ice bars are all in place for the winter. Buoys are in storage in S. Young’s warehouse.  He also
        stated the wording for the rower’s signs will be changed from “danger” to “caution.”  
        S. Young reported that the invasive Zebra Mussels have been discovered in Lake Lillinonah and
        Lake Zoar.  A meeting will be held at 7:00pm on November 15, 2010 at Western Connecticut
        University, Science Building Room 125 Midtown Campus to discuss this matter. All are
        welcome to attend.  S. Young reported that Echo Bay has expressed interest in purchasing the
        Edgewater Boat for their marina operations. Anyone on the Lake Lillinonah Authority has First
        Right of Refusal to purchase the Edgewater for $3500.  S. Young has asked that if anyone is
        interested to let him know by the next Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting in December 2010.

        FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B.Boodry stated that he attempted to obtain a
        copy of the police report from New Milford regarding the drowning at Lover’s Leap.  He  
        was informed by the New Milford Police Department that the drowning was being investigated
        by the DEP and the New Milford Police Department and that the report was not available to the
        public.  B. Boodry filed a FOI request to the DEP for a copy of the report, which is available,
        and he will have it for the next Lake Lillinonah Meeting in December.

DRAFT Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes-Tuesday, November 2, 2010       Page Two

        SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  J. Simmons was not present for this meeting.

        TREASURER’S REPORT:  J. Briody reported on the monthly financials.  Expenses for the
        month of September included; $26,000 for copper sulfate treatment and the treatments from
7/27 & 8/10/10; $3,000 in payroll for officers; $3000 for expenses; and $5,560 and $1,680 to Northeast Aquatic Research.  He also stated that in October $6,000 was donated towards the capitalization of the Friends of the Lake monitoring system.
        B.  Piepho stated that he has received a request from the town of Southbury to explain
        the budget line by line by December 3, 2010.  B. Piepho and J. Simmons will set up a
        meeting to meet with the finance officer.

        S. Young asked the Administrative Assistant to email the Town Clerk to locate a town record
        pertaining to the Lake Lillinonah Authority regarding funding from area towns.

S. Young introduced James Belden who addressed the members with an update on the Housatonic Transfer Station and the Pomperaug Water Shed.

        1.  Acquisition of New Boat:  A motion was made by G. Pettrricone, seconded by S. Howard,                 
                to purchase a new boat for the Lake Lillinonah Authority. The boat is a 20ft. Justice series
        boat.  The manufacturer is Brunswick Boat. The price is $71,918.00, plus lettering in the
        amount of $672.50 as discussed.  Motion passed 9-1; with1 Member voting no.
  • Nomination of Officers:  S. Young stated that he would like to open the floor to prepare a slate for nominations.  S. Young stated that he is resigning his position as Chairman and made a motion, seconded by S. Bowman, to nominate B. Boodry for a two-year term as Chairman.  B. Boodry accepted the nomination.  Motion was passed unanimously.  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by R. Carley, to nominate J. Simmons as Second Vice Chairman.  Motion was passed unanimously.  A motion was made by S. Howard, seconded by B. Boodry, to nominate S. Bowman as Treasurer. S. Bowman accepted the nomination.  Motion was passed unanimously.  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by S. Bowman, to nominate G. Pettricone as First Vice Chairman.  G. Pettricone accepted the nomination.  Motion was passed unanimously.
        3.  2011 Schedule of Meetings:  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by J. Briody, to
                accept the 2011 Lake Lillinonah Meeting Schedule as written.  A copy of the schedule
                will be attached to the minutes.  Motion was passed unanimously.

1.  Sediment Sampling:  B. Piepho stated that he has not done any sediment sampling as of this   
     date.  He will contact George Knoecklein the proper way to obtain a sediment sample.  
2.  Vacancies Newtown-2, Southbury-1, Roxbury-1, Bridgewater-1:  S. Young stated
        that Andrea Haas has resigned her position with the Lake Lillinonah Authority.
        S. Young reported the following vacancies; Newtown 2, Southbury 1, Roxbury, 1 and
        Bridgewater 1.  

7.  ADJOURN:  A motion was made by S. Howard, seconded by J. Briody to adjourn the
        meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting ended at 9:02pm.