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CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Young began the meeting at 7:35pm.  Members Present:  
S. Young, R. Carley, J. Ginnity, J. Simmons, B. Boodry, B. Piepho, L. Leaden, S. Ward, and
B. Woerner.
Absent Members:  S. Howard, J. Briody, S. Bowman, and A. Haas

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by B. Woerner,            
to approve the Lake Lillinonah Regular Meeting minutes from September 7, 2010 as written. Motion was approved unanimously.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS:  Jeff Tinley – Friends of the Lake

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young stated that he and K. Seeley repaired the tower on the Edgewater over this past weekend.

FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that patrols are done for the season.  The only boat in the water at the present time is the Edgewater.  The last time patrols were used was for the Regatta.  Reimbursement has been made by GMS for patrol use during the Regatta. Echo Bay Marina is handling the boat storage.

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN ‘S REPORT:  J. Simmons stated that he has received two phone calls; one was from First Light notifying that they were going to lower the lake and the second call  was from Tom Flitzer (sports fisherman writer) who would like to do a write up on Lake Lillinonah.  He also would to take a tour of the lake.  J. Simmons asked Mr. Flitzer to contact B. Piepho.

TREASURER’S REPORT:   J. Briody was not present for this meeting.

1.  Acquisition of New Boat:  G. Pettricione distributed to the members the three quotes he
     received for the acquisition of a new boat. Quotes were received from; Edgewater Boats LLC,
     Brunswick Commercial & Government Products, Inc. and Everglades.  Members reviewed the
     proposals and discussed which items could be eliminated from the proposals.  S. Young stated
    that next month a motion will be made to purchase a boat.  S. Young asked all members to make
    suggestions for what options should be eliminated or if there are any add-ons.  This will also be
    discussed with Kevin Seeley.
2.  Sediment Sampling:  B. Biepho stated that he contacted Chuck Lee to inquire which
     concentrations are needed to perform alum treatments for the lake.  He stated that $28,000 is   
     currently spent on copper sulfate treatments each year.  He also stated that alum treatment lasts
     for six years.  B. Piepho reported that alum absorbs the phosphorus in the soil.  Chuck Lee told
    B. Biepho that soil samples are needed to determine how much phosphorus is in the soil.  

     Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 5, 2010             Page Two

3.  Appointment of Nominating Committee:  S. Ward volunteered to head the nominating
     committee.  Positions up for election are First Vice Chairman, Second Vice Chairman, and
    Treasurer.  Nominations will be taken at the November 2010 meeting; followed by the vote
     at the December 2010 meeting.

4.  Review Water Treatments of 2010:  S. Young stated that 4 treatments of copper sulfate were
    performed in 2010 by Aquatic Control Technology, Inc.  The dates were 7/13, 27, 8/10, and
     8/31/10. Each treatment covered 210 acres.  Also, one treatment of diquat was performed on
     7/13/10 covering 15 acres.  Secchi disk readings were performed on the Upstream of Still River,
     Poison Ivy Island, Barkwood Falls Cove, Route 133 Bridge, and Upper Shepaug.  The worst
     readings were at Poison Ivy Island and Upper Shepaug.

5. Develop Water Treatment Plan for 2011:  The Lake Lillinonah Authority members decided  
    unanimously to not perform copper sulfate and diquat treatments for 2011. Instead these
   treatments will be performed every two years.

1.  Buoy Permit:  S. Young stated that on September 14, 2010 he, S. Howard, and Mike Peyton
    met, and all buoys have been looked at for the site visit.  There were some technical problems
   with Mike Peyton’s equipment.  He made some revisions to the applications and requested that
   we make one correction for a misprint on the rowers buoy.  Within the next ten days buoys
   will be removed from the lake and be replaced with ice bars.
2.  Budget:  A motion was made by S. Ward, seconded by J. Ginnity, to approve the 2011-2012
    budget as amended.  Motion was approved unanimously.
3. 2010 Debris Removal Summary:  S. Young stated the final 2010 Debris Removal Survey
   was completed today.   S. Young, S. Howard, DEP, S. Conant, and First Light Power were
    present.  They went on the lake and surveyed the entire shoreline from west cove to the dam
    and back, minus the entire Shepaug arm.  The debris accumulation pile estimate came out to
   be 632 cubic yds., and by S. Young’s calculations is was 518 cubic yds.  S. Young will return to   
    the site on Thursday to re-measure before the debris is chipped.  S. Young stated that First Light
   did a really great job doing debris removal this year.  It was a big improvement over last year.
   Due to a low flow this year a lot less new debris entered the lake.  S. Young also reported that a
    comprehensive job was done from the confluence of the Shepaug up to the 133 launch, along the     
    eastern shoreline of the main lake.  The entire western side and bottom of the great basis area is
   very clean. S. Young stated that he received heat from First Light Power regarding the complaint  
    letter and that he was very disappointed that FOL did not back him up enough.  S. Young also
   reported that he explained that the document was in lieu of a more serious complaint and was
   written before the debris removal season began.  They did a 41-day debris removal this year.  
    They used a pontoon boat and the skimmer together for 18 days.  There is a major discrepancy on
    the part of DEP Inland Fisheries. They were very specific on what type of debris stays and what  
    debris is to be removed, and what is valuable and what is destructive to fish habitat.  S. Young
    said that David Pudlow falsely represented what they said about debris. Therefore, a lot of debris
   that was in those coves stayed in those coves.  Some debris was supposed to stay, David Pudlow
    was under the impression that all of the debris was to stay. A meeting will take place next year
    with DEP Fisheries to go over each cove, 50 in total on the lake, and will target what goes and
   what doesn’t go place by place.
Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Meeting Minutes – October 5, 2010                       Page Three

   L. Leaden stated that she would write a letter to First Light asking to schedule the draw down in  
    November instead of October.

  OTHER:  S. Young asked B. Boodry to contact the New Milford Police Department to obtain a
  copy of the police report concerning the recent drowning at Lovers Leap for the November 2010

ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by B. Woerner, seconded by B. Boodry, to adjourn the                       meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm.