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TUESDAY, March 2, 2010

CALL TO ORDER:    S. Young determined a quorum and called the meeting to order 7:30pm.

Members Present:  L. Leaden, B. Piepho, R. Carley, S. Ward, B. Boodry, B. Woerner, J. Briody,
 S. Bowman, S. Howard (arrived at 7:50pm), R. Faanes (arrived at 8:10pm)
Also Present:  G. Bollard – Friends of the Lake

A motion was made by S. Bowman, seconded by B. Boodry, to amend the agenda to re-schedule the presentation by George Knoecklein and DEP at the next regularly scheduled Lake Lillinonah Meeting on April 6, 2010.

 PRESENTATION BY GEORGE KNOECKLEIN AND DEP:  Presentation on water quality
 monitoring has been rescheduled for the April 6, 2010 regularly scheduled Lake Lillinonah    
  Authority Meeting.

 APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by S. Ward, seconded by L. Leaden,
  to approve the minutes from the February 2, 2010 Lake Lillinonah Authority meeting as written.
  Motion was passed unanimously.

 INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS: No new members were present to be introduced.

 CHAIRMAN ‘S REPORT:  Chairman Young stated he received correspondence from the  
  following; Canterbury School requesting the use of Lake Lillinonah for Regattas to be held on    
  April 28th and May 8, 2010; ADT Security Systems to inform the Board of its security services;
  and a letter from Kevin O’Toole, Sealwize, with information on his business which provides
  ultimate cleaning, sealing, and protecting wood, concrete, and masonry structures.  

  FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated the season is ready to begin.  
  K. Seeley asked B. Boodry to try to have the boats ready by May 1, 2010.  B. Boodry stated he
 would like to develop a Debris Management Committee and that Lake Lillinonah Authority
 really needs to convince First Light to clean up the Lake.  Chairman Young distributed a letter
  from First Light regarding Housatonic River Project, FERC Project 2576, Article 210, Filing of
  Debris Management Plan 2008 Annual Report Submittal to all members. Chairman Young  
  stated that the Executive Board and Friends of the Lake will pursue this issue to the next level.
 L. Leaden volunteered to be part of the Debris Management Committee.
  SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  J. Simmons stated he will be responsible for   
  Google voice until further notice.  He also encouraged Members to utilize the Google system.  
  J.  Simmons stated that he will log into all Members accounts and complete the forwarding of  

Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes-March 2, 2010             Page Two

 TREASURER’S REPORT:  J. Briody stated that he has not received the bank statement for
 February as of this date.  He also stated that the Waters Edge Restoration invoice has been paid.
 J. Briody reported that the Town of Southbury and the Town of Roxbury have not paid its town
 share in full.

    1.  Regattas to be held on 4/28/10 and 5/8/10 by Canterbury School:  S. Young stated that he
            will sign and approve the application for Marine Event Permit submitted by Canterbury
    School for the Regattas to be held on 4/28/10 and 5/8/10.  He also stated that no additional   
            patrol is required for these events.

    2.  2010 Water Treatment Proposal:  All Members were given a copy of the 2010 Proposal/
        Agreement for the Aquatic Management Program at Lake Lillinonah.  S. Young stated that
        this is the same proposal as last year, but the monies are slightly higher as product has gone
        up.  This agreement stipulates that LLA can use this many treatments (as stated in proposal)
        in certain areas, and treat milfoil if necessary.  B. Piepho stated he has an opportunity to get a
        fish stock around mid April and payment can be postponed until July 1, 2010.

3.  Discussion of Annual Meeting of Debris Management Advisory Committee Meeting;
    including Discussion of the 2008 Cover Letter from FERC:  This item was discussed in
    the First Vice Chairman’s report.

  • Volunteer to attend Invasive Plant Presentation on March 3, 2010 @ 10:00am in New    
Milford:  Ross Carley volunteered to attend the Invasive Plant Presentation held on
March 3, 2010 at 10:00am in New Milford.

  • Membership – 1 vacancy in Bridgewater, 1 vacancy in Southbury, 2 vacancies in
Brookfield, and 2 vacancies in Newtown:  To date the 2 vacancies in Brookfield have been fulfilled.

1.  Provac Phone System – cancellation:  J. Briody stated that the Provac Phone System has been cancelled as well as the AT & T line.  A refund check was received and deposited.

OTHER BUSINESS:  S. Young stated that the owners of Waters Edge Restoration have gone their
separate ways.  S. Young reported that D. Pudlow of First Light Power has approached B. Lockhart
to take over his former position to head up its debris removal with his company.  No formal appointment for this position has been made.

G. Bollard stated that Friends of the Lake is willing to work cooperatively with the Lake Lillinonah
Authority to start a formal complaint process regarding debris management.

S. Young asked all members to be on time and, if possible, a little early, for next months regularly scheduled Lake Lillinonah meeting on April 6, 2010 as the agenda for this meeting will be lengthy.  

ADJOURN:  A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by B. Woerner, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion was passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.