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CALL TO ORDER:   S. Young determined a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:38pm.

Members Present:  B. Piepho, R. Carley, R. Faanes, B. Boodry, S. Howard,  L. Leaden, B. Woerner, and J. Briody (arrived at 7:50pm)
Absent Members:  A. Hawley, A. Niedzielski, J. Simmons, S. Ward
No one was present from Friends of the Lake

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by R. Faanes, seconded by B. Boodry to accept the minutes from the LLA Regular Meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 as written.  Motion was passed unanimously.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young reported that he has received correspondence that the Debris Advisory Committee will be scheduled some time in the future.  They do not have a 2009 Debris Collection Summary as of yet.

FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry stated that he spoke with K. Seeley and Kevin has requested to continue patrol up through the second week in October instead of ending at the end of September.  This extra patrol would only take place on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.  K. Seeley inquired if this extra patrol expense could be included in the budget.  K. Seeley also requested increases for himself and the patrol officers.  B. Boodry also stated that the boats are properly stored, shrink wrapped, and set up on trailers.  

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  J. Simmons was absent to present his report.  
S. Young read an email from J. Simmons regarding Google voice.  J. Simmons has published the new Google phone number to the LLA website.  The new phone number is 203-364-4002.  He has tested the number and has received one call thus far.  Calls are now being directed to his cell phone and house phone as well as his email address.  He is the recipient of calls for now.  J. Simmons has asked to have a rotation list for the on-call person.  This new number has also been added to the National Directory and Jerry will check to make sure that it is working.  

J. Briody will cancel the Provac phone system with a follow up letter to them.  J. Briody will also cancel the AT&T phone number.  S. Young requested the Administrative Assistant to send letters to all Police Departments that border Lake Lillinonah with the Authority’s new phone number (non emergency) to be entered into their dispatch for contact purposes.  An email will be sent to J. Simmons to resolve “411” and 616” numbers so there are not multiple numbers listed.  All members that were present at the meeting signed the rotation list by month to be the on-call person for Google voice.  A copy of this list is attached to the minutes.

Lake Lillinonah Authority Regular Meeting – Tuesday, January 5, 2010                    Page Two

TREASURER’S REPORT:  J. Briody reported that he has balanced out the statement for December and it is posted online.  All of the Town’s contributions are in except for Roxbury.  A few of the Towns are short on their contributions.  A letter will be sent out within the next week requesting the balance.  Expenses paid for the month were; patrol, telephone, domain registration, and payroll fees.  J. Briody stated that he has completed and mailed the Government Census Forms.
J. Briody also stated that he received a refund for fuel sales tax that was paid twice.  J. Briody will also research the best rate for Certificates of Deposit.  J. Briody will confer with Chuck Lee to inquire what the procedure is for securing reimbursement of testing fees.

1. Volunteer to write a newsletter for the FOTL:   B. Boodry has volunteered to write a newsletter for Friends of the Lake.  A draft will be sent to S. Young.
2.  Set date for annual presentation by George Knoecklein:  S. Young stated that G. Knoecklein will
give his annual presentation at the LLA Regular Meeting in March 2010.
3. Resignation of A. Niedzielski – will need to establish a new FLP/Debris Delegate:  S. Young stated that A. Niedzielski has resigned from the Lake Lillinonah Authority.  S. Young read
A. Hawley’s letter of resignation from the Lake Lillinonah Authority.  B. Boodry stated that he knows a person who might be interested in filling one of the Brookfield vacancies.  J. Simmons will be asked to post the current LLA vacancies which are:  two seats in Brookfield, two seats in Newtown, one seat in Bridgewater, one seat in New Milford, and one seat in Southbury.

S. Young asked the Administrative Assistant to do the following:
a. Contact each town’s First Selectman to make them aware of all Lake Lillinonah Authority vacancies.
b. Send A. Niedzielski and A. Hawley a note asking them to notify their respective Town Halls First Selectman of their resignation from the Lake Lillinonah Authority.  
c. Send a letter to Mayor Pat Murphy notifying her that the Lake Lillinonah member presently representing New Milford has been absent from the monthly LLA meetings for eight consecutive months.
d. Send a note to S. Young, B. Boodry, J. Briody, and J. Simmons as a reminder of the Executive Committee Meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at Panera Bread.

4.  2010 LLA meeting dates:  A copy of the 2010 LLA meeting dates was distributed to all members.  A copy will also be attached to the minutes.

OLD BUSINESS: Phone system – Google phone system presentation.  J. Simmons was absent for this meeting.  He will report on the new Google phone system at the next regularly scheduled Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting in February 2010.

ADJOURN:  A motion was made by L. Leaden, seconded by R. Carley to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.