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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
March 11, 2014

Present:  Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Robert Geckle, Colleen Honan, Bill McCarthy,  Ted Meehan, Mark Principi, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Michelle Rosenthal, Peter Stern, Michael Talluto, and Beryl Harrison.  

Absent: John Trentacosta

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm

Consideration of Minutes:

Dan Cruson moved to accept the minutes of February 11, 2014.  Pete Stern seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.

Public Participation:

President’s Announcements: Martha Robilotti, President, announced that the Association of Connecticut Library Boards offers periodic email discussions with helpful information for Library Board members.  Any interested Trustees need to contact Martha by Thursday so that she can submit email addresses to those wishing to receive these email notifications.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer presented a report on the transactions details related to the Library restoration after the flood.

Total damages are not yet calculated; however, the estimate is in the several hundred thousand dollar range.  

A partial listing of the invoices received and paid by insurance was presented to the Board.  Additional invoices and reimbursements are expected.

Other necessary maintenance work that was done while the Library was closed that was not covered by insurance has used up our contingency savings.  We will begin to rebuild this fund in the coming months.

Report of the Library Director: Beryl Harrison, Acting Director, reported that the "soft opening" on March 8 went well.  People are pleased to be back in the Library, and it has been busy each day.  There continue to be problems with heat we hope to be addressed by the efficiency survey conducted by the town.  Other needs include glass tops for the circulation desk, carpeting for Reference and additional painting.

Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  Bob Geckle presented a change of language in the by-laws that would change a quorum from 9 to 50% of the current Trustees.

Bob Geckle moved to accept a change to page 3, section 7 of the by-laws to read: "50% of the currently serving members of the Board of Trustees at the time of each meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Trustees." Bill McCarthy seconded, and approval was unanimous.

Search Committee:  Michael Talluto and Bob Geckle reported that the Search Committee has met weekly.  The focus of these meetings has been to determine the qualities which comprise a successful Library Director, to create a survey to gain community input and to start on the creation of community Focus Groups.  A  job description is being created.  Dawn LaValle and Mary Engels of the CT State Library will serve as a consultants in the search.  

Fund Raising: Ted Meehan reported on the last Turkey Trot sub-committee meeting.  Community Advisors and Trustees met to discuss last year's race and set a timeline for the next race.  The next tasks to tackle include marketing and fundraising.  The next meeting for the Turkey Trot Committee will be March 25th.

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino reported that the fire alarms and security cameras are working.  He will approach the same person who did spring cleaning for the library last year to do it again this year.  Old floor outlets will need to be covered with a creative approach.

Long Range Planning: No report.

Friends of the Library Liaison: Pete Stern reported that the Friends are hoping to benefit from a backlog of donations that had been held up during the Library closure.  The Friends are also recruiting new members.

Art Liaison:  Michelle Rosenthal reported that the art of Ann Marie Foran is currently hanging in the Meeting Room.  There are displays planned in April and in May.

Historical Liaison: No report.

Nominating Committee: Colleen Honan presented the resumes of four candidates.  The Democratic Town Committee will provide the name of a fifth new Trustee.  The Nominating Committee is also seeking Trustees interested in serving in executive positions.  Trustees are encouraged to contact the Nominating Committee if interested.

Tom D'Agostino moved to accept the slate of candidates for Trustee presented by the Nominating Committee.  Mark Principi seconded.  The motion passed.

The secretary casts one ballot each for Raymond Irrera, Julia Starkweather, Walter Motyka and Carolyn Signorelli.

Each new Trustee has an assigned Board Member for a personal welcome and "orientation".  Pete Stern will work with Julia Starkweather, Jen Reilly will meet with Carolyn Signorelli, Ted and Tom will both meet with Walter Motyka, and Michael Talluto will discuss the Board with Raymond Irrera.

Old Business: Michelle Rosenthal announced that there will be a FOI information session for Town Board Members in May.  Michelle will contact the Trustees when the date is set.  All Trustees should attend.

New Business:  Bob Geckle reported that the number of Trustees serving on the Board is fixed not only in the Board's by-laws, but also by the Town Charter.  The Charter is being revised over the next two years, so it is a good time for the by-laws to be revised as well.  Jennifer Reilly stated her opinion that any changes to the number of Trustees must be made with the entire by-laws in mind.  The mission of the Board must be taken into account when deciding the number of trustees.  Other by-law changes that need to be changed by Town Charter include term limits.

Mr. Geckle also reported on the grand re-opening events the weekend of March 21-22.  Board Members' presence is requested on the evening of the 21st from 6- 8 pm.  

Colleen Honan moved to adjourn.  Michelle Rosenthal seconded.  The motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees