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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
February 11, 2014

Present:  Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Robert Geckle, Colleen Honan, Bill McCarthy,  Ted Meehan, Mark Principi, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Michelle Rosenthal, Peter Stern, Michael Talluto, John Trentacosta, and Beryl Harrison.  


Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm

Consideration of Minutes:

John Trentacosta moved to amend the minutes from the January meeting in the Search Committee Report to read: "The Search Committee recognizes the necessity for confidentiality and will so acknowledge it in a written document."  Pete Stern seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.

Public Participation:

President’s Announcements: Martha Robilotti, President, announced that the Town will pay for the deductible for the insurance following the flooding.  

The Town leaders indicated that the Library will need to maintain a contingency fund.

The appointed Executive Board members will be Colleen Honan, Michelle Rosenthal and Mark Principi

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer presented the following report:
1.  Statement of income and Expense for the Seven Months Ending January 31, 2014.  The net income/expense is tracking very close to last year.  Grant income is largely explained by Iron Mountain.  Some spending areas, such as books, are halted due to the Library's flooding.  
2.  Statement of Income and Expense for Friends of the Library Funds.  Much of the spending of Friends' Funds is at a standstill while the Library undergoes repairs.  
3.  Revised Budget.  The budget request to the town has been reduced by $31,100.  Areas impacted include books, databases, programs and professional development.  

Mark Principi moved to accept the revised budget.  John Trentacosta seconded, and the motion passed.

Mr. McCarthy announced that $20,000 will be moved from the Turkey Trot account to the general account.  Carpeting installation not covered by insurance will be paid for out of capital reserves.  Reserves will be replenished after the insurance reimbursement.

Report of the Library Director: Beryl Harrison, Acting Director, expects the Library to reopen on March 8th.  A re-opening reception may be held on March 21st by invitation for major donors and for the general public on March 22nd. Mrs. Harrison commended board members Tom D'Agostino for his support in getting the new security system set up and Bob Geckle for his many hours of support during the recovery efforts.

Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  Bob Geckle presented a change of language in the by-laws that would change a quorum from 9 to 50% of the current Trustees.  The draft proposal will be ready for vote at the March meeting.

Search Committee:  Michael Talluto reported that the Search Committee has been formed.  It consists of three Board Representatives: Michael Talluto, Colleen Honan and Bob Geckle; one staff representative: Kim Weber; one Friends of the Library representative: Pete Stern (who is currently a Trustee); and two community representatives: Christine Stowe and Joan Petersen.

The Mission of the Search Committee reads, "Identify and present to the C.H. Booth Board of Trustees the most qualified candidate(s) to serve as C. H. Booth's Library Director.

Mr. Talluto reported that there has been no decision made on whether to hire a consultant.  The Search Committee will conduct further research before making a recommendation.

Fund Raising: Jennifer Reilly reported that a letter will be sent out this week as a follow-up to the annual fundraising appeal.  The focus will be raising funds for the library to reopen  with new programs, redesigned spaces and updated technology.

Mrs. Reilly reported that the Turkey Trot sub-committee will meet on February 24 at the Library to convene a group of Trustees and Community Advisors, including Race Director, Mike Beaudry to begin the planning of the 5th Annual Turkey Trot.  Ted Meehan will chair the group.

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino reported on the status of the security alarms and the need to fix the actuator in the attic.  The sprinklers are now totally insulated, and they have a new heater with sensors.  An alarm will sound if the temperature goes below 40 degrees.  

Long Range Planning: No report.

Friends of the Library Liaison: Pete Stern reported that the Friends are losing income due to the Little Book Store being unavailable for patrons.  In addition, donations are not coming in at their usual pace due to the Library closure.  

Art Liaison:  No report.

Historical Liaison: No report.

Nominating Committee: Colleen Honan reported that the Nominating Committee will meet Monday the 17th at 4pm at the Library.

Old Business: none

New Business:  none

Pete Stern moved to enter Executive Session to discuss matters of performance and compensation of Library staff.  Bill McCarthy seconded, and the motion passed.

Exited Executive Session at 8:25 pm.

Bob Geckle moved to give the Acting Director a two part bonus in the amount discussed in the executive session. 50% of the bonus is payable in the next regular Library pay cycle and the second ~50% will be paid upon the hire of a new Library Director. ~It assumed the new director will be in place no later than six months from now . If the search exceeds this time frame a pro rata addition will be made to the second payment.  Michael Talluto seconded, and approval was unanimous.

John Trentacosta moved to adjourn.  Michelle Rosenthal seconded.  The motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees