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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
December 3, 2013

Present:  Tom D’Agostino, Robert Geckle, Colleen Honan, Bill McCarthy, Ted Meehan, Mark Principi, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Peter Stern, and Beryl Harrison.  

Absent: Dan Cruson, Carolyn Faxon, Mary Kelley, Michelle Rosenthal, Michael Talluto, and John Trentacosta

Meeting called to order at 7:02 by Martha Robilotti, president

Consideration of Minutes:

Bob Geckle moved to accept the minutes from the November meeting.  Tom D’Agostino seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.

Report of the Library Director: The Director's report was distributed.  

Beryl Harrison, Acting Director, addressed the recent false fire alarms.  The alarm in the boiler room will be replaced.  

There is a new recycling dumpster for cardboard in the parking lot that will be paid for by the Friends.

 A press release is being prepared regarding the Iron Mountain digitization project by reference librarian, Andy Forsyth, with assistance from Mary Kelley.  

Mrs. Harrison encouraged all Board Members to try to be present at the Library on the weekend of the 14th and 15th.  While there isn’t any specific anticipated need, the Library is a public building, and a Board presence would be appreciated for support.

Interviews for the Circulation Coordinator position are upcoming.

New copiers will need to be purchased or leased.  It was suggested that including this purchase as part of the town’s combined procurement should be explored.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer, presented the budget draft.

Increases in the request of funds from the town were discussed.

The greatest increase is in the area of salaries to include:
  • 2 new positions; Circulation Coordinator and Community Outreach Librarian.
  • Line item for substitute and seasonal pay
  • Salary increase request of 3%
  • Benefits increase
Other areas that account for the increase include:
  • Databases currently covered by donations
Changes to be made to the draft:
  • Increase fundraising and grants by 20,000; contingent upon new Community Outreach Librarian position which includes fundraising and development roles
  • Increase maintenance line item to 5,000 to cover ongoing necessary repairs in the building.
  • Request increase to be reduced to an increase of $122,000.

Mark Principi introduced a motion to accept the budget with the changes discussed.  Pete Stern seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Jennifer Reilly will purchase $100 gift card for a local restaurant for Mike Beaudry, race director, with Turkey Trot proceeds.

Search Process Committee: Pete Stern reported that a consultant will present to the Board at the January meeting. He suggested that Board members start to consider if they are able to serve on the Search Committee.

Dates for 2014: Jennifer Reilly distributed the list of meeting dates for 2014.  Most meetings will be on the second Tuesday of each month with the exception of: August (no meeting); November (November 18 due to library closing on Veterans Day…budget will be prepared for this meeting) and December (First Tuesday to approve final budget).

The REGULAR MEETING, scheduled for December 10, 2013, will be cancelled.

Tom D’Agostino moved to adjourn, and Bob Geckle seconded.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees