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09-24-13 Special Meeting
C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Special Board of Trustees Meeting
September 24, 2013

Present: Dan Cruson, Tom D'Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, Colleen Honan, Mary Kelley, Bill McCarthy, Mark Principi, Jennifer Reilly, Michelle Rosenthal, Michael Talluto, John Trentacosta

Absent: Martha Robilotti, Moira Rodgers, Pete Stern

Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm by John Trentacosta, Vice President of the Board

1.  Discussion on the Turkey Trot.  It was decided by consensus that we shall not cancel the Road Race.  The Library Department Heads and the Board agreed to work together to make this another successful event.

2.  Discussion on the Annual Fund Raising Letter.  Carolyn Faxon, Fundraising chairperson will be assisted in the writing of the annual appeal by Colleen Honan and Michelle Rosenthal.

3.  Discussion on interim leadership.  A committee of three Board members will explore options and make a recommendation to the Board on a new search process for a Director.  They will seek counsel from the CT Council of Municipalities whose services were explained by guest and CCM board member, Herb Rosenthal. They will seek out information from the State Library and other organizations to further identify best practices for hiring.  After their recommendations are made, the committee is expected to expand to include other members from inside and outside of the Board of Trustees.  Michael Talluto and Michelle Rosenthal will serve on the initial committee along with one other Board member to be determined.  

 The Board is not naming an interim director.  The executive committee will be meeting weekly with the Library Department Heads to provide an opportunity for staff to present questions or concerns that require Board input.  Day-to-day operations will continue to be managed by the staff, with the Department Heads fulfilling their duties in their own departments.  Mrs. Beryl Harrison is the Assistant Director, therefore her job description includes responsibilities that would otherwise be completed by a Director.  This is an approach that is meant to allow the Department Heads to be empowered to make the day to day  decisions while working as a team and creating a closer working relationship with the Board.  Furthermore, John Trentacosta commented that it might be beneficial for the Board to meet more frequently than monthly during this transitional phase.  The Board members in attendance agreed that Tuesday evenings generally fit with their schedules.   

Colleen Honan motioned to adjourn.  Mark Principi seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 8:07.  

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer K. Reilly
Library Board of Trustees.