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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
July 9, 2013

Present:  John Benson, Dan Cruson, John Godin,  Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, Colleen Honan, Bill McCarthy,  Jennifer Reilly, Mark Principi,  Martha Robilotti, , Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal ,  Peter Stern, Shawn Fields  and Beryl Harrison.

Absent: George Collins, Mary Kelley, and John Trentacosta,

Meeting called to order at 7:20 pm by Martha Robilotti, President

Consideration of Minutes: Bill McCarthy pointed out that the May 2013 minutes had an error. The President's remarks should state that a check was received from the  Merlin E. Fisk estate, not the Humeston estate.  Joe Humeston served as Executor of the Fisk estate.

Tom D'Agostino moved to accept the revised minutes.  Colleen Honan seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.
Public Participation: Andrea Zimmerman was present to discuss fundraising and historical committee issues.

President’s Announcements: Martha Robilotti welcomed the new Director, Mr. Shawn Fields.  She stated that the Executive Committee would meet with him regularly.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer, presented the draft year-end budget.  Some accrual expenses will be backdated to bring the budget closer to plan.  The operating income is lower than budget, but the 2013-14 budget reflects the downward trend.  Fundraising revenue is partially due to the Books Heal Hearts fund, which is not expected to be recurring.  

The Friends approved the next fiscal year's allocation.

Don Studley has been engaged for the yearly audit which will begin on July 22nd.

Salary increases are in effect for the first pay period of July.  Mr. McCarthy will verify that the increases are distributed accurately.

Report of the Library Director: The Director's report was sent by email.  

The new Director, Shawn Fields, thanked the Board for the warm welcome.  He reported that he is meeting with individuals on the staff, and he commends them for their dedication and commitment to the Library.

He will be working on a strategic plan, cash handling, and policies and procedures in the coming weeks.

Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  Moira Rodgers formally thanked Beryl Harrison for stepping in as acting director during the transition.

Fund Raising: Carolyn Faxon introduced Andrea Zimmerman.  Andrea Zimmerman thanked John Godin for getting the Library off to a great start with the Turkey Trot.  She outlined changes in sponsorship, website and advertising.  It was suggested that part of the proceeds of the Turkey Trot be earmarked for children's books in light of Newtown's tragedy.

Ms. Zimmerman  and Mrs. Faxon request that all board members help to identify a potential sponsor to contact.  A form was distributed to help with that request.

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino reported on a leaking pump.  He also detailed changes and suggestions for further changes to improve security at the library.  Mr. Fields shared additional ideas which include staff training for emergencies.

Long Range Planning: None

Friends of the Library Liaison: Pete Stern reported the book fair should be set up by Thursday, and that the sale starts Saturday, the 12th.  

He noted that the Friends are concerned about sale location for next year due to security  concerns expressed by the Board of Education and a conflict with a summer educational program.  

Art Liaison: Michelle Rosenthal reported that more exhibits were forthcoming.

Historical Liaison: Andrea Zimmerman presented Iron Mountain's plan for providing storage for condolence materials received following December 14.  Iron Mountain has offered to donate this service.  

Nominating Committee: Report given during Annual Meeting

Old Business: Colleen Honan thanked the Board for helping make Janet Woycik's retirement celebration a successful event.

New Business:  Assistant Director, Beryl Harrison, showed the new plaque listing all the Directors' names.  

Colleen Honan and Martha Robilotti discussed details for the Friends of the Library dinner to be hosted after the book sale on Saturday.

Move to adjourn by Pete Stern seconded by Mark Principi.  Approval was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees