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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
February 12, 2013

Present:  John Benson, Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, John Godin, Colleen Honan, Bill McCarthy,  Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Michelle Rosenthal,  Peter Stern , John Trentacosta, and Beryl Harrison

Absent: George Collins, Mary Kelley, Mark Principi, Moira Rodgers, Paul Sirois, Janet Woycik

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by Martha Robilloti, President

Consideration of Minutes: Colleen Honan moved to accept the minutes of the January meeting.  Mark Principi seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.
Public Participation: Jim Maher, President of the Friends of the Library commended the staff of the Library on their fine work in the weeks following the December 14th tragedy.  

A letter was shared from Mary Thomas, Trustee Emeritus commending the Library staff for their dedication to the public of Newtown.

President’s Announcements: Mrs. Robilotti shared a thank you note from Margaret Brown, the newly retired Young Adult Librarian.

Mrs. Robilotti updated the Board on the search for a Library Director.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer, discussed the budget with attention to variances.  The Books Heal Hearts fund has increased the donation income line.  Many of the funds received through Books Heal Hearts are restricted.

The Turkey Trot accounting is complete.  Funds from the Turkey Trot will be transferred to the operating account minus seed funds for next year's race.

An appraisal is being sought for a gift from artist Jean Mann.

Report of the Library Director: The Director's report was sent by email.  Acting Director, Beryl Harrison, reported on Library activities including a survey conducted online.  So far, the results indicate a very favorable response for the Library.

Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  No report.

Fund Raising: Colleen Honan reported that the Benefactors Event will be postponed due to the current needs of the community.
Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino reported that the security systems are being reviewed.

Long Range Planning: None

Friends of the Library Liaison: None

Art Liaison: Michelle Rosenthal reported that an exhibit will begin on Thursday, February 14th with a reception.  The exhibit will show artwork created by Kenyan orphans in response to the December 14th tragedy in Newtown.

Historical Liaison: Dan Cruson reported that an effort is being made to digitally archive the many letters and notes sent to Newtown in the past two months.

Nominating Committee: No report

Old Business: None

New Business:  None

A motion was made by John Godin to enter executive session.  Peter Stern seconded the motion.  Motion passed, and executive session was entered at 7:59 PM

8:25 Exited Executive Session.

A motion was made by John Godin to  take action on all items brought up during executive session.  John Trentacosta seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Move to adjourn by John Trentacosta, seconded by Peter Stern.  Approval was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees