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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
September 11, 2012

Present:  John Benson, Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, John Godin, Colleen Honan, Mary Kelley,  Bill Lavery, Bill McCarthy,  Mark Principi, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal,  Peter Stern,  John Trentacosta, and Janet Woycik


Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Martha Robilotti, Board President

Consideration of Minutes: Bill McCarthy moved to accept the minutes of the July 2012  meeting and the 2012 Annual Meeting.  John Godin seconded, and the motion was unanimously accepted.
Public Participation: Gordon Williams, former Board president, who is leaving the area, shared his reminiscences of Board participation, and recounted the Library's growth.

President’s Announcements: Martha Robilotti shared a letter from the Friends of the Library's acting President, Janet Bernard expressing appreciation for the Board's support of the book sale.

The Friends have a new president, Jim Maher.

Mr. John Benson, the new board member was introduced.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, Treasurer, presented a packet of financial reports including:
  • Schedule of Revenues and Expenses
  • Final Funds Provided by the friends of the Library Statement of Revenue and Disbursements for Fiscal Year Ending 6-30-12
  • Friends of the Library Funding Request for Fiscal Year 2012-13
  • and
  • Statement of Income and Expense
Variances were explained as issues of timing.

Mr. McCarthy verified that the approved payroll changes were being correctly applied.

Bill Lavery moved to approve the requests submitted to the Friends by the Director and Department Heads.  John Godin seconded, and the motion passed.

Report of the Library Director: Janet Woycik read a letter announcing her retirement effective June 30, 2013.  

Moira Rodgers moved to enter Executive Session to discuss the Director's Review.  Bill Lavery Seconded.  The motion passed.

Executive session commenced at 7:29 and ended at 7:45.

Dan Cruson moved to accept Mrs. Woycik's notice of retirement.  John Trentacosta seconded.  The motion passed.

Bill Lavery moved to table the Director's evaluation.  John Trentacosta seconded.  The motion passed.

Bill Lavery moved to approve a 2% raise for the Director effective September 2012.  John Godin seconded.  The motion passed.

Moira Rodgers moved to name Beryl Harrison the Assistant Director during the transition time.  John Godin seconded the motion, and it passed.

Committee Reports:

Policies and Personnel:  Moira Rodgers reported on the employee handbook.

Moira Rodgers moved to accept the employee handbook as distributed in draft form.  Bill Lavery seconded.  The motion passed.

Fund Raising: Carolyn Faxon discussed grant writing, the annual letter and the Benefactors' Event.  The event will be postponed until the spring.

John Godin discussed the Turkey Trot.  Sponsor donations are due October 15th, but will be accepted until October 29th.

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D'Agostino reported on the fire marshal's walkthrough and necessary repairs.

Mr. D'Agostino will attend the CIP meeting on Monday to apply for funds to repair the sprinkler system, to update  the energy system for efficiency, and to continue improvements to the roof.  

Long Range Planning: Bill Lavery shared his thoughts on having the Library become a true town agency.

Friends of the Library Liaison: Peter Stern thanked Board Members for volunteering at the book sale.  He noted the changes in the used book market.

Art Liaison: Michelle Rosenthal reported on upcoming shows in the fall.

Historical Liaison: Dan Cruson reported that Mary Thomas is continuing her work on garments.

Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee will meet to name the chairperson and the committee.

Old Business: Bill Lavery spoke with Scudder Smith regarding items on loan to the Library.   

New Business: None.

Move to adjourn by Mary Kelley, seconded by Mark Principi.  Approval was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly
CH Booth Library Board of Trustees