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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
April 12, 2011

Present: Robert Cox, Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, John Godin,
Colleen Honan, Mary Kelley, Martin Margulies, Bill McCarthy,  Nancy Reidy, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti,  Michelle Rosenthal,  Peter Stern, and library staff, Brenda McKinley and Beryl Harrison

Absent:  Bill Lavery, Moira Rodgers, Paul Sirois, John Trentacosta, Janet Woycik

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

Consideration of Minutes: The minutes of the January meeting were
unanimously accepted. Peter Stern moved to accept, John Godin seconded.

Public Participation: None

President’s Announcements: Martha Robilotti, board president, discussed the fundraising workshop she attended.  The board will have a membership to a website that provides guidance to board members on a variety of topics including fundraising, job descriptions, policies, etc.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, board treasurer, presented the statement of Income and Expense with explanations regarding variances to budget.

Mr. McCarthy discussed the Statement of Revenue and Disbursement of Funds Provided by the Friends of the Library.

Report of the Library Director: Janet Woycik’s report was distributed by email.
There were no questions.

A stop sign was installed before the sidewalk at the library exit to improve pedestrian safety.

Brenda McKinley, Technical Services Librarian, addressed the request to shorten library hours before Memorial Day and to close the library the day after Memorial Day weekend to allow for staff training on the new circulation system.

The schedule will be advertised to the public as follows:  Library will open to the public 11 am to 8 pm on May 23rd –May 26th, and 11 am -5 pm on May 27th.  The library will be closed Memorial Day Weekend for the changeover from the old system to the new system.  The library will be closed on Tuesday May 31st for staff to work out system “bugs”.  

Martin Margulies moved to accept the schedule for closures as proposed by the Library staff.  John Goding seconded the motion.  The motion passed unopposed.

Committee Reports:
Policies and Personnel: No report

Fund Raising: John Godin reported on the success of the Library’s fundraising letter.  Contributions are up compared to last year.  

GE has renewed the grant for sensory story time.

Planning for the 2011 Turkey Trot is continuing.  The permit process has begun with some modifications to the race course.  Sponsorship forms will be ready soon.

Wells Fargo has contributed an unrestricted grant to the Library.

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D’Agostino presented a proposal for necessary roof repairs.  

John Godin moved to accept the proposal for the roof repairs. Martin Margulies seconded. Approval was unanimous.

Long Range Planning: No report

Friends of the Library Liaison: Peter Stern requested volunteers for the annual book sale.  Volunteers will be needed from Wednesday, June 29 to Wednesday, July 13.  A full schedule will be distributed.

Art Liaison: Michelle Rosenthal reported that Candlewood Camera Club is currently on exhibit and SCAN will be on display soon.

Historical Liaison: Dan Cruson reported on a current exhibit of Historical Society items.

Nominating Committee: No report

Old Business: After considering the study conducted by the Traffic Unit of the Department of Police Services, plans for a crosswalk will not be pursued.

New Business : The Board extends its thanks to Beryl Harrison and Brenda McKinley for sharing information regarding the circulation system changeover.

The Vision grant decisions from the Friends of the Library were presented.  A variety of proposals were chosen for funding.

John Godin moved to accept the Friends’ grants for the Library staff proposals.  Mary Kelley seconded the motion.  Approval was unanimous.

Move to adjourn by Marty Margulies, seconded by Peter Stern.  
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  Jennifer Reilly, Secretary