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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
November 9, 2010

Present:   Robert Cox, Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon, John Godin, Mary Kelley, Bill Lavery, Martin Margulies, Bill McCarthy, Nancy Reidy, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti,  Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal, Peter Stern, Janet Woycik, and John Trentacosta.  

Absent:  Colleen Honan, Paul Sirois

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm

Consideration of Minutes:  The minutes of the September meeting were unanimously accepted with a technical amendment.  Bill Lavery moved to accept, Peter Stern seconded.

Public Participation: Mary Maki and Denise Kaiser of the Friends of the CH Booth Library shared information about the mission and operations of the Friends.  It is a 501(c)3 organization to raise funds in support of the Library.  They expressed a need for volunteers in all areas of operations, including the annual book sale.

President’s Announcements: Tom D’Agostino, a new board member was introduced and welcomed.  

Treasurer’s Report:  Bill McCarthy, board treasurer, presented and discussed the 2011-2012 budget proposal.   Benefits are projected to rise another 8% during that budget period, in addition to the 8% increase for the 2010-11 budget period.  Salaries for Library employees have not increased in 3 years, and it is proposed that they receive a modest increase.  Projections for fundraising and grants are being kept realistic and in line with recent results.

A motion to accept the proposed budget with modifications to the salary increase, book expenditures and fundraising/grants line items was made by John Trentacosta.  Moira Rodgers seconded with unanimous approval.

Mr. McCarthy reported on the current statement on income and expense.

Mr. McCarthy discussed the revenue and disbursements for the “Funds Provided by the Friends of the Library”.  

Martin Margulies moved to accept the Friends’ budget; Nancy Reidy seconded; approval was unanimous.

Report of the Library Director:  Janet Woycik distributed a report on Library activity.

The Library has been asked by Joe and Caryn Golden of the United Way to assist in kicking off a program in Newtown that distributes books to children from birth through 5 years of age.

Bill Lavery moved to approve the Library’s participation in this activity.  John Godin seconded with unanimous approval.

Committee Reports:
        Policies and Personnel: Marty Margulies presented policies in consistent with town policies for Whistle-Blowing, Conflict of Interest and Record Retention.
Motions were raised to accept each policy as follows:
Whistle-Blowing: 1st Bill Lavery, 2nd Moira Rodgers, Approval unanimous
Conflict of Interest: 1st Bill Lavery, 2nd Moira Rodgers, Approval unanimous
Record Retention: 1st Bill Lavery, 2nd Moira Rodgers, Approval unanimous

Additionally, a policy was set regarding the sale of outside materials.  Motion to accept the policy as written: 1st Bill Lavery, 2nd Moira Rodgers, Approval unanimous

        Fund Raising:  John Godin reported on details of the upcoming road race.  Many board members will volunteer on Thanksgiving morning.
        Mr. Godin also reported that the annual fund raising letter was mailed and has resulted in donations.

        Building, Grounds, and Interior: Alarm wiring needs to be redone.  A pump is broken in the boiler room.    

        Friends of the Library Liaison: Peter Stern reported that there will be a book sale coordinated with the Festival of the Trees.

        Art Liaison:  Michelle Rosenthal reported that the photography exhibit by Tom Kretsch would be displayed until the end of November.

        Historical Liaison:  None

        Nominating Committee:  None

Old Business:  None

New Business :  None.

Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm.  Motion made by Bill Lavery; Nancy Reidy seconded.

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Reilly, Secretary