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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
October 12, 2010

Present:   Dan Cruson, John Godin, Colleen Honan, Bill Lavery, Martin Margulies, Bill McCarthy, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti,  Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal, Peter Stern, Janet Woycik, and John Trentacosta.  

Absent:   Nancy Reidy, Robert Cox, Mary Kelley, Paul Sirois

Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm

Consideration of Minutes:  The minutes of the September meeting were unanimously accepted.  Bill Lavery moved to accept, Peter Stern seconded.

Public Participation: Georgia Monaghan, a library volunteer, presented her new literary magazine, The Newtowner.  Its mission is to “celebrate and showcase local literary, visual and performing artists, cultural events and organizations.”  Library events will be promoted, as well as works produced through Library programs.  Mrs. Monaghan, along with Mrs. Brenda McKinley, was seeking Board approval to sell the magazine in the Library.  The feasibility and appropriateness of this proposal will be researched and voted upon at the November meeting.

President’s Announcements: Carolyn Faxon, a new board member was introduced and welcomed.  Board President, Martha Robilotti, distributed a letter from the Friends of the Library regarding funding.  Mrs. Robilotti announced the resignation of long-time board member Kathy Geckle.  Mrs. Robilotti recommended that a gift of a brick and a book on genealogy be purchased in the honor of Mrs. Carolyn Stokes.  Bill Lavery moved to make those purchases with funds collected from the Board, Michelle Rosenthal seconded, and approval was unanimous.

Treasurer’s Report:  Bill McCarthy, board treasurer, presented and discussed a detailed report on the allocation of funds received from the Friends

A motion to accept the Friends Annual Budget as presented was made by Bill Lavery.  Martin Margulies seconded with unanimous approval.

The Finance Committee met with Bank of America representatives to discuss investments.

Mr. McCarthy distributed copies of the annual audit performed by Don Studley.  Major points were discussed, including the need to complete policies for the Exempt from Income Tax Form 990.

Report of the Library Director:  Janet Woycik reported on circulation, patronage, acquisitions and programs for the previous month.

On Veteran’s Day, the rugs will be cleaned.

There will be new check-out periods for new books, magazines and educational videos.

Mrs. Woycik requested that holiday hours for the library match the town’s holiday hours.  

Bill Lavery moved to close the Library on December 24, 25 and 26.  John Godin seconded the motion with unanimous approval.

John Godin moved to close the library on December 31, January 1, and January 2nd.  John Trentacosta seconded the motion with unanimous approval.

A chocolate fundraiser has been proposed for the holiday season.  Bill Lavery moved to approve the chocolate sale, John Trentacosta seconded the motion, and approval was unanimous.

Bill Lavery moved to approve sprinklers to be updated and repaired, and to allow the executive committee to approve future repairs related to fire protection.  Martin Margulies seconded with unanimous approval.

Committee Reports:
        Policies and Personnel: Michelle Rosenthal reported that the committee will write Conflict of Interest and Whistle-blowers policies for board approval at the November meeting.

        Fund Raising:  John Godin reported that the annual letter drafts are done and shall be mailed tomorrow
        The road race continues to attract runners, walkers and sponsors.  

        Building, Grounds, and Interior: The railing has been primed.  

        Friends of the Library Liaison: Peter Stern reported that there will be a book collection day in October.  A table purchased in honor of the Marshalls has arrived and will be installed on a concrete foundation.
        Art Liaison:  Michelle Rosenthal reported that art displays including those by Tom Crutch, High School Students, SCAN and the Camera Club are forthcoming.

        Historical Liaison:  Dan Cruson noted that there will be storage space in the Edmond Town Hall for the library’s journals and ledgers.

        Nominating Committee:  Bill Lavery, speaking in the absence of committee chair Bob Cox, commented on the contributions made by resigned member Kathy Geckle of the past 18 years, including her work on the interior of the Library during its renovation, her great success with the 75th Anniversary Gala and her generosity with her home for Library events.  She will be greatly missed by the Board.

The Nominating Committee recommends Thomas D’Agostino to the board.  Bill Lavery moved that Mr. D’Agostino be accepted.  Dan Cruson seconded, approval was unanimous with one abstention from John Trentacosta.

Old Business:  None

New Business :  Martin Margulies will be looking into whether the Library can sell copies of The Newtowner.

Meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm.  Motion made by Bill Lavery; Moira Rodgers seconded.

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Reilly, Secretary