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CH Booth Library Minutes
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 12, 2010

  • Roll call:
Present:  Robert Cox, Dan Cruson, Kathy Geckle, John Godin Bill Lavery Marin Margulies, Bill McCarthy Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal, Peter Stern, John Trentacosta, and Janet Woycik

Absent:  Liz Arneth, Jeanne Honan, Mary Kelley, Nancy Reidy, and Paul Sirois

  • Consideration of the minutes of the previous meeting:  Minutes were accepted as presented.  
  • Public participation: None
  • President’s announcements:  None
  • Treasurer’s Report:  Bill McCarthy presented a report on the 2011 budget requests.  There are few increases requested on the budget.  Increases in occupancy and contractual services were explained in detail.  Mr. McCarthy also delivered the December monthly financial report.  A motion to approve the report was made by Martin Margulies, Bill Lavery seconded, and approval was unanimous.
  • Report of the Library Director:  Janet Woycik presented a detailed report on programs and patronage of the library.  Mrs. Woycik reported that the phone system is no longer working and needs to be replaced.  The cost would be $7,650.
  • Committee reports:
  • Policies and Personnel: None
  • Fund Raising: John Godin reported that fundraising dollars are down. The fundraising committee will send an online solicitation using the library’s patron email list as reminder about the annual fundraising letter around February 1st.  Mr. Godin will evaluate the results.  
Mr. Godin will submit a grant application to GE targeting youth in education.  Bill Lavery moved to approve the idea of supporting the grant.  John Trentacosta seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  
The fundraising committee is pursuing plans for a road race supporting the library.  Mike Beaudry will speak with the board at the next meeting during public participation regarding the race.
The fundraising committee will discuss a policy for accepting donations as memorials.  Moira Rodgers moved to nominate a board member to handle bequests and donations.  Kathy Geckle seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
Mrs. Geckle moved to nominate John Godin as the board member in charge of handling bequests; Mrs. Rodgers seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.  
Mrs. Woycik and any Board member with information regarding possible memorial donations to the Library will forward the information to John Godin for follow-up.  
Mrs. Woycik suggested getting an updated insurance appraisal.  Bill Lavery moved to get the appraisal done, Marty Margulies seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.  Janet Woycik will check prices.
  • Building, Grounds, and Interior:  Bob Cox reported that the custodian is taking care of needed maintenance in the attic.  There is an intermittent leak near the director’s office as consequence of ice dams.  The roofer will be called to advise the Library on necessary action.  
  • Long Range Planning: None
  • “Friends of the Library” Liaison:   Peter Stern reported that the rug in board room is causing tripping, and it is getting ruined.  It was removed by volunteers after the meeting.  Other required repairs were noted (chairs, office door lock).  Mrs. Woycik follow-up with needed repairs.  Books, once belonging to the Booth and Hawley families were donated.  Mr. Cruson suggested that we keep them for historical aspects.  Mrs. Geckle suggested that Mary Thomas be contacted as curator of collections to display them.  The Friends need volunteers and storage space.  
  • Art Liaison:  Michelle Rosenthal reported that the current exhibit is from the Candlewood Camera Club. There will be a reception on January 30th, and the exhibit will run through February.     The schedule is full through spring.  A welder will have a show in the Mystery collection area Feb.  1- 28.
Historical Liaison:  Dan Cruson reported that the Muir exhibit will be replaced later this month with a William H. Gibson exhibit.
Nominating Committee: None
  • Old Business: None
  • New Business:  Employees celebrating 20 years of service will be recognized at staff dinner in June.  A list of hire dates will be given to personnel committee to assist in recognition of anniversaries.  
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM as moved by Bill Lavery and seconded by John Trentacosta.  Unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Reilly,
on behalf of
Elizabeth Arneth
Board Secretary