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The Cyrenius H. Booth Library Board of Trustees
Newtown, Connecticut 06470

Minutes of meeting January 13, 2009

President Martha Robilotti called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

1.      Roll call:  Present were Robert Cox, Kathy Geckle, John Godin, Bill Lavery, Peter Marshall, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Paula Stephan, Peter Stern, Mary Thomas, Jeanne Honan, Eric DaSilva, Martin Margulies, Michelle Rosenthal, Paul Sirois, John Trentacosta.
Absent: Liz Arneth, Dan Cruson.

2.      Consideration of the previous minutes: The minutes were read. Jean Honan moved to approve the minutes. Peter Stern seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously.

3.      Public Participation: None.

4.      President’s Announcements: Martha Robilotti announced that henceforth all standing committees of the library should notice their meeting to the Town Clerk via e-mail at least twenty-four hours before the meeting for posting on the Town of Newtown website.

5.      Treasurer/Finance Report: Peter Marshall reported on the investment statements and the status of the trust. He also reviewed the director’s budget. He reviewed a summary of the proposed 2009-2010 budget and potential issues. He gave the Board his letter to the Board of Selectman, Legislative Council, and Board of Finance detailing a summary analysis of the library’s request for town funding.

6.       Report of the Library Director. Janet Woycik reviewed the new policy on overdue notices, grant-writing initiatives taken by the department heads, and upcoming programs. A donor has requested that we accept a gift of an antique desk with a value of five hundred to one thousand dollars.  Bill Lavery moved that we accept the gift. Martin Margulies seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously.

7.      Committee Reports

A.      Policies and Personnel: Mary Thomas reported that the committee had met and written a draft of the library director’s job description. The new version, updating the job description last approved in December 2005, will be presented to the Board at the March meeting.

B.      Fund Raising: Paul Sirois reviewed what he had learned about internet giving which could be processed online. He will make a formal proposal at a future meeting.

C.      Building, Grounds, Interior: Robert Cox reviewed the status of the heating system and roof repair. A controller for the lights has been malfunctioning in the new area of the building. It must be replaced.

·       Bill Lavery moved: Approval of an expenditure up to three thousand dollars for repair costs, to come from capital repair. John Trentacosta seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously.  
·       In regards to the repair of the hole in the staircase carpet, Janet agreed to call the local carpet company and expedite the repair as soon as possible.

D.      Long Range Planning: no report

E.      Friend of the Library Liaison: Peter Stern reported fewer donations to the Book Sale overall except for one large donation of books that benefitted several departments.

F.      Art/Historical Liaison: Paula Stephan reported that the library made a commission on the sale of three paintings at a recent show. The current show had an excellent opening reception.

G.      Nominating: no report

8.      Old business: none

9.      New business: none

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Thomas
Secretary pro tem