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02-28-12 Finance Committee
George Ferguson, Chair
Kathy Fetchick, Vice Chair
Dan Amaral
Mitch Bolinsky
Mary Ann Jacob
Dan Wiedemann

Legislative Council Finance and Administration Committee
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of February 28, 2012
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Lane, Newtown, CT

Committee Members Present:      Dan Wiedemann, Mary Ann Jacob, Kathy Fetchick, George Ferguson, Mitch Bolinsky, Dan Amaral and Jeff Capeci, ex officio
Others Present: Pat Llodra, First Selectman, Robert Tait, Town Treasurer and Finance Director, John Voket, Associate Editor, Newtown Bee

The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m.

Public Participation
There were no members of the public present

Review and Approval of Minutes

Ms. Jacob moved to approve the minutes of February 15, 2012.  Mr. Bolinsky seconded.  Approved unanimously 6-0.

Ms. Jacob moved to approve the minutes of February 1, 2012.  Mr. Bolinsky seconded.  Approved unanimously 6-0.

Discussion and Action:

2012-13 Board of Finance Recommended Budget

Mr. Ferguson reminded members that the plan for the meeting was to begin the discussion of the 2012-2013 Proposed and Board of Finance Recommended Budget and then to either recess or adjourn the meeting at approximately 7 p.m. so that members could participate in the Public Hearing on said Budget.

In proceeding Mr. Ferguson inquired of the members present if they all had been able to sufficiently study the budget and all indicated that they had been able to do so.  The members present were asked if they wanted to proceed with line-by-line analysis of the budget or to have a more general discussion and question and answer type discourse.  Members agreed that a general discussion and Q & A would be preferable.

Mr. Bolinsky initiated a discussion focused on what he felt was the exemplary performance of the Town Finance Director and Treasurer, suggesting that some additional financial resources should be allocated as reward for superior performance.  Mr. Capeci expressed agreement regarding Mr. Tait’s performance but indicated that he felt that this was not a something he would support the Committee taking action on because he felt it was a management decision he was unwilling to overrule.  First Selectman Llodra interjected that she felt the area of performance was within her purview and that she would address it if and when the financial position of the Town made doing so possible.
The Committee moved tangentially to a discussion of this year’s budget book citing the exemplary nature of the work and the document.  There was general agreement that the book was better than anything any of the members had heretofore seen in Newtown and that it provided a clear and transparent view of the budget and the inner workings of the Town of Newtown.  There was general agreement that the final budget book should be made available for review in a variety of places accessible to the public.  First Selectman Llodra indicated that it has been past practice and it is her future intent to make this information, once passed, widely available.

Ms. Fetchick expressed concern that the Revenue amount in the budget for the Educational Cost Sharing (ECS) grant did not agree with the numbers that she had seen on the CT State Department of Education website.  Mr. Tait indicated that the numbers in the budget book were the correct and most up to date numbers.

Mr. Wiedemann inquired about the expenditures for winter maintenance noting that we experienced very little in the way of snow events and yet the winter maintenance account had nevertheless been depleted.  First Selectman Llodra explained that the winter maintenance account had been used to pay the substantial costs incurred by the Town in managing debris removal and equipment repairs associated with the twin fall storms and especially the Storm Alfred event of October 2011.

The meeting was recessed at 6:57 so that members could participate in the Public Hearing on the Proposed and Board of Finance Recommended Budget.

At 7:37 p.m., following the Public Hearing, the Committee reconvened.

Mr. Amaral joined the meeting at this time.

Mr. Ferguson consulted with Mr. Tait about items that were immediately actionable and those that were subject to revision.  It was decided to defer action on property taxes and the Mill Rate Calculation as these were subject to revision based on actions from the other Legislative Council Committees including the Municipal Operations Committee and the Education Committee.

At this time Mr. Ferguson indicated that he would entertain a motion:

To accept and approve for recommendation to the full council, those elements of the Board of Finance Recommended Budget, contained within in our charge, as presented, with the exception of the Property Taxes and Mill Rate Calculation as these are subject to revision, including the items contained in the following headings: Revenues & Other Financing Sources, General Government, Contingency, Debt Service, Other Financing Uses, and Reserve Cap & Nonrecurring Expenditures.

Moved by Dan Wiedemann and Seconded by Kathy Fetchick.  Vote in favor 6 and opposed 1. Voting in favor were Messrs. Capeci, Bolinsky, Wiedemann, Ferguson as well as Ms. Jacob and Fetchick.  Mr. Amaral opposed.

Update on process discussion re: Capital Non-recurring Fund and Board of Education Reserve Fund Statute

Mr. Ferguson advised that he had a conversation with several people at the Connecticut Council of Municipalities and a follow up conversation with John Kortze, and a decision was made to defer this conversation to see if the Connecticut General Assembly acts to provide greater clarity around the enabling legislation.

Future Meeting Dates

To be determined

New Business
Prior to adjourning, Mrs. Llodra asked Mr. Amaral to clarify his reason for voting no.  Mr. Amaral indicated that taxes and the mill rate were just “too high”.


Ms. Jacob moved to adjourn.  Kathy Fetchick seconded.

Vote unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.

Addendum to LC Finance and Administration Committee Minutes
Charge from Legislative Council to Finance andAdministration Committee
To Review and Make a Recommendation to the Council Regarding the 2012-13 Board of Finance Recommended Budget
March 28, 2012 meeting
Revenues & Other Financing Sources:
        Property Taxes

        Charges For Services
        Investment Income
        Other Revenues
        Other Financing Sources
General Government
        Selectmen - Other
        Tax Collector
        Probate Court
        Town Clerk
        Tax Assessor
        Technology Department
        Social Security
        Pension Fund
        OPEB Contribution
        Employee Benefits
        Professional Organizations
        Legislative Council
        District Contributions
        Economic Development Commission
        Sustainable Energy Commission
        Fairfield Hills Authority
Debt Service    
        Debt Service
Other Financing Uses
        Town Hall Managers
        Reserve Cap & Nonrecurring Expense
        Transfer Out - Cap Project
Reserve Cap & Nonrecurring Expense
        860 Reserve Cap & Nonrecurring Expense