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04-06-11 Finance Committee
April 6, 2011
Meeting Room, Municipal Center
Newtown, CT

PRESENT:  Chairman Ben Spragg, Dan Amaral, Gary Davis, Kathy Fetchick, Kevin Fitzgerald,
                    Jan Andras, Jeff Capeci

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Pat Llodra, Schools Superintendent Janet Robinson, BOE Chairman Bill Hart, Bob Merola, Rich Woycik, one member of public

Chairman Ben Spragg called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  To be taken up at next meeting.

FY 2011/12 EDUCATION BUDGET:  Ms. Fetchik advised that the Education Committee voted 3-1 to recommend the Education Budget as presented by the Board of Finance.  Mr. Davis asked what the biggest cost challenges will be in the next two years.  Mr. Hart stated that the 60% of the budget for labor is always a challenge and the teacher’s contract will be negotiated in 80 more months.  Health insurance costs are less than last year but we assume there will be increases next year.  Transportation contracts are up for renewal in 16 months.  It is hoped that the bidding process will produce some savings.  Special Ed costs can be unpredictable with students moving into or out of the school system.  He would like to get some more information about the possibility of created some type of “contingency” for Special Ed to help keep the year to year costs more level so that we don’t have to accommodate large spikes in cost during any budget year.  

Mr. Merola commented that there are 15 new teachers this year, with an increase of only 40 students.  Is the high school addition being staffed without the student population to warrant it at this time?  He also feels there are too many electives being offered.  We should consider a sunset plan.  Last year, the Education budget increased by $900,000, but there is a $600,000 surplus.  

At this time, First Selectman Llodra arrived and Dr. Robinson and Mr. Hart left to attend the Board of Education meeting.  

Mr. Woycik, as Chairman of the Public Works and Safety Committee advised that his committee voted to recommend this portion of the budget as recommended by the Board of Finance.  The committee members feel that due to the constraints of contracts, it is hard to create any additional savings for the taxpayers without a significant impact on services.  Mr. Spragg received reports from the other Council committees, all recommending their respective portions of the budget as proposed by the BOF.  

There was a lengthy discussion with the First Selectman, with no resulting savings ideas.   Mr. Davis feels that an excellent job was done this year, with collaboration between the First Selectman and the Superintendent to find ways to share costs.  They are to be commended for treating this as one budget.  

Ms. Fetchik moved to recommend the FY 2012/13 Budget to the full Council as proposed by the Board of Finance.  Motion seconded and carried:  YES (Spragg, Fetchik, Davis, Fitzgerald, Andras) – NO (Amaral).

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Rich Fenaraoli, 63 Tomahawk Trail – After listening to the discussions this evening, he appreciates the work that is being done by volunteers.  He feels there are too many “high salaries” working for the town.  We can no longer afford to have them do what we are paying them to do and need to look at privatization.  There has to be a public upheaval to get us to look again at what we are doing in this town.

Having no further businesses, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Jan Andras