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03-16-11 Ordinance Committee
Mary Ann Jacob, Chair
James S. Belden
A. Jeffrey Capeci
George T. Ferguson
Robert Merola
Richard Woycik

Approved Minutes of the Legislative Council Ordinance Committee

The Ordinance Committee met on March 16, 2011 in the Council Chambers of the Newtown Municipal Center at 6:30 pm.  Chairman Jacob called the meeting to order at 6:39pm.

Present: Ms Jacob, Mr. Capeci, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Merola, Mr. Woycik.
Absent: Mr. Belden

Others: One member of the press.


Mr. Capeci made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2011 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Ferguson who noted one correction.  In the last paragraph on the first page, the last sentence should be changed to state that Chief Kehoe said the police department would be responsible for designating content and where signs would be placed but not their actual installation. All in favor.

An Ordinance to Protect Children

Mr. Ferguson suggested modifying the definition of Child Safety Zone in §283-2 to include trails, passive recreation areas and open space parcels.  He also suggested renaming section 283-8 of the ordinance from “Child Safety Zones” to “Child Safety Zone enforcement”.  Having a definition and a section with the same name is confusing.

Chairman Jacob requested Mr. Capeci give the ordinance to legal counsel to review proposed changes.

Amending the Ordinance that created the Fairfield Hills Authority

Mr. Capeci reported that Dr. Reed would solicit input on the ordinance from the membership of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  He would have that information at the next meeting.


Chairman Jacob stated that this is a new item that was given to the committee at the last Legislative Council meeting and asked Mr. Capeci to get from legal counsel the number of the enabling state statute.  Mr. Capeci also volunteered to ask the First Selectman who the administration point person should be.  

Amending Ordinance §79 Tax Abatement forVolunteer Fire and Rescue Personnel to include Newtown Underwater Search and Rescue (NUSAR) Volunteers

The chair explained the contents of the existing ordinance and said the request coming from the First Selectman was to add NUSAR to the volunteer emergency personnel eligible for tax abatement under the ordinance.  Ms Jacob requested that Mr. Merola take the lead on this ordinance.  Mr. Merola noted Chris Kelsey, the Newtown Tax Assessor, estimates the cost of adding NUSAR volunteers to the ordinance is about $1000 in lost tax revenue.  No action taken, waiting for guidance from the Conservation Commission.

Ms. Jacob request Mr. Capeci include the Ordinance to protect children and the Fairfield Hills Authority Ordinance amendment be placed on the next council agenda.

Discussion of Future Meeting Dates

Next Meeting will be held on April 6, 6:30pm


A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Capeci and seconded by Mr. Woycik, all in favor.  Chairman Jacob adjourned the meeting at 7:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Capeci