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01-11-11 Finance Committee
The Legislative Council Finance Committee started the meeting at 7:10pm.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the referral of the 2011/12 – 2015/16 Capital Improvement Plan by the Legislative Council.


Mr. Ben Spragg, Legislative Council
Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald, Legislative Council
Mr. Dan Amaral, Legislative Council
Mr. Gary Davis, Legislative Council
Kathy Fetchick, Legislative Council
Jeff Capeci, Legislative Council Chair
Mrs. Pat Llodra, First Selectman
Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use
One member of the press

Absent: Jan Andras


APPROVE MINUTES OF January 5, 2011
Motion to approve minutes of January 5, 2011 made by Ms Fetchick, second by Mr. Amaral. Mr. Fitzgerald abstained because he was not present.


Rob Sibley – presentation of open space program, established in 2005.

Properties are evaluated through the use of a rating sheet.  The Town does initiate some conversations with homeowners if there are strategic pieces of property for open space.  Reasons why this is done is that acquiring the property will enable us to preserve a natural resource or bring together land for passive recreation (connecting trails…).

Three parcels (of 12) ready to purchase for $6MM.  Payments for properties are structured in many ways depending on the funds available.

10-year plan is to have 21% of the Town’s land be open space.  Currently, it is estimated we are around 14%, which does not include what the Newtown Forest Association has acquired.

CIP Discussion:
Mr. Spragg recommended sending the CIP back to BOF to rework numbers because of the differential between the estimate for middle school roof replacement and the current numbers.

Mrs. Llodra communicated to the group that the Hawleyville sewer project might need to be moved up in the CIP because there seems to be a new viable Hawleyville proposal.  There is close to 100 acres of undeveloped space near exit 9.  The owner may now be more interested in developing property.  In the past, owners along route 6 have been reluctant to invest dollars in their properties because of the lack of sewer.  Currently, the sewer terminates at the Woods and we are nowhere near our capacity of use. The cost would be closer to $2.5 - $4MM to extend.  This cost estimate does not include any additional monies that may be negotiated with the sewer authority or the developer.

MS Roof – The base cost is lower than the estimate in the CIP; however, there are a number of alternate considerations (solar panels, new air handling units…).   The project is still on target to finish by Sept 2011.

Mr. Spragg wants to reduce overall debt and wants to recommend to the Board of Finance (BOF) that we only bond $20MM instead of $30MM in year 5 so that we can bring down our borrowing to 9%.  He wants to ask the BOF to look at reduction of costs in MS Roof, revision of placement for the Hawleyville sewer project (based on any new information that Ms. Llodra brings to light), and ask Hook & Ladder how ready they are (the original CIP had Hook and Ladder in year 3).  The group supports the project, but needs to get a better handle on the reality of the timing.

Motion made by Mr. Fitzgerald and seconded by Mr. Amaral:

Return the Capital Improvement Plan to the Board of Finance with the following recommendations:
  • Review the current Middle School Roof Project for the surplus available between what was authorized and what actually will be needed to construct the new roof.  
  • Hook and Ladder may be pushed one year from the February 2011 borrowing or pushed out further.
  • We recommend that you look at moving the Open Space Acquisition up in the plan at a minimum of $1.5million per year.
  • We would like you to review the Hawleyville Sewer Extension cost of $2.5 to $4.0 million dollars (less sewer assessments, buy-ins, etc.) and moving the project up in the plan based on any new information from Ms. Llodra.
  • The fifth year of the plan 2015-2016 requires $30,000,000 in bonding or almost 60% of the entire borrowing for the entire five years.  Almost all of the projects are still in the planning stages and are in the plan as placeholders.  We recommend that you reduce the bonding in year five to $20,000,000, which Mr. Tait indicates will bring the Debt Service as a % of Budget to 9%.  The goal being that we reduce the debt cap to 9%.
All members voted in favor of the above motion.

Mr. Fitzgerald moved to adjourn. Mr. Amaral seconded.  All members voted in favor.



The meeting ended at 9:05 pm.