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12-7-10 Ordinance Committee
George Ferguson, Chair
James S. Belden
Jeffrey A. Capeci
Mary Ann Jacob
Robert Merola
Richard Woycik

Legislative Council Ordinance Committee
Minutes (Draft) and Motions for Meeting of December 7, 2010
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Committee Members Present:   Jeff Capeci, George Ferguson, Mary Ann Jacob, Robert Merola, Richard Woycik

Committee Members Absent:   James Belden

The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.

Public Participation
There were no members of the public present

Review and Approval of Minutes

Mr. Capeci moved to approve the minutes of November 23, 2010.  Mr. Woycik seconded the motion.  Meeting minutes were approved unanimously.

Discussion and possible action on the following Ordinances:

Self-Funded Health Insurance Fund and Committee – The Committee reviewed Ordinance changes, that had been suggested by Attorney Greta Solomon of Cohen and Wolf .  The Committee reviewed and debated the suggestions and the proceeded to review entire Ordinance on a line by line basis.  Upon completion the Committee determined that the Ordinance as revised was ready to be moved out of the Ordinance Committee .and was ready for public hearing.  It was further determined  that after review and discussion with the full Council and contingent upon no substantive changes the Ordinance would go to public hearing during the first week of January.

Fire Lanes Ordinance The Committee had determined at an earlier meeting that this was ready to go to public hearing and will follow the same procedure as outline above.

No recommendations of actions were made to be brought before the Newtown Legislative Council and or the public

There are presently five Ordinances in process.  

Discussion of Future Meeting Dates
The members agreed that the next meeting of the Ordinance Committee would be scheduled for sometime in January.

Public Participation
No members of the public were present.

New Business

The Ordinance Committee anticipates having at least two new items added to its agenda. for consideration:  An ordinance to adopt State mandated legislation that will enable the new Newtown Animal Control Facility to shelter cats and an ordinance to revise the Scenic Road Ordinance pursuant to the Town of Newtown’s Plan of Conservation and Development.


Jeff Capeci moved to adjourn.  Rich Woycik seconded.  Vote unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 722 pm.