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9-16-10 Ordinance Committee
George T. Ferguson, Chair
James S. Belden
Jeffrey A. Capeci
Mary Ann Jacob
Robert Merola
Richard Woycik
Legislative Council Ordinance Committee
Minutes (Draft) and Motions for Meeting of September 16, 2010
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Committee Members  Present:     Jeff Capeci, George Ferguson, Mary Ann Jacob,
        Robert Merola, Richard Woycik

Committee Members  Excused:     James Belden  

The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m.

Public Participation
There were no members of the public present

Review and Approval of Minutes

Mr. Capeci moved to approve the minutes of August 18, 2010.  Ms. Jacob seconded the motion.  Mr. Capeci, Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Jacob, and Mr. Woycik voted in the affirmative.    Mr Merola abstained.

Discussion and possible action the following Ordinances:

An Ordinance to Protect Children –  Ms. Jacob indicated that she had had further discourse with Chief Kehoe about the desire to add this legislation in order to provide the Newtown Police with “another tool in the toolbox”.   Mr. Ferguson questioned whether Orchard Hill was Town Open Space or a Town Park.  Ms. Jacob was going to clarify the status of this property, and would give the ordinance a thorough review in anticipation of moving it forward..

Fire Lane Ordinance – Mr. Capeci distributed a copy of the Ordinance that had been reviewed by an Attorney at Cohen and Wolf.   The Attorney requested additional time to complete this review.  George Ferguson will forward the draft to the Fire Commissioner for his review and comment.  

Health Insurance Board or Trust Ordinance – Mr. Capeci and Mr. Ferguson spoke about this legislation.  Mr. Capeci had forwarded this draft to Mr. Tait for his review.  Mr. Ferguson met with Mr. Tait to discuss the legislation and the mechanics of the process through which our community will proceed in ensuring health insurance benefits for its employees.  Mr. Capeci agreed to review and process the additional information to mover this legislation forward.

Acquisition of Conservation Easements for Open Space though abatement of taxes –  No discussion or action was taken at this time pursuant to the Conservation Commission’s request.  

Discussion of the process for undertaking a Charter mandated bi-annual review of  Regulation 4, Chapter 90, Newtown Code Book, regarding Town of Newtown Purchasing and Bidding Procedures (Updates on actions)  Discussion of this item was tabled by mutual consent.

No  recommendations of actions were made to be brought before the Newtown Legislative Council and or the public

There are presently four Ordinances in process.  

Discussion of Future Meeting Dates
The members agreed that the next meeting of the Ordinance Committee will take place on October 13 at 7:30 p.m.

Public Participation
No members of the public were present.

New Business

There was not new business brought before the Committee at this time.


Richard Woycik moved to adjourn.  Jeff Capeci seconded.  Vote unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm.