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8-10-10 LC Finance Committee

PRESENT:  Chairman Ben Spragg, Chris LaRocque, Kevin Fitzgerald, Jan Andras
                ABSENT:  Gary Davis

ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Pat Llodra

Chairman Spragg called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

Public Participation – None present

CIP Administrative Guidelines - Mr. Spragg advised that he and Mr. Davis have discussed the inclusion of the proposed recommendations as part of the Council’s procedures guidelines, rather than as part of the CIP regulations.  Those present agreed with that suggestion.

#1 – This will appear as an opening paragraph and will include that the Legislative Council in partnership with the Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen has a critical responsibility to ensure the financial health of our town government.

#3 – The sentence “Council members are responsible for monitoring the progress” will be removed.   Ms. Llodra is strongly against Council members being allowed to ask questions at presentations to other boards.  There needs to be a separation of powers.  Council members should not participate in meetings of other boards when they are not representing the entire Council.  Ms. Andras pointed out that the Charter and Statutes give the First Selectman the status of an ex-officio member of other boards and committees.  That status is not given to any other elected town official. During the CIP process, the entire Council should receive a presentation and be able to ask questions about any project in the Plan.

#5 – Is this paragraph really necessary?  To be discussed at the next meeting.

#6 – Mr. Spragg will re-write this paragraph and present at next meeting.

#7 – Regarding the Public Building & Site Commission reporting to the Council, Ms. Llodra stated that the PBSC reports to the First Selectman and/or the Schools Superintendent and BOE.  They should therefore be the ones to report to the Council, along with whoever they believe is needed to answer questions.

#8 – Mr. Spragg will re-arrange the wording, adding “or more often as needed”.

Mr. Spragg will draft the proposed changes to this document to be discussed at the next meeting.

Approval of Minutes – Upon motion by Mr. Fitzgerald, the minutes of the 6/22 meeting were unanimously approved.

Fairfield Hills Leases – Mr. Spragg has drafted wording to modify the ordinance, adding “subject to approval of the Board of Selectmen and where lease requires funding by the Town, subject to Town Meeting approval following Legislative Council approval and recommendation from the Board of Finance”.   Ms. Andras moved to recommend the proposed amendment to the full Legislative Council.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Biennial CIP – This will be on the agenda for the next meeting and the Board of Finance Chairman will be invited.

Town of Newtown Investment Policy – Mr. Fitzgerald moved to recommend the Town of Newtown Investment Policy to the full Legislative Council.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Public Participation – None present.

Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Jan Andras