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8-12-10 Charter Rev. Appt.Cmte
Minutes of the Meeting of the Charter Revision Appointments Committee
Of the Legislative Council
Held in the Meeting Room One in the Newtown Municipal Center,
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, Connecticut
Thursday August 12, 2010

Chairman James Belden called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.

PRESENT:  Chris LaRocque, Richard Woycik, Mary Ann Jacob, and Chairman James Belden

ABSENT:  none.



7:03pm Mr. Woycik motioned to enter executive session for the purpose of conducting interviews for the Charter Revision Candidates. Mr. LaRocque seconded. The motion was unanimously carried.

9:15pm the committee came out of executive session.

Public Participation: None

New Business: Chairman Belden asked Ms. Jacob to confirm party affiliation for all candidates as well as what offices any candidates may hold, elected or appointed, in advance of Monday’s scheduled meeting in order for the committee to be certain they are following state guidelines when voting.

9:20pm Mr. Woycik  made a motion to adjorn, Mr. LaRocque seconded.