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3-29-10 Education Subcmte
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Last Updated: 2010/4/5
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Last Updated: 2010/4/5
Legislative Council Education Committee
Minutes from Meeting on March 29, 2010
Held in the Newtown Municipal Center, Shared Meeting Room One

The Legislative Council Education committee held a regular meeting on March 23, 2010 at the Newtown Municipal Center. ~Chairman Mary Ann Jacob called the meeting to order at 6:41 p.m.

PRESENT: ~Mary Ann Jacob, Chris LaRocque, Kevin Fitzgerald, George Ferguson

ALSO PRESENT: ~Superintendent Janet Robinson, Assistant Superintendent Linda Gejda, Board of Education Chairman Lillian Bittman, First Selectman Pat Llodra, LC Chairman Jeff Capeci, 9 members of the public, 2 members of the press


Kenga Walsh: Has concerns about making immediate decisions vs. long term thinking.  Ms. Walsh discussed the long term costs of busing and a potential six-tier system if changes are made.  She believes the quality of the education core is not being prioritized and that every single year there is the threat of not passing the budget.  She stated that people are sick of the politics and that we just need to get things done.

Bob Morolla: At public hearing he felt there was lots of emotion and that we cannot forget the past.  He wanted it to be clear that this is not a proposed cut, but only a reduction and there will still be an increase.  $2.5 million is really $1.1 because of commodity savings.  His concern is that headlines go around that aren’t always realistic

Ms. Jacob asked if the BOE had any official comments that they wished to make.  Dr. Robinson and Ms. Bittman spoke briefly and answered a few questions from committee members.  Dr. Robinson briefly discussed the potential for 6 day schedules but stated that she was confused by the question and would need some clarification.  She stated that research was conducted on the potential for a contingency fund and her understanding is the she cannot build in a reoccurring fund in the budget.  She stated that the BOE hasn’t fully looked at all the options and needs to.

Ms. Bittman stated that the BOE will be meeting April 6th and April 13th but without a definite number in the budget it is hard to make decision, however vetting of all the options will occur.  Her thought was that the feeling among the BOE was to spread the pain of budget reductions, thinks that a Parent Incorporated should be established to cover some after school activities as an option.  The balance between after-school activities and teacher reductions will be discussed.  Questions from Mr. Fitzgerald about confirmation about some of the options to assist in determining how best to make a decision was brought up, however Ms. Bittman stated that the BOE has not met and does not have any definite answers.  

Ms. Jacob asked for clarification in savings from making the current furlough days for teachers non-student days.  Dr. Robinson stated that the current savings for busses are $16000 per day plus around $4000 for fuel. Ms. Jacob noted that last year the savings for busses were around $60,000 and was curious as to the discrepency.

Mr. Ferguson asked how much of the 2.5 million in proposed reductions were projections and the general consensus was around 1.2 million dollars as a median up and down around $500,000, though that number is constantly changing until the end of the year arrives.

Debbie Leidlein added to the discussion that the one proposal she had brought up was not vetted by the BOE but was an option and was creative.  She feels that we need to be creative and look at other possibilities.

MINUTES: Mr. Ferguson moved to accept the minutes of February 17, 2010. ~Mr. LaRocque seconded.  Mr. Fitzgerald explained his additions and all agreed they were necessary. ~All in favor.

Discussion and Possible Action:
  • Board of Education Budget:
  • Ms. Jacob asked for a motion and Mr. LaRocque moved that we recommend to the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council a 2.5 million dollar reduction to the Board of Education budget for FY2010-2011 as proposed by the Board of Finance.  Mr Ferguson seconded.
  • Mr. LaRocque spoke to his motion and stated that he appreciated all the hard work that the BOE and the Superintendent have been doing during such a tough year.  From what he has been told this is the most information ever presented by the Superintendent’s office and that has been very helpful as Mr. LaRocque is new to the Council.  He stated that these are not cuts, but reductions to an increase in the budget.  With the reductions, the BOE will still have a budget that is nearly $700,000 above last year’s spending levels.  Mr. LaRocque also stated that he is a strong education supporter and does not want to see class sizes increase.  He believes that there are options that action can be taken on that will not impact class size or the integrity of our school system.  Mr. LaRocque also stated that he is concerned that an Option C, D or even E were not floated to the BOE or the public that did not include major teacher cuts, when it is clear that there are such options available.  He is urging support for the the motion for this reason.
  • Mr. Fitzgerald stated that he believes we need to look at a contingency fund from the town side and need to build this into the future.  Mr. Fitzgerald feels that we are seeking “punitive damages” on the education budget even though the BOE has been very open and helpful.  He stated that the recommendations we are offering need to be helped as much as possible.  For these reasons Mr. Fitzgerald stated that he cannot agree with Mr. LaRocque.
  • Mr. Ferguson stated that he has never seen this type of economic reality and does not feel there is an end in sight.  He stated that many of his neighbors cannot afford their mortgages and believes the school spending plan over our most recent history has been incredible.  We have a massive addition to the high school underway, have hired staff to meet needs, and are submitting an increase in this year’s budget, when it could be argued that we have a truly flat budget.  Mr. Ferguson things truly great thinks have been happening in our schools.  Mr. Ferguson stated that he is supporting the motion.
Ms. Jacob stated that this is a difficult year and she has received over a hundred emails advocating for putting money back into the budget, or at least to put some back in, but she is also hearing that people cannot afford an increase in taxes, and she is worried a 35 increase in taxes may not pass.  She feels that part of the responsibility of the committee and the LC is to recommend a budget that will pass on the first time.  Ms. Jacob stated that she feels her kids are getting a great education and feels that assumptions within the budget are a part of the process and necessary.  She feels that presented options A and B will increase class size and cut a St. Rose nurse as well, when teacher reductions should be X,Y,Z, not A and B.  She brought to the committee a list of options and potential savings as her own personal thought process and feels these options are worth considering.  Ms. Jacob stated that she hears people saying that potential tax increases only result in things like a latte a day, when in fact, voluntary reductions that the teachers could take would equate to the same thing.  Ms. Jacob also stated that these options save over $2 million, when only half of that is needed.  Ms. Jacob added that there are accounts in the current BOE budget that inclyde emergency repairs which she feels could be considered contingency.  She has an issue with the idea that the people need to decide on the current budget as this is a representative democracy and the people had the opportunity to vote in November.  Part of the process is for there to be vetting by the LC.
Mr. Fitzgerald stated that he can only agree on class sizes with Ms. Jacob.  He stated that he wishes he had the opportunity to see Ms. Jacob’s options in public to which Ms. Jacob replied that these are her own personal opinions.  Ms. Jacob requested that her options be attached to the minutes.  Mr. Fitzgerald stated he thinks the process needs to be evaluated to allow the options which we must vote on at this meeting to be fully explored before having to vote.  Mr. Fitzgerald believes that we should be listening to what we are hearing at the public forum and the emails / calls we have been receiving which are overwhelmingly in the favor of supporting reinstating money into the BOE budget.  He feels we are dismissing what we are hearing, and the public / taxpayers are the ultimate fiscal authority.  Mr. Fitzgerald also brought up the option of adding advisory questions to the referendum and feels that this is important and will allow the Council / BOF to know the true intent of the public if the referendum fails.  He also stated that he feels the appetite of the public is there to support a higher education budget and the increase in taxes, even though he knows that times are tough.  Mr. Fitzgerald also requested that letters from citizens be attached to the minutes and entered into record.
Mr. Ferguson stated that he has been doing a lot of research and the debate over class size as it relates to the quality of education is still a debate.  He stated that he found data to support a relation between the two in the lower grades but not necessarily in the upper grades.
  • Ms. Jacob stated that she believes she is listening to all the people, not just the ones that are coming out to the public hearing and that the options she presented were her own and had not been shared with anyone, as we are required to discuss all options in public.
  • Mr. Fitzgerald offered a friendly amendment to Mr. LaRocque’s motion for the Finance Committee to determine what contingency there is in the town.  Mr.  LaRocque seconded for discussion.  Mr. Fitzgerald feels this discussion needs to be had.  Ms. Jacob added that it is already clear that a contingency fund can be created but not reoccurring.  Mr. Fitzgerald commented that this discussion as it related to the fund balance should also be brought up.  He wants to know why the General Fund cannot serve as the contingency.  First Selectman Llodra stated that the request for contingency would have to come from the BOE directly.  Ms. Llodra also stated that the fund balance is important in our bond rating and is right at our policy recommended level in percentage terms.  Ms. Jacob brought up an example of the use of a contingency fund from the town for the BOE, which was a special appropriation, when the middle school steam pipe failed.   The motion to amend failed 3-1.  No votes were Mr. Ferguson, Mr. LaRocque, and Ms. Jacob, with Mr. Fitzgerald voting yes.
  • Mr. Fitzgerald offered an amendment to Mr. LaRocque’s motion that the Legislative Council incorporate advisory questions on the referendum to know detail around the referendum vote.  Mr. LaRocque accepted the amendment only if the word “examine” was added to the sentence to read “Legislative Council examime the incorporation of advisory questions on the referendum to know detail around the referendum vote.”  LC Chairman Capeci asked to be heard and stated that he is researching this now, and there is no helpful information by adding these advisory questions because of the legal requirements.  Mr. LaRocque stated that from his understanding from last year’s budget debate, the legal requirements do not bode well for questions on the referendum and the answers received do not help to understand the voters’ intent.  Mr. Ferguson stated that he was not opposed to the discussion on the Council level.  After further discussion, it was agreed that the motion did not need to be addressed in an official nature, and Mr. LaRocque withdrew his amendment to the amendment, and Mr. Fitzgerald withdrew his original amendment to the motion.  The motion was not brought up as an additional motion to the Legislative Council.
  • Ms. Jacob called for a vote on the original motion on the table.
  • Mr. Fitzgerald requested that an amendment to the motion be accepted to request only a 1.2 million dollar reduction in the Board of Education FY2010-2011 budget.  There was no second and the motion for an amendment failed.
  • Upon roll call vote, the original motion to read: move that we recommend to the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council a 2.5 million dollar reduction to the Board of Education budget for FY2010-2011 as proposed by the Board of Finance.  The motion passed 3 -1  with Mr. LaRocque, Ms. Jacob, and Mr. Ferguson voting in favor, and Mr. Fitzgerald voting against.
NEW BUSINESS:           None

Dr. Robinson: Stated that the Hawley School boiler that has a redundant (back-up) failed this past Thursday.  Mr. Bill Hart wanted to make sure that citizens knew this was not the boiler that does not have a back-up and that a bid is out for repairs.

Kenga Walsh: Stated that she is not speaking about reinstatement of the entire 2.5 million dollars but at least some of it.  She believes teachers will be cut with these options and is appalled that some of the money is not being reinstated and questions why this isn’t being sent to the public.  Ms. Walsh believes that taking out commodity savings are still cuts to our education system and that larger class sizes will hurt the kids.  She also stated that she was pleased to see options coming from someone outside of the BOE to see where others stand.  She also stated that that teacher morale is very poor but we have phenomenal teachers.  She is concerned that voters are not having a choice and that those she spoke with wish to have a vote.  Ms. Walsh also feels that we need to find other ways to bring money into this town other than just taxes.

Carla _____: Discussed the emergency repair fund as not being existing contingency in the BOE budget.  She stated that she is a retiree and she has taken a hit, and we need to think about property values as well.  She feels schools have been raped over the budget and she does not agree that kids are getting an excellent education.  She stated that 1 guidance counselor for 450 kids is not appropriate and this is what has happened over the last five years.  She also asked why we have a public forum if we are going to disregard what is heard.

Mary Beth ______: Stated that she has never been in favor of reinstating money into the budget, but believes there is a balance in the savings that the BOE should be given.  Her fear is that we are going to fall further and further behind.

Jeff Capeci:  Believes that the committee is listening to all constituents and that the Jacob options does that by proposing reductions that do not affect teachers.  He also stated that we must prepare for the worst and adjust if things are better but we cannot afford to be overly optimistic when it relates to our finances.

Pat Llodra: Ms. Llodra wished to give an opinion from the other side of the aisle stating that she hears from many citizens that do not speak at public hearings and that there is an unknown population in Newtown that does need to have a voice as well.  She is not positive where the balance is, but knows that we all need to be aware that those who speak out publicly are not the only ones with strong opinions.  Ms. Llodra also stated that she s aware from state officials that next year is already going to be a harder year and that the state debt is going to be near $5 billion.  

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Fitzgerald added into the record the 138 letters / emails he has received, and Ms. Jacob entered into the record her suggestions for BOE potential savings from reductions.

ADJOURNMENT: ~Having no further business, Mr. Ferguson moved to adjourn. ~Seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald. ~All in favor. ~Meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris LaRocque