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3-23-10 Education Subcmte
Legislative Council Education Committee
Minutes from Meeting on March 23, 2010
Held in the Edmond Town Hall, Mary Hawley Room

The Legislative Council Education committee held a regular meeting on March 23, 2010 at the Newtown Municipal Center. ~Chairman Mary Ann Jacob called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m.

PRESENT: ~Mary Ann Jacob, Chris LaRocque, Kevin Fitzgerald, George Ferguson

ALSO PRESENT: ~Superintendent Janet Robinson, Assistant Superintendent Linda Gejda, Board of Education Chairman Lillian Bittman, 3 members of the public, 1 member of the press

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: ~~No public participation

MINUTES: Mr. Ferguson moved to accept the minutes of February 17, 2010. ~Mr. LaRocque seconded. ~All in favor.

Discussion and Possible Action:
  • Board of Education Budget:
  • Ms. Bittman began by stating that she would give a background / presentation of the Board of Education budget this year and then answer questions as they became available.  Ms. Bittman went through each slide (as it was presented at the initial BOE budget meeting in February) and questions were asked as they occurred.  Handouts were given in response to pre-sent questions to Dr. Robinson and Ms. Bittman for efficiency.
  • Question from a member of the public about the criteria for our DRG (Bob Morolla).  Dr. Robinson stated that it includes socioeconomic factors, education level of commitment, and other.  The point was made that it appears odd that Greenwich is in our DRG considering they spend so much more money per pupil than any other district, which completely skews the averages.  During this time there was brief discussion on the how funding can impact SAT Scores, and Mrs. Bittman stated that there is no guarantee that more per pupil spending equals improved test scores.
  • Dr. Robinson responded to a question from Ms. Jacob around the Excess Cost Grant and risk assumptions.  Dr. Robinson stated that there are checks around this number from the state on March 1 and May 1, and from her source she was conservative in her estimate in the budget.  There was further discussion around what the best percentage should be and how savings could be found from using a less conservative number,
  • Ms. Jacob brought up a discussion about the contingency fund and the ability the Board of Education has to create this line item in their budget.  She was responding to slide 11 which Ms. Jacob stated implies that a contingency fund cannot be created and she stated that this is untrue.  She stated that she has completed much research on the subject and found that it is possible to create this fund, or line item, for potential overages.  She asked Dr. Robinson to please look into this.  Dr. Robinson stated that she was unaware that she could create such a fund.  Member of the public, Bill Hart stated that a contingency fund may help to dispel rumors about inaccurate numbers in the budget.
  • Discussion entered about unemployment percentages and Ms. Bittman explained that these numbers assumed 100% of the people who could be let go would be unemployed for a full year.  There was some discussion that this may be somewhat unrealistic.
  • Dr. Robinson gave a brief update on the negotiations with the bus contractors and stated that we should know the outcome in a few days.  The potential savings are somewhere around $500,000 if there is agreement.
On the last slide of the presentation when potential cuts were discussed, Ms. Bittman drew the comparison between what was the least detrimental to the system, school textbooks or staff?
Mr. LaRocque spoke to the perceived impact of presenting options for potential cuts without them being fully vetted by the Board of Education and stated that this fear that has spread through the public could be prevented and that he found it interesting that the first potential cuts were only to major staff and core education positions.  There seemed to be no clear effort that other positions were looked at first.  Ms. Jacob also contributed that these options presented by Ms. Bittman and Dr. Robinson without school board approval were presented without any additional options that did not include such drastic cuts.  She stated that the creative options needed to first be explored.  Dr. Robinson stated that she felt she had done that.
Ms. Jacob handed out an analysis done by Debbie L. of the BOE of the savings that would come from re-aligning/re-grouping elementary grades.  The analysis hadn’t been reviewed or vetted but Ms. Jacob pointed to it as an example of an out-of-the-box idea that requires further consideration.  It was at the previous BOE meeting that Ms. L. stated she had an idea that she wanted more time to work on.
Discussion about bus routes and the potential to alter the bus routes to save time and money.  Dr. Robinson feels that we will still be paying same day rates for the bus service even if we change the routes and who is picked up when.  Ms. Jacob stated that we need to look as creatively at this process as possible.
Mr. Fitzgerald wanted to know the potential dollars saved from outside-the-box ideas and will all the ideas / options presented be fully vetted.  He wanted to know that all the options were considered before extreme cuts were made and wanted to see if there were any other options on the table.  Ms. Bittman replied that there were not.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked Dr. Robinson about the “frozen” funds of $480,000 that were promised to remain frozen in early 2010.  Dr. Robinson stated that some of that money had been spent.  These encumbered funds totaled approximately $48,000 and the BOE has set aside $103,000 for special education funding deficit from the state grant.  Dr. Robinson stated that using the word “frozen” was incorrect as those funds were never truly frozen and the BOE never gave her a directive to not spend any of those funds, as sometime supplies were needed.  Dr. Robinson stated that an example was the purchase of toilet papers after the success of the H1N1 program the elementary schools initiated.  By Ms. Jacob’s calculations this would leave $377,000 remaining.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked if the BOE knew what minimum funding would be required if they only maintained the education curriculum and eliminated everything else including all after school activities across the entire district and had they considered this in lieu of cutting teachers.  Ms. Bittman thought gutting an entire part of the district might be too severe.  Mr. Fitzgerald asked what the priorities are and how they are determined.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked Dr. Robinson if the BOF recommended budget is one that could still meet the minimum requirements of the school system.  Dr. Robinson replied that it could not.  
Mr. Fitzgerald asked Dr. Robinson what valuable programs or resources have been cut in the past that the Superintendent would like to see return and Ms. Robinson pointed to the Gates program which had been curtailed due to past funding issues.
Ms. Jacob recommended the BOE consider looking at if savings could be found by moving from a 5-day schedule to a 6-day schedule at the MS.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked the committee and guests in general why there appears to be “suspicion” or a “dis-trust” of the BOE and/or of the school administration with regard to its past budgeting and spending practices.  It was determined by the group that this is a result of less-than-transparent reporting practices in the past and that this new board has demonstrated a willingness to open the books and repair that image.

NEW BUSINESS:           None
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Rich Woycik made a comment about how perception becomes reality and agreed with Mr. LaRocque that options that are floated to the public before being fully vetted are misleading and unnecessary.  He stated that if numbers presented initially were more accurate a better response might occur.  Ms. Bittman responded that the PTAs are present, and trying to give options to the budget.  She also stated that PTA members are sending email blasts to parents and are measured in their responses

Bob Morolla commented that he feels the configuration of schools should be considered to potentially save teachers.  He referred to Debbie Leidlein’s idea that the elementary schools change configuration to allow for K-5, Reed School 6 and 7th grade, and the high school hold the 8th grade, thus making the middle school unneeded and saving money for the roof and other additional costs.


ADJOURNMENT: ~Having no further business, Mr. Fitzgerald moved to adjourn. ~Seconded by Mr. LaRocque. ~All in favor. ~Meeting adjourned at 9:42 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris LaRocque