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2-4-10 Finance Subcmte

February 4, 2010
Lower Court Room, Town Hall, 45 Main Street

PRESENT:                 Chairman Ben Spragg, Dan Amaral, Gary Davis, Kevin Fitzgerald, Chris

ALSO PRESENT:    None noted

Chairman Spragg called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.  

Public Participation – None noted

Acceptance of Minutes – Upon motion by Mr. Fitzgerald, the minutes of the 1/19/10 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.

Capital Improvement plan Recommendations - Mr. Davis moved to recommend to the full Council the acceptance of the Capital Improvement Plan Recommendations.   Motion seconded and following a brief discussion and minor changes, the motion unanimously carried.  

Fairfield Hills Authority Negative Lease – Mr. Amaral moved to discus the referral from the Legislative Council the question whether it is appropriate for the Fairfield Hills Authority and Selectmen to enter into negative leases without following the special appropriation procedure in the Town Charter.  Motion seconded and discussed.

After a discussion on the parameters of the referral from the Legislative Council, Finance Committee members were assigned areas to research.  Mr. Spragg (The Public Act and Fairfield Hills Ordinance); Mr. Fitzgerald (Newtown Youth Academy Lease and three amendments); Mr. Amaral (Construction expenditures for the permanent parking for Fairfield Hills) and Mr. LaRocque (Selectmen minutes for discussion on savings in reference to the Lease Amendment).

Public Participation – None noted

Announcements – Mr. Spragg advised that this subcommittee will meet on the Thursdays following the Legislative Council Wednesday night meetings at 7:00 PM in the Lower Court Room, Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m.

Ben Spragg