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07-15-09 Public Hearing
Minutes from the Public Hearing of the Legislative Council held in the meeting room of the C. H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown, Connecticut, on Wednesday, July 15, 2009. Francis Pennarola opened  the hearing at 7:15 pm.

PURPOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING - The purpose of the hearing was to hear public comment on the possible enactment of the following proposed ordinance amendments and new ordinance: An amendment to the Parks and Recreation Commission ordinance, Chapter 21, Sections 21-1 through 21-11 and an amendment to Chapter 271, Road Construction

Present: John Aurelia, Sr., Joseph DiCandido, Francis Pennarola, Gary Davis, Joseph Hemingway, Patricia Llodra, Po Murray, Daniel Amaral, Jan Brookes, Jeffery Capeci, and new member Paul Lundquist.

Absent: William Rodgers

Also Present: Finance Director Bob Tait, Land Use Director George Benson, 3 members of the public and 1 member of the press


According to Patrick Barczak, 21 Grand Place, member of the Park and Recreation Commission, the purpose of the proposed ordinance amendments and new ordinance are to change the number of members serving on the Park and Recreation Commission from 6 to 7; to change the title of Treasurer to Finance Director and to elect a member as co-chair or vice-chair.

After a brief discussion, members agreed the proposed amendments and new ordinance would be addressed during the following regular meeting along with some suggested changes to the proposed amendments.

Mr. Benson briefly addressed the amendments to Chapter 271 Road Construction indicating that they would make things easier for the GIS system.

Mr. Pennarola closed the hearing at 7:27 pm.

Below is the text of the proposed amendments as presented to the Legislative Council -

21.1.   The Town of Newtown hereby authorizes the establishment of a Parks and Recreation Commission, to consist of seven members to be appointed as hereinafter provided, and whose purpose and duties shall be as follows:

21.2.   The Parks and Recreation Commission shall, at all times, supervise, maintain and develop for recreational purposes, such area or areas of land as may be donated or purchased for such use to the Town or assigned for such use by the Town. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall have sole supervision of any and all buildings and equipment installed in such Parks areas.

21.3.   Based on the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the First Selectman shall have sole authority to employ such help as may, in the opinion of the Commission, be necessary to properly supervise, maintain and develop those areas of land and structures and equipment within the jurisdiction of the Commission, provided that the cost shall be kept within the funds available to the Commission.

21.4.   A.      The funds available to the Parks and Recreation Commission or for park purposes from any source other than specific gift or bequest shall be placed in the custody of the Finance Director of the Town of Newtown, to be held, administered and disbursed by him as part of, and through, the Town of Newtown General Fund.

                B.      The funds available to the Parks and Recreation Commission or for park purposes from specific gifts or bequest shall be placed in the custody of the Finance Director of the Town of Newtown and shall be kept by him in an account, which shall be known as the Newtown Parks and Recreation Gift Fund, which account shall be separate and distinct from all other town accounts.

21.5.   A.      The Director of the Parks and Recreation Department shall authorize the disbursement of all funds appropriated by the Town of Newtown for parks and recreation purposes, by endorsement of its approval on all invoices and bills based on the approved budget for the fiscal year.

                B.      Disbursements from the Parks and Recreation Commission Fund shall be made on order of the Parks and Recreation Commission only, in accordance with the terms of the specific gifts or bequests, which make up said Fund.  All checks drawn on the Fund shall be signed by the Chairman and one other authorized member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and countersigned by the Finance Director of the Town of Newtown.
21.6.   The Parks and Recreation Commission may charge a fee for the use of any equipment or facilities in the Park areas, if such seems desirable, and shall have complete and sole authority to restrict the use of the Park areas.

21.7.   The Parks and Recreation Commission may make any rules it may deem necessary governing the use of the Parks areas, and any decision made by the Commission as to its adopted rules and regulations.

21.8.   All funds in the custody of the Finance Director in the Parks and Recreation Commission Fund that have not been encumbered shall at the end of the fiscal year, be transferred to the Town of Newtown General Fund.

21.9.   The Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission and the Director shall draw up an annual budget and present the same to the Board of Selectmen at a date determined by the Charter or the Financial Director.

21.10.  The Parks and Recreation Commission shall designate one of the Commissions to act as Chairman and Vice Chairman or Co-Chairmen, and shall adopt rules of procedure for its meetings not contrary to the terms of this Ordinance.

21.11.  Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall serve without compensation.


        1.      Section 271-12(A) is amended by adding paragraph (4) as follows:

        All planned and profiled drawings shall be submitted in both paper and electronic formats.  The electronic format shall meet the following criteria:

        (i)     Drawings shall be on a compact disc (CD).

        (ii)    Electronics shall be in a format as described by the Town's GIS coordinator.

        (iii)   A Certification Letter stating that the electronic drawing is a copy of the survey map that was presented to the Commission shall accompany electronic drawings.  A land surveyor licensed by the State of Connecticut shall certify the letter.

        2.      Section 271-45(E) (1) is amended by adding the following language:
        The "As Built" filed with the Selectman shall also be submitted in electronic format for the purpose of updating the Town's Geographic Information System (GIS) and shall meet the following criteria:

        (a)     Drawings shall be on a compact disc in a format as described by the Town's GIS coordinator.

        (b)     A Certification Letter stating that the electronic drawing is a copy of the "As Built" that was presented to the Selectman shall accompany the electronic drawings.  The letter shall be certified by a land surveyor licensed by the State of Connecticut.

Ted Swigart, Clerk