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Minutes from the regular meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, July 1, 2009, in the meeting room of the C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown. Chairman Rodgers called the regular meeting to order at 8:04 pm.
Present: John Aurelia, Patricia Llodra, Joseph Hemingway, Daniel Amaral, Joseph DiCandido, Jeff Capeci, Francis Pennarola, Jan Brookes, and Gary Davis.
Absent: Po Murray and John Torok
Also Present: Finance Director Bob Tait, Land Use Agency Director George Benson, Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority Bob Geckle, 11 members of the public and one member of the press.
A motion was promptly made by Mrs. Llodra for the Council to go into executive session with the Board of Finance and the Board of Education. Mr. Aurelia seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
Following the executive session at 9:30pm, the Council continued with its regular meeting. Due to the hour of the evening, Chairman Rodgers respectfully requested that the order of the agenda be altered to accommodate the public that was present.
New Business:
Transfers – Mr. Pennarola moved to transfer from account 01310-1006 Civilian Personnel the amount of $1,000 to account 01310-1003 Sworn Personnel the amount of $1,000. Mr. Aurelia seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Pennarola moved to transfer from account 01310-1008 Police Overtime Grant the sum of $7,000 to account 01310-1003 Sworn Personnel the amount of $7,000. Mr. Capeci seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Mr. Pennarola moved to transfer from account 01500-5063Line Painting the amount of $4,000 to account 01500-2018 Street Electric the amount of $4,000. Mr. Capeci seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Pennarola moved to transfer from account 01500-5080 Capitol Equipment the sum of $3,300 to account 01500-3050 Repairs the amount of $3,300. Mr. Capeci seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Mr. Pennarola moved to transfer from account 01515-4025 TS Contractual the amount of $1,000 to the account 01515-1003 TS Overtime the amount of $1,000. Mrs. Llodra seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Pennarola moved to transfer from account 01500-1003 Highway Payroll the sum of $1,000 to account 01500-1004 Regular Overtime the amount of $1,000. Mr. Capeci seconded. Mr. Amaral opposed the motion. Mr. Aurelia, Mrs. Llodra, Mr. Hemingway, Mr. DiCandido, Mr. Capeci, Mr. Pennarola, Mrs. Brookes, and Mr. Davis approved.

Report by Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority Bob Geckle – Mr. Geckle brought Council members up to date on the progress of the former FFH Property with a power point presentation and comprehensive handouts. He noted that in line with the rest of the Town, the FFH Authority decreased its operating budget for 2009/2010 by 5% to a total of $490,700.
Of the total funds amounting to $23,483,000, Mr. Geckle indicated that $11,358,000 was used for the new municipal office building,  $344,000 was for the new Emergency Operations Center, $8.5 million for the Newtown Youth Academy and $3.5 million for the Greenwich Hall Demolition to name a few.
In one of the handouts, Mr. Geckle broke down the incremental FFH costs associated with the Department of Health and the Department of Labor Inquiries as follows:
-       Legal, Environmental Fees – Environmental (Bartley Associates & TRC) $78,000 and Legal (Cohen & Wolf) $14,000
-       Town Agencies/Authority – Kendro Lease Extension (4 months) Admin. $76,500, Security & Temporary Lighting Rentals (FHA) $33,377, Diesel Fuel for Temporary Lighting (DPW) $6,000, 50% CAM charge reduction for NYA (FHA) $11,625
-       Greenwich Hall Demo/ Parking Lot Construction – Asbestos $86,760, Prevailing Wage $79,900, Temporary Road/ Parking $17,765 and Imported Fill Material $113,400
-       Bridgeport Hall Renovation $130,000
Following the presentation, Chairman Rodgers, Mrs. Brookes and Mrs. Llodra of the building committee, and other Council members praised Mr. Geckle’s exemplary work and efforts as well as the time he voluntarily put in overseeing the project.
Discussion and Possible Action: Housatonic Railroad Issues – Dave Broughton, 145 Currituck Road, said he was opposed to the current transfer station operations occurring at the Hawleyville railroad depot as well as their proposed expansion of those operations.
Mr. Broughton told the Council that originally the Housatonic Railroad’s storage building located behind their property was used for lumber and now their hauling in solid waste. He added that the building has a roof but no walls. Mr. Broughton noted that the waste was being brought in and held in the structure until it was hauled out.
Furthermore, he informed the Council that Housatonic railroad has put in a petition for permit to increase the input from 2,000 tons to 400,000 tons of solid waste a day.
He told the Council that there is not only an impact to the wetlands but a noise problem as well.
George Benson, Land Use Agency Director, reported that the Land Use Agency received complaints about the noise and didn’t realize waste was being taken out. He informed the Council that the only transfer facility allowed in a town must be operated by the town.
Mr. Benson added that with the permit, the railroad wants to bring in tires, contaminated soil, municipal waste and fly ash.
According to the Director, the railroad will get the materials from all over.
When asked by Mr. Hemingway if the railroad currently had a permit to do what they were doing, Mr. Benson said no.
After a lengthily discussion, Chairman Rodgers concluded that the Council could not act on the railroad issues that evening, but noted that it could be carried forward as an item of unfinished business.
Mr. Benson said he would get a packet together with all of the cease and desist orders that have been issued.
Council members were also quick to note that the current activity and increased activity could jeopardize the Hawleyville Fire Department’s response to calls.

At 10:52 pm Mr. Pennarola moved that the Council go into executive session. Mr. DiCandido seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.
The Council emerged from executive session about 10 minutes later.
Mr. Pennarola moved that the Council authorize Planning and Zoning and Land Use to bring court actions against Mr. and Mrs. Gaydosh of Huntingtown Road. Mrs. Llodra seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
At 11:05 Mrs. Llodra moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Mr. Aurelia seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.