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Minutes of the regular meeting of the legislative Council held on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 in the Meeting room of the C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM

PRESENT:  Joseph Hemingway, John Torok, John Aurelia, Gary Davis, Jeffery Capeci, Joseph DiCandido, Francis Pennarola, William Rodgers, Jan Brookes, Patricia Llodra, Daniel Amaral, Po Murray
ABSENT: none

ALSO PRESENT:  Tom Carruthers, Debbie Aurelia and Gino Faiello, 3 member of the public and one member of the press.


Mr. Capeci moved to accept of the minutes from the meeting February 4, 2009 as presented.  Mrs. Llodra seconded. However in light of the fact not all council members had a chance to review the minutes, Mr. Rodgers suggested the approval of the minutes be tabled until the next meeting.

 Mr. Rodgers stated that Ann Mazur is up and walking with a cane and sent a thank you note for the flowers from the council.
Fairfield Hills – Mr. Geckle suggested he come and give periodic update at next meeting.

Any questions concerning De Marco, Miles & Murphy’s management fees charged to the town and Board of Education regarding Bridgeport Hall may be addressed soon and will likely appear as an agenda item at a subsequent meeting.

ATMI – Mr. Rodgers, relayed a report from Liz Stocker of the Economic Development Commission, indicating ATMI is the business interested in taking the Pitney Bowes space in Town. The economic commission elaborated on their prior resolutions that both real property and personal property tax relief that is afforded in the statutes their in support of granting. However at the moment there’s still not an application pending by ATMI.

USER FEES SCHOOL CHARGES – Mr. Rodgers addressed questions that had been raised regarding the user fees the school charges and why they go into general funds instead of dedicated education funds. Mr. Rodgers spoke with Bob Tait, Director of Finance, and he said that was pursuant to the town auditors interpretation of the state statutes and that is how it has to be expressed.

MEETING DATES for budget deliberation, March 18, 2009 – Public Hearing in lieu of regularly scheduled meeting, March 26, 2009 - special meeting, April 1, 2009 – special meeting, and April 8, 2009 – regular meeting.


Ordinance Committee - Mr. Pennarola will be inviting the police commission to come and report on the results of their traffic calming study.

Communications Committee –Ms. Llodra reported the committee has made incremental progress in their initiative to insure that the Newtown Town Hall conference room is equipped with the right infrastructure to provide access for live or live taped transmission of municipal meetings that occur in that conference room.
The biggest obstacles she said were the layout of the control room and the communication regarding the scope of the work being performed by the subcontractor.
According to Mr. Capeci, the Tech Club at the High School will be gathering up all the tapings on Channel 17 and the Newtown Bee web site on U-Tube.
Mr. Davis indicated that the challenge will be when the council is having their meetings in the conference room because of the number of people.

Education Sub Committee – Met with the Board of Education reviewing the budget and determined six areas of concentration – enrollment in Kindergarten, the proposal to increase staff by adding a language teacher, transportation of students to no less than 6  non public institutions, lightning suppression at the Middle School, freeze or furlow and its cost savings to the Town and the Board of education, and the agency fee issue regarding how the money is accounted for.

Consolidating maintenance expenses of municipal and school facilities -  Mr. Amaral reported that they have compiled questions for Fred Hurley of the Public Works Department and Gino Faiello, head of the school maintenance. Mr. Rodgers suggested they discuss whether the things that are being outsourced need to be outsourced (i.e. De Marco at Fairfield Hills).


Mr. Borst could not be present due to a conflict with the Board of Finance Budget meeting.  
Ms. Murray said she attended the board of selectman’s earlier today and indicated that the Army decided to withdraw its interest in High Meadow.


Discussion and Possible Action: Request from the Board of Education, in accordance with the Town of Newtown’s Charter Section 6-30, (a), (b) & (c), request a special appropriation of $897,286 for installation of modular classrooms at Newtown High School in the Spring of 2009.

Mr. Pennarola made the motion to adopt the resolution proving for a special appropriation in the amount of $897.286 for the purchase of modular classrooms including the electrical and sewer connections to be used at Newtown high School and authorizing the issuance of $897,286 in bonds to the town meets that the appropriation and pending the issuance the of making of temporary borrowing for such purposes and that we waive the reading of the balance of the resolution. And authorize the selectman  to call a special town meeting if applicable for the consideration of the resolution. Ms Murray seconded, the motion was approved by a unanimously by a roll call vote.

According to Mr. Rodgers, the $90,000 for the removal was actually taken out now and the Board of Ed expects that money back at future date.


Mr. Pennerola moved to adopt the resolution with respect to authorization, issuance and sale of not exceeding $10,000,000 Town of Newtown general obligation refunding bonds and to waive the balance of the resolution. Mr Capeci seconded. The motion was unanimously accepted by roll call vote.

Mr. Pennerola moved to authorize and direct the Board of Selectman to call a Special Town Meeting to consider and act upon the resolution entitled, “Resolution With Respect To The Authorization, Issuance And Sale Of Not Exceeding $10,000,000 Town Of Newtown General Obligation Refunding Bonds.” Ms. Llodra seconded. The motion was unanimously accepted by a roll call vote.

Mr Pennerola moved to transfer from Contingency 01579-2000 $10,000 to Account 01680-0000 Cultural Arts Comm. $10,000. Mr. Torok seconded. The motion was unanimously approved following a brief summary by Mr. Pennerola and a question and answer session, with Tom Carruthers of the Connecticut Film Festival.

According to Mr. Pennerola, Newtown Cultural Arts Commission is proposing a one day Connecticut Film Festival which will run for a 12-hour period on Saturday April 25, 2009 and a feature of the program will be a screening of the work in progress of “Dyslexia the Movie” a documentary by Harvey Hubble.  Mr. Carruthers said that the Connecticut Film Festival runs throughout the state and typically culminates in a six day and night event. “Dyslexia” will be one out of 10 to 15 films we will show that day.



Mr. Davis suggested that the council craft a letter asking the State for relief from unfunded mandates during these difficult economic times.

Mr. Rodgers indicated he make the matter as a future agenda item.

Having no further business, meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM

Ted Swigart, Clerk