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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 in the Meeting Room of the C. H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: William Rodgers, Daniel Amaral, Joseph Borst, David Brown, Jeffrey Capeci , Joseph DiCandido, Stacie Doyle, Michael Iassogna,  Patricia Llodra.  ABSENT: Timothy Holian, Keith Jacobs, Francis Pennarola. ALSO PRESENT:  Assistant Superintendent Linda Gejda, five members of public, one member of press.

Mr. Rodgers explained that the only item that will be discussed by the Council tonight will be year-round schooling. A public hearing will be scheduled for November for the Charter Revision Committee’s resubmitted report; the Council has 15 days after the hearing to submit a report to the Charter Revision Committee, who will then report back to the Council. Mr. Lundquist’s survey has already been distributed. Mr. Capeci will report on the administrator’s contract in executive session. There is no report on An irrevocable trust fund and the Request by the Town of Newtown Water & Sewer Authority to increase the general water and sewer rates and sewer and water rates for Nunnawauk Meadows.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Mr. Borst, the minutes of the regular meeting of September 5, 2007 were unanimously  accepted as presented.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Robert Hall, 5 Middleton Avenue, asked that the Legislative Council reject the Charter Revision Committee’s recommendations concerning the Board of Finance and to leave them alone.



FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Rosenthal was not present.


Year-Round Schooling. Dr. Gejda said that there are three year-round schooling models: 1) a single track where all students are on the same school year calendar; 2) a multi-track model where 75% attend year round and 25% are off; 3) extended school year from 180 to 240 days. Mr. DiCandido said that the question was whether year-round schooling should be considered during the interim during construction and was concerned about NEASC putting the Town on probation. Dr. Gejda said that NEASC looks at whether the Town is attempting to solve the issues and it will be noted that the Legislative Council and the Board of Education discussed year-round schooling. Mr. DiCandido feels that the children could benefit from year-round schooling action. Dr. Gejda was not aware that the question was about action during construction; she thought the question was whether year-round schooling could be an alternative to the present schedule. Mr. Rodgers said that the question was how issues would be addressed during construction or possibly year-round schooling as a pilot program. Dr. Gejda said she had never heard that construction would impede the education process and that discussions will happen when construction begins. Mr. Rodgers said that if the Legislative Council had this information it may alleviate some concerns. Mr. DiCandido asked if there is financial data available. Dr. Gejda said that in his report Dr. Jokabaitis addressed such issues as transportation and operating expenses. Mr. Capeci asked if the Board of Ed discussed year-round schooling with other systems with this model. Dr. Gejda said that she feels that we must evaluate Newtown and talk to systems similar to Newtown. She noted that the Board of Education voted to reject this as a possibility.  

Mr. Rodgers said that the Legislative Council did not suggest that the Board of Education consider this for the long term but he said he said the Board of Education first gave the Legislative Council a cavalier response and then no response. The Legislative Council asked that this be addressed and would like an answer to this and Mr. Rodgers asked that Dr. Gejda report this to the Board of Education. Mr. Iassogna said that the use of portables, the cafeteria and the gym to free classrooms could be part of a list that the Board of Education could compile about what is being done to alleviate overcrowding. Mr. Borst noted that work will be done over the summer. Mrs. Llodra said that if  NEASC looks favorably on a  Town that responds in good faith and presents permanent solutions.

NEW BUSINESS. None noted.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Ann Zerlik, Aunt Park Lane, agrees with portables as a solution and asked what other possibilities are being considered if year-round schooling has been rejected. Mr. Rodgers noted that public participation is to address the Legislative Council rhetorically and suggested that Ms. Zerlik and Dr. Gejda discuss this outside this meeting. Ms. Zerlik asked if the Legislative Council made any recommendations to the Board of Education regarding year-round schooling, to which Mr. Rodgers replied no.


Mr. Brown noted that there are Boy Scouts in the audience. Their Scoutmaster said they are attending a Legislative Council meeting as part of a requirement to become Eagle scouts.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. Upon motion of Mr. Borst executive session was entered at 8:15 p.m. to discuss the administrators’ contract negotiations and Mr. Mangiafico was invited to attend.  

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk